
Stellent UCM installation in Linux 5.3


General Steps:

1. install and setup Oracle DB

2. create admin user and table space from UCM

3. install stellent UCM

4. configure the Apache server


Detail Steps:

1. Install and setup Oracle DB.

you can download the latest version here: 


NOTE charset: select AL32UTF8


2. create admin user and table space from UCM

Start SQLPLUS: sqlplus / as sysdba

run the follow statement to create ucm user and table space:



create temporary tablespace ucm_temp   
tempfile '/home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/ucm/ucm_temp.dbf'   
size 100m; 

create tablespace ucm_system   
datafile '/home/oracle/app/oracle/oradata/ucm/ucm_system.dbf'   
size 300m minimum extent 1M   
default storage ( initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 0);  

CREATE ROLE contentserver_role;
GRANT CREATE SESSION TO contentserver_role;
GRANT ALTER SESSION TO contentserver_role;
GRANT CREATE TABLE TO contentserver_role;
GRANT CREATE TYPE TO contentserver_role;
GRANT CREATE PROCEDURE TO contentserver_role;
GRANT CTXAPP TO contentserver_role;
GRANT CREATE TRIGGER TO contentserver_role;

CREATE USER ucm identified by ucm default tablespace ucm_system temporary tablespace ucm_temp;
grant contentserver_role to ucm ;
grant unlimited tablespace to ucm ;



3. install the stellent UCM.






Please enter the full pathname to the installation directory.
Content Server Core Folder [/opt/oracle/app/ucm]:

Java virtual machine
         1. Sun Java 1.5.0_11 JDK
        *2. Specify a custom Java virtual machine

Enter the path to a Java virtual machine executable [/home/oracle/SDK/jdk/jre/bin/java]:
Installing with Java version 1.6.0_16.
(internal)      01.22 15:47:51.297      main    Timezone 'Asia/Chongqing' referenced by locale 'English-US' is not in the timezone table.
Locale will use system timezone.

Enter the location of the native file repository. This directory contains the
native files checked in by contributors.
Content Server Native Vault Folder [/opt/oracle/app/ucm/vault/]:

Enter the location of the web-viewable file repository. This directory
contains files that can be accessed through the web server.
Content Server Weblayout Folder [/opt/oracle/app/ucm/weblayout/]:

This server can be configured to manage its own authentication or to allow
another master to act as an authentication proxy.
Configure this server as a master or proxied server.
        *1. Configure as a master server.
         2. Configure as server proxied by a local master server.

During installation, an admin server can be installed and configured to
manage this server. If there is already an admin server on this system, you
can have the installer configure it to administrate this server instead.
Select admin server configuration.
        *1. Install an admin server to manage this server.
         2. Configure an existing admin server to manage this server.
         3. Don't configure an admin server.

Enter the location of an executable to start your web browser. This browser
will be used to display the online help.
Web Browser Path [/usr/bin/firefox]:
Content Server System locale
          1. Chinese-Simplified
          2. Chinese-Traditional
          3. Deutsch
         *4. English-US
          5. English-UK
          6. Espa?±ol
          7. Fran?§ais
          8. Italiano
          9. Japanese
         10. Korean
         11. Nederlands
         12. Portugu?as-Brazil

Please enter the port number that will be used to connect to the Content
Server. This port must be otherwise unused.
Content Server Port [4444]:

Please enter the port number that will be used to connect to the Admin
Server. This port must be otherwise unused.
Admin Server Port [4440]:

Enter a security filter for the server port. Hosts which are allowed to
communicate directly with the server port may access any resources managed by
the server. Insure that hosts which need access are included in the filter.
See the installation guide for more details.
Incoming connection address filter []:

*** Content Server URL Prefix

The URL prefix specified here is used when generating HTML pages that refer
to the contents of the weblayout directory within the installation. This
prefix must be mapped in the web server Additional Document Directories
section of the Content Management administration menu to the physical
location of the weblayout directory.

For example, "/idc/" would be used in your installation to refer to the URL
http://ucm.company.com/idc which would be mapped in the web server to the
physical location /oracle/ucm/server/weblayout.
Web Server Relative Root [/idc/]:
Enter the name of the local mail server. The server will contact this system
to deliver email.
Company Mail Server [mail]:

Enter the e-mail address for the system administrator.
Administrator E-Mail Address [sysadmin@mail]:

*** Web Server Address

Many generated HTML pages refer to the web server you are using. The address
specified here will be used when generating those pages. The address should
include the host and domain name in most cases. If your webserver is running
on a port other than 80, append a colon and the port number.

