1)PostgreSQL database
8.3.5 is the minimum required version
2)Sun JDK
Download and install JDK 1.6.
Add the JAVA_HOME environment variable:
Right-click on My Computer.
Select Properties. The System Properties window appears.
Select the Advanced tab then click Environment Variables.
Click New. The New System Variable box appears.
In the Variable name field, type JAVA_HOME.
In the Variable value field type the path of the JDK installation directory. This is usually C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_<version>
Select the PATH environment variable.
In the Variable value field, type the path of the JDK installation directory's bin folder. This is usually C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_<version>\bin
3)Apache Tomcat
Download and install Apache Tomcat 6.0.
Right-click on My Computer.
Select Properties. The system properties window appears.
Select the Advanced tab.
Click Environment Variables.
Click New. The New User Variable box appears.
In the Variable name field, type CATALINA_HOME.
In the Variable value field, type the path of the Apache Tomcat installation directory. This is usually C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0.
Click OK.
Click New. The New User Variable box appears.
In the Variable name field, type CATALINA_BASE.
In the Variable value field type the path of the Apache Tomcat installation directory.
Click OK
Click New. The New User Variable box appears.
In the Variable name field, type CATALINA_OPTS.
In the Variable value type -Xms384M -Xmx512M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M.
If you want to be able to install modules and update the core from the repository, we recommend setting the CATALINA_OPTS to -Xms384M -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
Select the PATH environment variable.
In the Variable value field, type the path of the Apache Tomcat installation's bin folder. This is usually C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\bin.
More information about managing environment variables in Microsoft's Help & Support site
Copy the C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_<version>\bin\lib\tools.jar file from your Sun JDK installation to C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\lib\
In order to avoid Tomcat from auto-reloading itself, comment the WatchedResource line in C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\conf\context.xml:
<!-- <WatchedResource>WEB-INF/web.xml</WatchedResource> -->
Configure a username and password for the Tomcat Manager, by replacing the C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\conf\tomcat-users.xml file with these contents, replacing password="admin" with your chosen password:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<role rolename="manager"/>
<role rolename="admin"/>
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="admin,manager"/>
You can check that Tomcat is running by opening http://localhost:8080 in a web browser.
4)Apache Ant
Download and extract Apache Ant (old releases) onto your system (for instance, C:\Apache-Ant).
Add ANT_HOME environment variable:
Right-click on My Computer.
Select Properties. The System Properties window appears.
Select the Advanced tab.
Click on the Environment Variables button.
Click the New button.
In the Variable name field, type ANT_HOME.
In the Variable value field, type the path of the Ant directory. This is usually C:\Apache-Ant.
Click OK.
Select the PATH environment variable.
In the Variable value field, type the path of the Ant directory's bin folder. This is usually C:\Apache-Ant\bin.
Equally add the ANT_OPTS environment variable:
Click the New button.
In the Variable name field, type ANT_OPTS.
In the Variable value field, type -Xmx1024M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M.
openbravo 2.4 2.5zh_CN-中文语言包 汉化
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### Openbravo 开发手册知识点解析 #### 一、Openbravo 概述 - **定义**:Openbravo是一款专为中小企业设计的基于Web的ERP(企业资源规划)软件,具备高度可扩展性。 - **核心功能**:集成了CRM(客户关系管理)、...
OpenBravo开发测试环境的搭建涉及多个步骤和组件的安装配置,具体知识点如下: 1. 安装PostgreSQL数据库 - 首先要下载并安装PostgreSQL的安装包,这里提供了从***下载相应版本的rpm包的命令行指令。 - 安装完成后...
发行版解压为$HOME/openbravo-tomcat (不要使用apache-tomcat-xxx文件夹) 该文件夹将被称为$CATALINA_HOME 。 湾在~/.bashrc设置CATALINA_HOME环境变量,因为它将被 Openbravo Setup Ant 脚本使用C。 在~/.bashrc...
开源ERP OpenBravo的数据库关系图。
Openbravo_ERP安装 说明 分析 以及Openbravo 2.4汉化
Openbravo2.5+jdk+ant+tomcat+测试全部详细安装过程 (oracle安装请下载本人的令一个文件)
Chrome扩展程序Openbravo应用程序 支持语言:English
NULL 博文链接:https://liwenshui322.iteye.com/blog/1054473
开发手册详细介绍了如何参与到 Openbravo ERP 的开发过程中,包括开发环境的搭建、编码规范等。 **5.2 开发方法** - **敏捷开发**:采用迭代和增量的方式进行开发,以便及时适应需求的变化。 - **持续集成**:通过...
本篇文章将详细介绍如何在Openbravo 2.5中安装Oracle数据库。 首先,确保你的系统满足Oracle的最低硬件和软件要求。通常,这包括一定的处理器速度、内存大小以及足够的磁盘空间。Oracle数据库通常在Linux环境下运行...
在下载并解压"openbravoPOS 2.3汉化包"后,用户需找到OpenbravoPOS的安装目录。通常,汉化包会包含两个主要部分:`reports`和`locales`。`reports`文件夹包含的是各种报告模板的中文版本,覆盖这些文件可以使得打印...
Openbravo 项目:Openbravo 是 100% 模块化的。 模块是一种附加功能,可以选择性地独立部署在 Openbravo 之上。 模块示例包括附加报告、附加窗口、连接器和内容包(翻译、会计科目表、税码列表、产品类别等)。 完整...
IF4050-OpenBravo-Tasks2-WSO2-Identity-Server-API-Manager Mochammad Dikra Prasetya 13511030 Evan Budianto 13511041 Muhammad Nassirudin 13511044 Renusa Andra Prayogo 13511063
Openbravo ERP 的插件体系非常灵活,可以通过安装不同的扩展模块来满足特定行业的特殊需求。此外,还提供了多种语言包和垂直行业包,使得系统能够在全球范围内得到广泛应用。 #### 三、其他特性 除了上述关键技术...
它是从Openbravo POS开发出来的,但修改了很多。 请查看如何在Wiki支持多语言(英语,法语,越南...)上安装。运行良好:零售,市场,餐厅,酒店,汽车旅馆,卡拉OK,美甲,台球.... -------- ------在此版本(4.00...