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电信 Product & Service Directory

OSS/BSS professionals from around the world now have one place to look for the product,solution or service-related information they need:The TM Forum’s Product & Service Directory.

The TM Forum's Product & Services Directory offers an online,one-stop and comprehensive location,where buyers can get a preview of the products,solutions and services they are looking for,while suppliers can showcase their complete offerings – all at the click of
button.The Product & Services Directory is organized around the TM Forum's Telecom Application Map – a framework for categorizing
applications and services according to specific functional areas.For customers,this makes it easy to locate the right mix of items you
are looking for and for suppliers,you are able to list your offerings to the audiences you want to market to.

The TM Forum web site is one of the most active and frequently visited sites in the OSS/BSS arena with an average of 100,000 page impressions per week,from over 68,000 different individuals including:
* Communications Service Providers
* Solution Suppliers
* Content Providers
* System & Software Developers
* System Integrators
* Industry Analysts
  • 大小: 102.5 KB


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