The server encountered an internal error (No action instance for path /user could be created) that prevented it from fulfilling this request
鬼怪的异常就出现了,当我toggle comment实例化语句,这一个问题就没有了。原来问题出在这里,为了证实自己的想法,立马翻了一下struts
Actions must be programmed in a thread-safe manner, because the controller will share the same instance for multiple simultaneous requests. This means you should design with the following items in mind:
Instance and static variables MUST NOT be used to store information related to the state of a particular request. They MAY be used to share global resources across requests for the same action.
Access to other resources (JavaBeans, session variables, etc.) MUST be synchronized if those resources require protection. (Generally, however, resource classes should be designed to provide their own protection where necessary.
(the last one can be overridden for the implementation of new alignment rules). - ADD: The property TFlexPanel.GridControl moved to the public section and is now available for writing (during the ...
special sections cannot be overridden by user-defined INI files or ; at runtime. Currently, [PATH=] and [HOST=] sections only work under ; CGI/FastCGI. ; http://php.net/ini.sections ; Directives are...
- Minor changes to the No operation error watchdog timer for the CD and Hard disk tests. - Minor correction to the Butterfly seek test. - Video playback trace logging increased. Release 5.3 build ...
active filter state and no filter state, as an alternative for 'Clear All Filters', which doesn't allow you to return back the filters. * Version 1.70: o Added /sort command-line option for ...