this web application instance has been stopped already.
Could not load oracle/sql/converter_xcharset/lx20354.glb.
©Copyright 蕃薯耀 2017年4月20日
Apr 20, 2017 8:49:24 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase findResourceInternal INFO: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load oracle/sql/converter_xcharset/lx20354.glb. The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access, and has no functional impact. Apr 20, 2017 8:49:31 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase findResourceInternal INFO: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load oracle/sql/converter_xcharset/lx20354.glb. The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access, and has no functional impact. Apr 20, 2017 8:49:34 AM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase findResourceInternal INFO: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load oracle/sql/converter_xcharset/lx20354.glb. The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown for debugging purposes as well as to attempt to terminate the thread which caused the illegal access, and has no functional impact.
<Context path="" docBase="/home/java/tomcat7/webapps/finance" debug="0" reloadable="true"/>
<Context path="" docBase="/home/java/tomcat7/webapps/finance" debug="0" reloadable="false"/>
©Copyright 蕃薯耀 2017年4月20日
然而,在日常运维过程中,开发者和运维人员可能会遇到一些常见的问题,如“this web application instance has been stopped already”的异常。本文将深入探讨这个问题的原因以及相应的解决方案,并延伸讨论在不重启...
信息: Illegal access: this web application instance has been stopped already. Could not load$KeySet. The eventual following stack trace is caused by an error thrown...
SEVERE: The web application [/xxx] registered the JDBC driver [org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolDriver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the...
This has been corrected. Release 5.3 build 1020 WIN32 release 29 May 2008 - BurnInTest could have crashed on accessing bad video memory hardware in the 2D test. This problem is now just reported ...
As announced earlier this year, unfortunately Canon has stopped developing an SDK for our PowerShot digital cameras, and it is being phased out during this year. We would therefore like to notify you ...
此外,还需要区分"has gone to","has been to","has been in"的用法: 1. "has gone to"表示"去了还没回来",如"He has gone to Beijing." 2. "has been to"表示"曾经去过,现在已经回来了",并可以加上次数,如...
The web application [web application] registered the JDBC driver [net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC...
Win11家庭版安装Docker,解决engine stopped问题,安装hyper-v的命令
* 表示某一动作已经开始,并且还在继续,如 I have been reading this book for two hours.(我已经读这本书两小时了。) 标志词 现在完成时的标志词有七个: * already(已经) * never(从来没有) * ever...
现在完成时是英语语法中的一... She _has been a member of_ the club since yesterday. 通过这些讲解,学生们可以更好地理解和运用现在完成时态,从而在英语表达中更加准确地描述过去对现在的影响或持续至今的情况。
WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service 服务处于 停止 状态还有,我的服务器没有使用WEB代理和防火墙客户端。
This bug has been fixed - After driver uninstall, not all of the S7A-related registry entries were deleted. Now the registry will be completely cleaned from S7A registry entries after uninstall. -...
- 提供了若干练习题来检验学生对现在完成时的理解和应用,如选择题和填空题,涉及 `have/has been` 和 `have/has gone` 的区分,以及使用现在完成时表达持续性动作。 通过这个导学案,学生将深入学习现在完成时,...
5. 现在完成被动语态:"has been stopped" 表示动作在过去已发生且对现在仍有影响,"The competition has been stopped for 40 minutes"(比赛已经停止了40分钟)。 此外,课件中还包含了歌曲"I Am Sailing"的部分...
in VBA the method has been duplicated with name 'Buttons'. 5. Omission in previous releases, the OffsetValues ValueList for Bar3D Series is accessible by code for this release. 6. Omission in ...
描述中提到的“New-AzureRmResource : The pipeline has been stopped”是PowerShell命令执行过程中遇到的一个常见错误提示,这通常意味着在执行过程中出现了中断或资源管理的问题。 首先,我们要理解事件中心和...
It's important to note that when an instance is stopped, Amazon EC2 still charges for the instance until it is completely terminated. However, it does not charge per-second or per-hour usage while the...
2. **动词时态**:例如`ought to`(应该)、`has never stopped`(从未停止)和`has been waiting`(一直在等待)等,这些动词形式展示了不同的时态,如情态动词、现在完成进行时和现在完成时。 3. **虚拟语气**:...
- 将现在完成时的肯定句变为一般疑问句,将"have/has"提前:如"Has the rain already stopped?" - 对时间进行提问,使用"How long":如"How long have you waited here?" 6. 其他常见的时间状语: - "in the ...