
WebSphere 8.0 支持信息

  • JAVA


WebSphere Application Server V8.0 (Beta) key capabilities

Broad programming model and standards support
Support for productivity enhancing programming models including Java Enterprise Edition, OSGi Applications, XML, Service Component Architecture (SCA),

    Communications Enabled Applications (CEA), Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and related standards
    Continued programming model productivity and ease of use enhancements through support for portions of key Java™ Enterprise Edition 6.0 specifications including:
    Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1
    Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0
    JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.0
    JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.2
    Servlet 3.0
    Java EE Connector Architecture 1.6
    Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java (CDI)
    Simplified development of server-side REST applications using Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS)
    Integrated Web Services support to speed delivery of SOA applications including:
    JAXB 2.2
    Portions of JAX-WS 2.2
    Flexible policy set & bindings support
    Integrated support for OSGi Applications programming model to rapidly develop and deploy modular applications using both Java EE and OSGi technologies through versioned, isolated and reusable OSGi bundles
    Integrated support for XML programming model to unlock enterprise XML data and documents to drive business decisions with support of XPath 2.0, XSLT 2.0, and XQuery 1.0.
    Integrated support for Service Component Architecture (SCA) programming model to simplify composite application development and management in a SOA environment.
    Integrated support for Communications Enabled Applications (CEA) programming model to rapidly add communications capabilities, such as click to call or co-browsing, to an application in as little as three lines of code.
    Integrated SIP Servlet 1.1 programming model support to speed development of converged communications applications

Fast, flexible and simplified application foundation

    An application foundation that delivers simplified install and maintenance, improved productivity, improved security and high performance to drive total cost of ownership benefits
    Faster time to value through a simplified and centralized product install, update and uninstall with integrated prerequisite and interdependency checking
    Faster time to application development completion through ability to select the best programming model for the project at hand
    Enhanced developer productivity during the edit-compile-debug cycle through directory-based drag and drop application install, uninstall and update
    Rapid development of RESTful web applications through support for RESTful views of EJB applications and support for Contexts and Dependency Injection for Java (CDI) with JAX-RS
    Enhanced security and governance capabilities including:
    Simplified exchange of user identity and attributes in Web Services using Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Token through WS-Security SAML Token Profile 1.1
    Web Services Security API (WSS API) and WS-Trust support in JAX-WS to enable customers building single sign on Web services-based applications
    z/OS Identity Propagation Support security to enable distributed user identity to be used in a z/OS environment
    Improved governance through enhancements to the security auditing service
    Enhanced cookie support to reduce cross-site scripting vulnerabilities
    Enhanced security configuration reporting, including session security and Web attributes
    Additional security features enabled by default
    Security enhancements required by Java Servlet 3.0
    Java Authentication SPI for Containers (JSR 196) support which allows third-party authentications for requests or responses destined for web applications
    Configure federated repositories at the domain level in a multiple security domain environment
    Performance improvements through JPA L2 cache and JPA L2 cache integration with DynaCache
    Improved performance and high availability with WebSphere MQ

Extensive Deployment Environments

    Improved administration and migration capabilities to support a range of deployment environments
    Improved migration support for applications deployed to WebSphere Application Server 6.0, 6.1 and 7.0
    Enhanced problem determination and application manageability through the new High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) log and trace framework, with support for command line and administrative console interactions
    Ease of use, administration and security enhancements for Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)
    Improved ability to recover a previously configured federated node to improve administrator productivity
    Improved granularity of WebSphere Application Server for z/OS reliability, availability & scalability capabilities
    Enhanced database connectivity support through Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
    Improved ability to locate and edit application properties
    Simplified ability to manage profiles

More Detail can be found here:




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