
svn on windows 修改文件大小写


4.14.3. Changing case in a filename

Making case-only changes to a filename is tricky with Subversion on Windows, because for a short time during a rename, both filenames have to exist. As Windows has a case-insensitive file system, this does not work using the usual Rename command.

Fortunately there are (at least) two possible methods to rename a file without losing its log history. It is important to rename it within subversion. Just renaming in the explorer will corrupt your working copy!


Solution A) (recommended)

  1. Commit the changes in your working copy.

  2. Rename the file from UPPERcase to upperCASE directly in the repository using the repository browser.

  3. Update your working copy.

Solution B)

  1. Rename from UPPERcase to UPPERcase_ with the rename command in the TortoiseSVN submenu.

  2. Commit the changes.

  3. Rename from UPPERcase_ to upperCASE.

  4. Commit the changes.





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