10 Tips to Increase IntelliJ IDEA Performance
I upgraded to IntelliJ IDEA 7.0 the day it came out and was, at first, let down by how poorly it performed on my machine. Since then, I tweaked a bunch of settings, and now have it performing just as fast as IDEA 5 ever did on the same box. Enjoy, and happy coding!
1. Change your Look and Feel
Change your look and feel to something other than native. On Windows, the “IDEA (4.5 Default)” look and feel performs much better than the native one. On Mac, just pick something other than the native. The new graphics will bother you for about 30 minutes and then you’ll forget all about them. This setting is in the Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Appearance (B) dialog. (Tip courtesy of Howard Lewis Ship)
2. Use Structure View Instead of Project View
In IDEA 7.0.2 on Windows, I seem to pay a heavy performance price for the Project View (Alt+1), especially with autoscrolling to and from source enabled. My alternative is to use the Structure View (Alt+2) as my default sidebar and rely on the Navigation Bar (View->Navigation Bar) for project navigation. I find I actually prefer this setup and 7.0.2 performs noticeably faster.
3. Turn off Synchronize Files
When you activate the IDEA frame, IDEA will scan the disk for file changes, giving you a nice progress bar to wait for. If you’re not editing files outside of IDEA then turn this feature off in Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> General (A). Uncheck “Synchronize Files on Frame Activation”. Now you’ll have to manually synchronize the files using Ctrl+Alt+Y (File->Synchronize on the menu). (Tip courtesy of Tyler)
4. Disable Spring Model Validation on Build
I used to get a progress bar every time I ran or debugged my project, with the message “Validating Spring Model”. I don’t need this feature except when I’m working on the Spring files, so I turned it off. Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Project Settings (1) -> Modules… then click Spring, then click the Options Tab. Deselect the checkbox for “Enable Spring model validation on build”.
5. Disable Unused Plugins
Disable all of the plugins you are not currently using. For example, if you’re not using Geronimo, Commander or Jabber, then turn them off. Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Plugins (T). Uncheck anything you have installed that is unused (Tip courtesy of Carl)
6. Use Scopes to Speed Up Searches
I rarely really want to search my entire project for a string or reference. Any search dialog allows you to pick a custom scope, such as production files or test files. But “Changed Files” is a helpful option too. On large, monolithic projects you may want to define your own to only search certain packages. A little time creating new scopes will save you a lot of time in waiting for searches to complete. Define scopes in Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Scopes (5).
7. Increase Your Heap Size
Several sources include directions on increasing your heap size in IDEA. This is changed in your idea.exe.vmoptions file.
8. Always Get the Latest Version
I’ve already suggested this, so I’ll be brief. Each minor release seems to have good performance improvements.
9. Reduce Size of Local History
Another blog recommended that you turn off or reduce Local History. I love this feature so I’ll never turn it off, but the default is to save 3 days worth of work. I typically check in to version control more often than that, so I trimmed it up to 1 day of history. Do this in Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Local History (J).
10. Optimize Your Disk?
I haven’t tried this myself, but the tip came directly from JetBrains. Beyond just defragmenting, you can also optimize the MFT tables, disk folder structure, and the paging file. Direction appear on their site. Simply upgrading to a newer hard drive is find at home, but I don’t have that much control of my work machine. It’s Friday, so I’ll try this today. If things go horribly wrong I’ll redact the entry!
IntelliJ IDEA Performance
There're some concerns about IntelliJ IDEA Performance. And here is the tips that I used to make mine run fast. Some of them come from my own experience, some of them come from the know-everything internet.
* Make sure you have all your libraries on your local harddrive (as opposed to mounted network drive). After I moved all my libraries from a network drive to local harddrive, the time for a 'make' on the project is reduced from around 60 seconds to just 5-7 seconds!
* Defragment your Disk and reboot your computer. IDEA creates lots of small files and too much fragmentation is a nightmare.
* Turn off Anti Virus completely. Yes I mean completely. It affects the performance dramatically.
* Turning off Local History or even reducing the number of history days improved the performance significantly.
* Adjust VM settings. Here is my idea.exe.vmoptions file (on windows):
Change it as you see fit per your hardware configuration.
More information is available at
* The Debugger in IDEA may work slowly if the Force classic VM option is not selected in the File Project Properties Debugger dialog. Using Method Breakpoints may also slow down the debugging process. I had two breakpoints on the method name instead of the first line of the method. It was taking a half hour to get to the breakpoint Changing these to line breakpoints gave me two orders of magniture
* You may notice IDEA hang for several seconds when you switch to it from other applicationDisable Settings General Synchronize files on frame activation.
* Disable windows paging file if you have enough memory. Get more memory if you don't have enough. Swapping is a performance nightmare.
