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Manual Installation Steps For Archive Client Installation on Red Hat Linux 4.0


On Red hat Linus 4.0 (64-Bit), manual installation steps are required to install the archive client. 

Manual Installation Steps For Archive Client:
1. Copy the following JAR files from Archive Client CD. 
       a. ArchiveClient.jar           
       b. CoreArchive.jar              
       c. tripjtk.jar                     
       d. triputil.jar      
     Paste the JAR files into the following directory: 
2. Restart the Windchill Server.
3. Run following command 
     <windchill shell/codebase> ant -f archivesystem.xml
4. When prompted, enter the following information:
       – Archive System to configure [cya or file] -- If you are configuring EMC Centerra devi 
 ce, specify 'cya' else specify 'file'.
       – Archive volume name -- The name of the archive volume create/referenced in the " 
 Before You Begin" section. 
       – Search volume name -- A comma separated list of names of the archive volumes that the 
  Windchill server will be able to search against.
       – Retention period -- The retention period, in years for archived data.
       – Archive host name -- The name or IP address of the machine hosting the Windchill Arch 
 ive Server.
       – Archive server port -- The port number for the Windchill Archive Server database (by  
 default 23457).
       – Archive RMI port -- The port number for the Windchill Archive Server RMI interface.
       – Windchill Archive user name -- The user name that will be used to connect to the Wind 
 chill Archive Server.
       – System password -- The password for the specified Windchill Archive user.


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