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Scala学习笔记(Scala编程第30章 Actors and Concurrency 例子分析)

Scala编程第30章 Actors and Concurrency 例子分析。

 * 《Programming In Scala》第30章 Actors and Concurrency 例子

package org.stairwaybook.simulation2
import scala.actors.Actor
import scala.actors.Actor._
//Ping消息 Clock -> Simulant
case class Ping(time: Int)
//Pong消息 Simulat -> Clock
case class Pong(time: Int, from: Actor)
case class WorkItem(time: Int, msg: Any, target: Actor)
case class AfterDelay(delay: Int, msg: Any, target: Actor)
case object Start
case object Stop

class Clock extends Actor {
    private var running = false
    private var currentTime = 0
    private var agenda: List[WorkItem] = List()
    private var allSimulants: List[Actor] = List()
    private var busySimulants: Set[Actor] = Set.empty
    def add(sim: Simulant) {
        allSimulants = sim :: allSimulants
    def act() {
        loop {
            if (running && busySimulants.isEmpty)
    def advance() {
        if (agenda.isEmpty && currentTime > 0) {
            println("** Agenda empty. Clock exiting at time " + currentTime+".")
            self ! Stop
        currentTime += 1
        println("Advancing to time "+currentTime)
        for (sim <- allSimulants)
            sim ! Ping(currentTime)
        busySimulants = Set.empty ++ allSimulants
    private def processCurrentEvents() {
        val todoNow = agenda.takeWhile(_.time <= currentTime)
        agenda = agenda.drop(todoNow.length)
        for (WorkItem(time, msg, target) <- todoNow) {
            assert(time == currentTime) //由于advance每次只推进1
            target ! msg
    def reactToOneMessage() {
        react {
            case AfterDelay(delay, msg, target) =>
                val item = WorkItem(currentTime + delay, msg, target)
                agenda = insert(agenda, item)
            case Pong(time, sim) =>
                assert(time == currentTime)
                assert(busySimulants contains sim)
                busySimulants -= sim
            case Start => running = true
            case Stop =>
                for (sim <- allSimulants)
                    sim ! Stop
    private def insert(ag: List[WorkItem], item: WorkItem): List[WorkItem] = {
        if (ag.isEmpty || item.time < ag.head.time) item :: ag
        else ag.head :: insert(ag.tail, item)
trait Simulant extends Actor {
    val clock: Clock
    def handleSimMessage(msg: Any)
    def simStarting() { }
    def act() {
        loop {
            react {
                case Stop => exit()
                case Ping(time) =>
                    if (time == 1) simStarting()
                    clock ! Pong(time, self)
                case msg => handleSimMessage(msg)

class Circuit {
    val clock = new Clock
    case class SetSignal(sig: Boolean)
    case class SignalChanged(wire: Wire, sig: Boolean)
    val WireDelay = 1
    val InverterDelay = 2
    val OrGateDelay = 3
    val AndGateDelay = 3
    class Wire(name: String, init: Boolean) extends Simulant {
        def this(name: String) { this(name, false) }
        def this() { this("unnamed") }
        val clock = Circuit.this.clock
        private var sigVal = init
        private var observers: List[Actor] = List()

        def handleSimMessage(msg: Any) {
            msg match {
                case SetSignal(s) =>
                    if (s != sigVal) {
                        sigVal = s
        def signalObservers() {
            for (obs <- observers)
                clock ! AfterDelay(
                    SignalChanged(this, sigVal),
        override def simStarting() { signalObservers() }
        def addObserver(obs: Actor) {
            observers = obs :: observers
        override def toString = "Wire("+ name +")"

    private object DummyWire extends Wire("dummy")

    abstract class Gate(in1: Wire, in2: Wire, out: Wire)
            extends Simulant {
        def computeOutput(s1: Boolean, s2: Boolean): Boolean
        val delay: Int
        val clock = Circuit.this.clock
        var s1, s2 = false

        def handleSimMessage(msg: Any) {
            msg match {
                case SignalChanged(w, sig) =>
                    if (w == in1)
                        s1 = sig
                    if (w == in2)
                        s2 = sig
                    clock ! AfterDelay(delay,
                                SetSignal(computeOutput(s1, s2)),

    def orGate(in1: Wire, in2: Wire, output: Wire) =
        new Gate(in1, in2, output) {
            val delay = OrGateDelay
            def computeOutput(s1: Boolean, s2: Boolean) = s1 || s2
    def andGate(in1: Wire, in2: Wire, output: Wire) =
        new Gate(in1, in2, output) {
            val delay = AndGateDelay
            def computeOutput(s1: Boolean, s2: Boolean) = s1 && s2
    def inverter(input: Wire, output: Wire) =
        new Gate(input, DummyWire, output) {
            val delay = InverterDelay
            def computeOutput(s1: Boolean, ignored: Boolean) = !s1
    def probe(wire: Wire) = new Simulant {
        val clock = Circuit.this.clock
        def handleSimMessage(msg: Any) {
            msg match {
                case SignalChanged(w, s) =>
                    println("signal "+ w +" changed to "+ s)
    def start() { clock ! Start }
trait Adders extends Circuit {
    def halfAdder(a: Wire, b: Wire, s: Wire, c: Wire) {
        val d, e = new Wire
        orGate(a, b, d)
        andGate(a, b, c)
        inverter(c, e)
        andGate(d, e, s)
    def fullAdder(a: Wire, b: Wire, cin: Wire,
            sum: Wire, cout: Wire) {
        val s, c1, c2 = new Wire
        halfAdder(a, cin, s, c1)
        halfAdder(b, s, sum, c2)
        orGate(c1, c2, cout)
object Demo {
    def main(args: Array[String]) {
        val circuit = new Circuit with Adders
        import circuit._
        val ain = new Wire("ain", true)
        val bin = new Wire("bin", false)
        val cin = new Wire("cin", true)
        val sout = new Wire("sout")
        val cout = new Wire("cout")
        fullAdder(ain, bin, cin, sout, cout)

Advancing to time 1
Advancing to time 2
signal Wire(cout) changed to false
signal Wire(sout) changed to false
signal Wire(cin) changed to true
signal Wire(bin) changed to false
signal Wire(ain) changed to true
Advancing to time 3
Advancing to time 4
Advancing to time 5
Advancing to time 6
Advancing to time 7
Advancing to time 8
Advancing to time 9
Advancing to time 10
signal Wire(cout) changed to true
Advancing to time 11
Advancing to time 12
Advancing to time 13
Advancing to time 14
Advancing to time 15
Advancing to time 16
Advancing to time 17
Advancing to time 18
signal Wire(sout) changed to true
Advancing to time 19
Advancing to time 20
Advancing to time 21
signal Wire(sout) changed to false
** Agenda empty. Clock exiting at time 21.



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