Examples: www.company.com, ucm.company.com:90
Web Server HTTP Address [l360cn03.cn.oracle.com]:

Enter the name for this instance. This name should be unique across your
entire enterprise. It may not contain characters other than letters, numbers,
and underscores.
Server Instance Name [idc]:

Enter a short label for this instance. This label is used on web pages to
identify this instance. It should be less than 12 characters long.
Server Instance Label [idc]:

Enter a long description for this instance.
Server Description [Content Server idc]:

Web Server
        *1. Apache
         2. Sun ONE
         3. Configure manually

Please select a database from the list below to use with the Content Server.
Content Server Database
        *1. Oracle
         2. Microsoft SQL Server 2005
         3. Microsoft SQL Server 2000
         4. Sybase
         5. DB2
         6. Custom JDBC settings
         7. Skip database configuration
Manually configure JDBC settings for this database
         1. yes
        *2. no

Oracle Server Hostname [localhost]:

Oracle Listener Port Number [1521]:

*** Database User ID

The user name is used to log into the database used by the content server.
Oracle User [ucm]:

*** Database Password

The password is used to log into the database used by the content server.
Oracle Password [***]:

Oracle Instance Name [orcl]:ucm

Configure the JVM to find the JDBC driver in a specific jar file
         1. yes
        *2. no

The installer can attempt to create the database tables or you can manually
create them. If you choose to manually create the tables, you should create
them now.
Attempt to create database tables
        *1. yes
         2. no

Select components to install.
        *1. ContentFolios: Collect related items in folios
        *2. Folders_g: Organize content into hierarchical folders
        *3. LinkManager8: Hypertext link management support
        *4. OracleTextSearch: External Oracle 11g database as search indexer support
        *5. ThreadedDiscussions: Threaded discussion management
Enter numbers separated by commas to toggle, 0 to unselect all, F to finish: F

Proceed with install
         1. Proceed
        *2. Change configuration
         3. Recheck the configuration
         4. Abort installation

Checking configuration. . .

Configuration OK.

Review install settings. . .
Content Server Core Folder: /opt/oracle/app/ucm
Java virtual machine: Specify a custom Java virtual machine
Enter the path to a Java virtual machine executable:
Content Server Native Vault Folder: /opt/oracle/app/ucm/vault/
Content Server Weblayout Folder: /opt/oracle/app/ucm/weblayout/
Proxy authentication through another server: no
Install admin server: yes
Web Browser Path: /usr/bin/firefox
Content Server System locale: English-US
Content Server Port: 4444
Admin Server Port: 4440
Incoming connection address filter:
Web Server Relative Root: /idc/
Company Mail Server: mail
Administrator E-Mail Address: sysadmin@mail
Web Server HTTP Address: l360cn03.cn.oracle.com
Server Instance Name: idc
Server Instance Label: idc
Server Description: Content Server idc
Web Server: Apache
Content Server Database: Oracle
Manually configure JDBC settings for this database: false
Oracle Server Hostname: localhost
Oracle Listener Port Number: 1521
Oracle User: ucm
Oracle Password: hOYGE/WjtaG1G/Fgm3xJXa2194WX5GMrSeGcNyfW4OM=
Oracle Instance Name: ucm
Configure the JVM to find the JDBC driver in a specific jar file: false
Attempt to create database tables: Yes

Proceed with install
        *1. Proceed
         2. Change configuration
         3. Recheck the configuration
         4. Abort installation
Finished install type Install at 1/22/10 4:02 PM.


1. JVM path should include the java: you can also choice the default, jvm1.5.


Enter the path to a Java virtual machine executable [/home/oracle/SDK/jdk/jre/bin/java]:

Installing with Java version 1.6.0_16.

(internal)      01.22 15:47:51.297      main    Timezone 'Asia/Chongqing' referenced by locale 'English-US' is not in the timezone table.

Locale will use system timezone.


2. Let the setup program create ucm tables for us:


The installer can attempt to create the database tables or you can manually

create them. If you choose to manually create the tables, you should create

them now.

Attempt to create database tables

        *1. yes

         2. no


  • 大小: 69.3 KB



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    [http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en542849](http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en542849) ...

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    - 下载地址为:[Microchip官网](http://www.microchip.com/stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en535364)。 2. **安装过程**: - 在安装过程中,可以选择试用版本,通常提供60天免费...

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