使用Mybatis generator连接oracle去生成代码的时候,报错:Table configuration with catalog null, schema , and table did not resolve to any tables
Power Designer 里导出的sql中,带上了双引号。如;
create table "fire_alarm" ( "id" NUMBER(6) not null, "title" VARCHAR2(256) default NULL, "info" VARCHAR2(512) default NULL, "time" TIMESTAMP default NULL, constraint PK_FIRE_ALARM primary key ("id") )
把所有的引号" 去掉。
在数据库管理中,Catalog(目录)和Schema(模式)是两个非常重要的概念,它们构成了数据库组织和管理的基础。本文将深入探讨这两个概念,以及它们在实际应用中的作用。 首先,让我们来理解什么是Catalog。在数据库...
**前端开源库-json-schema-to-markdown-table** 在前端开发中,数据验证和文档生成是两个重要的环节。`json-schema-to-markdown-table` 是一个非常实用的开源库,它旨在帮助开发者将JSON Schema转换成Markdown表格...
I wrote this book to be a helpful and concise guide to MongoDB Schema design, as well as a repository to look up specific MongoDB Schema patterns. This book came around, due to my experiences teaching...
《Python库table_schema_to_markdown-0.4.0-py2-none-any.whl详解》 在Python的开发世界中,库是构建复杂应用程序的重要基石。`table_schema_to_markdown`是一个这样的库,它专注于将表格模式转换为Markdown格式,...
tableschema-py, 用于处理表架构的python 库 TableSchema py python 中使用表模式的库。特性Table 处理表架构所描述的数据表表示表架构的Schema表示表架构字段的Field验证表架构的validate从数据中推断表架构的i
json模式表 创建并维护一个与json模式定义等效SQL表结构。 对于MSSQL和Postgres 首先,创建所有表,然后进行同步,以创建引用。...// initialize and connect to a databasevar studentTable = jsonSchemaT
JSON Schema是一种JSON格式的规范,用于定义JSON数据的结构和限制。它类似于XML Schema和DTD(文档类型定义),为JSON提供了验证和约束的能力。在TypeScript中,typing或类型定义文件(.d.ts)用于提供静态类型检查...
(c) typing a syntactically correct SQL query that uses column and table names similar to the correct column and table names in a database (d) writing an English description of the data that the user...
当遇到错误“mysql Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist”时,这通常意味着尝试访问的`performance_schema`中的`session_variables`表不存在。这个表记录了当前会话的系统变量值,对于分析...
the Configuration Management system allows you to keep track of your configuration and move configuration changes between several development environments with ease. Drupal 8 Configuration ...
XmlSchema and XmlSchemas Members Section 15.9. Get an XML Map from a List or Range Section 15.10. XPath Members Section 15.11. Resources Chapter 16. Charting Section 16.1. Navigate Chart ...
tool.jar下载Unable to create schema compiler需要加载tool.jar的同学们。
Could not resolve dependencies for project org.apache.flink:flink-avro-confluent-registry:jar:1.15.3: Could not find artifact io.confluent:kafka-schema-registry-client:jar:6.2.2 in maven 安装本地...
在上述描述中,遇到的问题是当使用MySQL 5.1.34版本的`mysql-connector-java` JDBC驱动尝试连接MariaDB 5.7时,出现了“Table 'performance_schema.session_variables' doesn't exist”的错误。这是因为`performance...
* Dates < 1901 were not copied correctly to Excel 2007 and 2010 * Selecting a previously logged off connection would not always log that connection on again * SQL Window and Test Window did not ...
SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = 'your_database' AND table_name = 'your_table'; ``` 4. **获取某张表的所有索引信息**: ```sql SELECT ...
Beginning with an overview of the SQL Server query operations and tools used with T-SQL, this authoritative text explains how to design and build applications of increasing complexity. ...
Beginning with an overview of the SQL Server query operations and tools used with T-SQL, this authoritative text explains how to design and build applications of increasing complexity. Table...
Beginning with an overview of the SQL Server query operations and tools used with T-SQL, this authoritative text explains how to design and build applications of increasing complexity. Table of ...
Spring Boot JPA写原生SQL报Cannot resolve table错误解决方法 Spring Boot JPA写原生SQL报Cannot resolve table错误解决方法是指在使用Spring Boot框架和JPA(Java Persistence API)时,编写原生SQL语句报Cannot ...