We are software developers who take pride in our work but choose not to be wholly defined by it.
As such, we are proud to say that we value:
Our families over the commercial goals of business owners
Free time over free snacks
Living our lives over maintaining our personal brands
Sustainable pace over muscle-man heroics
Our personal creative projects over commercial products the world doesn't need
Having money for nice clothes over getting free t-shirts from Microsoft
Playing fußball in the pub with our friends over playing fußball in the office with our team leader
Not being a dick over being a rockstar
That is to say, we value the things on the left more than we value the things on the right. And some of the things on the right aren't even on our radar.
If you:
Write a technical blog
Contribute to open source projects
Attend user groups in your spare time
Mostly only read books about coding and productivity
Push to GitHub while sitting on the toilet
Are committed to maximum awesomeness at all times, or would have us believe it
...we respect you for it. There's probably some pity in there too, but honestly, it's mostly respect.
We recognize that your willingness to allow your employment to penetrate deeply into your personal life means that you will inevitably become our supervisor. We're cool with this.
In return, you must recognize that the success of the projects on which we work together depends largely upon the degree to which you treat us with respect, both as skilled professionals and as a diversity of autonomous living people. Get that right, and we'll do a great job. Get it badly wrong, and there's a risk that we'll piss all over your fireworks. There are more of us than there are of you.
To us it is just a job, but we still do it well.
the link of the original blog:
Build resilient applied machine learning teams that deliver better data products through adapting the guiding principles of the Agile Manifesto. Bringing together talented people to create a great ...
Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0 数字人文宣言2.0.pdf
《信息安全与数据安全:The Metrics Manifesto》是关于如何通过有效的指标来提升安全性的核心理念。这份文档由Richard Seiersen撰写,强调了在安全领域中,如何通过缩小攻击面并减少价值暴露来应对日益严峻的安全...
manifesto, 协作式政治宣言 OpenPolitics声明这是一个共同创建政治宣言的实验。 你可以阅读和贡献manifesto在线,你还可以查看目前讨论的提案列表。:如何参与任何人都可以改变或者添加一些东西。 只需访问宣言页面...
variety of different technologies, such as databases, file systems, and web services, but only in the context in which these are employed by web applications. If you want to learn how to run port ...
《数据库,类型和关系模型-第三宣言》一书是数据库领域内的专业读物,由C.J.Date和Hugh Darwen联合撰写。这本书为数据库管理系统(DBMS)的设计以及数据库管理系统语言界面的抽象蓝图提供了详尽的研究。...
《反应式宣言》(The Reactive Manifesto)是一份旨在为软件架构设计提供指导原则的文档,由反应式编程(Reactive Programming)和反应式系统(Reactive Systems)的专家们共同撰写。这份宣言于2014年9月发布,给出...
- We value languages that are optimized for developers over the computer - We value agile development over waterfall development - We value open-source frameworks and tools over tools controlled by a...
GNU 宣言 gnu manifesto
Manifesto for Agile Software Development
在当前教育和技术领域中,“情感学习”(Affective Learning)是一个日益受到关注的概念。这篇文章的作者们提出了一种宣言,旨在强调情感与认知在学习过程中的同等重要性,并通过计算机技术来促进这一平衡。...
**敏捷宣言(Manifesto for Agile)** 敏捷宣言是软件开发领域的一个重要里程碑,它于2001年由17位软件开发先驱在犹他州雪鸟会议上共同制定。这个宣言旨在提供一种更加灵活、适应变化的软件开发方法,以应对传统...
宣言.js 用于离线缓存清单管理的 javascript 库##introduction manifesto.js是一个小脚本,可让您控制 Web 应用程序的离线和存储缓存清单体验。设计模式manifesto.js建立在一个揭示模块模式的基础上,它公开了两 (2)...
As coauthor of the original Agile Manifesto, Jim Highsmith has been at its heart since the beginning. He's spent the past decade helping hundreds of organizations transition to agile / lean. When it ...
we can say that PWAs inherit all the major concepts that were already part of the Reactive Manifesto and bring them further on with brand new features--such as Service Workers--that would not have ...
npm install manifesto.js --save入门文献资料开发人员设定git clone https://github.com/iiif-commons/manifesto.gitnpm installnpm buildnpm test发布包在master以外的分支上使用npm version在本地npm version 。...