* Turn off windows indexing services, either set it to Disabled or Manual unless you do lots of file system search (even you do, I recommend Google Desktop Search). IDEA use lots of small files so background indexing can have a big negative effect on it's performance.
* Control Panel/System/Properties/Advanced/Visual Effcts, Adjust for best performance. Unless you're willing to sacrify performance for visual effects like windows animation, fading/sliding etc.
IntelliJ IDEA是一款由JetBrains公司开发的Java集成开发环境(IDE),广泛应用于Java开发。本教程主要介绍IntelliJ IDEA的安装与配置、基本使用方法、常见问题解决技巧、以及与Maven、Git、Tomcat等工具的集成。 ...
IntelliJ Idea开发工具详细使用文档 IntelliJ IDEA是一款功能强大且灵活的集成开发环境(IDE),由 JetBrains 公司开发。它支持多种编程语言,包括 Java、Groovy、Kotlin、Scala 等。下面是 IntelliJ IDEA 的详细...
IntelliJ IDEA是一款广受欢迎的Java集成开发环境(IDE),由JetBrains公司开发。它以其高效、智能的代码补全、重构工具以及丰富的插件生态而著名。在2019年,IntelliJ IDEA发布了版本2019.1.3,这个版本在前一版的...
《IntelliJ IDEA 中文指南》是一份专注于介绍和指导用户使用IntelliJ IDEA集成开发环境(IDE)的文档,涵盖了从基础操作到高级特性的广泛知识点。IntelliJ IDEA是由JetBrains公司开发的一款现代化的Java集成开发环境...
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IntelliJ IDEA是java编程语言开发的集成环境,不过官方是英文版的,这是一个汉化包,下载后放至IntelliJ IDEA安装目录的lib目录下就行,重新启动程序就是中文了。
IntelliJ IDEA是一款广受欢迎的Java开发集成环境,由JetBrains公司开发,它以其高效、智能的代码编辑、强大的项目管理以及丰富的插件系统而受到开发者们的喜爱。本主题皮肤包是为提升开发者在IntelliJ IDEA中的工作...
IntelliJ IDEA是一款广受欢迎的Java集成开发环境(IDE),由JetBrains公司开发。它以其高效、智能的代码补全、强大的调试工具和优秀的代码分析功能而闻名。汉化包是为了方便中国用户使用,将原本英文界面的IntelliJ ...
IntelliJ IDEA是一款由JetBrains公司开发的集成开发环境(IDE),主要用于Java、Kotlin、Groovy、Scala等编程语言的开发工作。2020.1.4是该IDE的一个特定版本,针对x64架构,即64位操作系统。这个版本提供了许多功能...
IntelliJ IDEA是一款由JetBrains公司开发的Java集成开发环境,以其高效、智能的代码补全、重构功能以及丰富的插件支持而广受开发者喜爱。本文档将详细讲解IntelliJ IDEA的使用方法,帮助开发者更好地掌握这款强大的...
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IntelliJ IDEA是一款由JetBrains公司开发的集成开发环境(IDE),专为Java语言设计,但也支持其他编程语言如Kotlin、Scala、Groovy等。它被广泛认为是目前最好的Java IDE之一。IntelliJ IDEA通过其智能代码助手、...
IntelliJ IDEA是一款深受开发者喜爱的Java集成开发环境(IDE),尤其在Java Web开发领域有着广泛的应用。本教程将深入探讨IntelliJ IDEA的各项功能,帮助你从新手快速成长为熟练的使用者。 首先,IntelliJ IDEA的...
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IntelliJ IDEA是一款深受开发者喜爱的Java集成开发环境(IDE),以其高效、智能的代码编辑体验和丰富的插件系统著称。本压缩包文件“IntelliJ IDEA主题.zip”包含了多套精心挑选的IntelliJ IDEA主题,旨在为用户提供...
### IntelliJ IDEA 的安装、配置与使用详解 #### 一、IntelliJ IDEA 介绍 ##### 1. JetBrains 公司介绍 IntelliJ IDEA 是由 JetBrains 公司开发的一款非常强大的集成开发环境(IDE)。除了 IntelliJ IDEA 外,...
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IntelliJ IDEA是一款备受开发者喜爱的Java集成开发环境(IDE),以其高效、智能的编码辅助和强大的项目管理功能而闻名。然而,对于中文用户来说,原生英文界面可能会造成一定的使用不便。在这种情况下,汉化补丁就...
IntelliJ IDEA是一款为Java开发者设计的集成开发环境(IDE),由JetBrains公司开发。自2013年起,IntelliJ IDEA就与Android等先进的开发技术紧密合作,为开发者提供了一系列尖端工具和特性。本教程将介绍如何使用...