Enable global trust between domains
Before you begin
When this feature is enabled, identity is passed between WebLogic Server domains over an RMI connection without requiring authentication in the second domain. When inter-domain trust is enabled, transactions can commit across domains. A trust relationship is established when the Domain Credential for one domain matches the Domain Credential for another domain.
By default, the Domain Credential is randomly generated and therefore, no two domains will have the same Domain Credential. If you want two WebLogic Server domains to interoperate, you need to replace the generated credential with a credential you select, and set the same credential in each of the domains.
Instead of enabling global trust between domains, consider using the CrossDomainConnector role, as described in Enable Cross Domain Security between domains.
- If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
- In the left pane, click the name of the domain.
- Select Security > General. Scroll down and click Advanced.
- Enter a password for the domain in the Credential text field. Choose the password carefully. Oracle Systems recommends using a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers.
- Click Save.
- To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).
After you finish
Perform the same procedure in each domain for which you want to enable global trust.
9. **启动域服务器**:创建完成后,在域目录中找到并执行`startWebLogic.cmd`脚本,以启动域服务器。此时,如果一切配置正确,将会看到域服务器成功启动的信息。 #### 四、域服务器控制台的管理与监控 - **活动...
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在这里运行`./config.sh`脚本来启动域配置向导。按照以下步骤操作: 1. 选择1,表示创建新域。 2. 再次选择1,表示使用默认设置。 3. 选择模板,通常选择通用模板,直接回车即可。 4. 输入新的域名称,例如`zztlweb...
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weblogic 启动log