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Java 中的finally你知多少
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
.println("return value of getValue(): " + getValue
public static int getValue() {
try {
return 0;
} finally {
return 1;
清单 5 的执行结果:
return value of getValue(): 1
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
.println("return value of getValue(): " + getValue
public static int getValue() {
int i = 1;
try {
return i;
} finally {
清单 6 的执行结果:
return value of getValue(): 1
利用我们上面分析得出的结论:finally 语句块是在 try 或者 catch 中的 return 语句之前执行的。 由此,可以轻松的理解清单 5 的执行结果是 1。因为 finally 中的 return 1;语句要在 try 中的 return 0;语句之前执行,那么 finally 中的 return 1;语句执行后,把程序的控制权转交给了它的调用者 main()函数,并且返回值为 1。那为什么清单 6 的返回值不是 2,而是 1 呢?按照清单 5 的分析逻辑,finally 中的 i++;语句应该在 try 中的 return i;之前执行啊? i 的初始值为 1,那么执行 i++;之后为 2,再执行 return i;那不就应该是 2 吗?怎么变成 1 了呢?
关于 Java 虚拟机是如何编译 finally 语句块的问题,有兴趣的读者可以参考《 The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification, Second Edition 》中 7.13 节 Compiling finally。那里详细介绍了 Java 虚拟机是如何编译 finally 语句块。实际上,Java 虚拟机会把 finally 语句块作为 subroutine(对于这个 subroutine 不知该如何翻译为好,干脆就不翻译了,免得产生歧义和误解。)直接插入到 try 语句块或者 catch 语句块的控制转移语句之前。但是,还有另外一个不可忽视的因素,那就是在执行 subroutine(也就是 finally 语句块)之前,try 或者 catch 语句块会保留其返回值到本地变量表(Local Variable Table)中。待 subroutine 执行完毕之后,再恢复保留的返回值到操作数栈中,然后通过 return 或者 throw 语句将其返回给该方法的调用者(invoker)。请注意,前文中我们曾经提到过 return、throw 和 break、continue 的区别,对于这条规则(保留返回值),只适用于 return 和 throw 语句,不适用于 break 和 continue 语句,因为它们根本就没有返回值。
为了能够解释清单 6 的执行结果,我们来分析一下清单 6 的字节码(byte-code):
Compiled from "Test.java"
public class Test extends java.lang.Object{
public Test();
0: aload_0
1:invokespecial#1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: return
line 1: 0
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
0: getstatic #2; //Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
3: new #3; //class java/lang/StringBuilder
6: dup
7: invokespecial #4; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":()V
10: ldc #5; //String return value of getValue():
12: invokevirtual
#6; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(
15: invokestatic #7; //Method getValue:()I
18: invokevirtual
#8; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
21: invokevirtual
#9; //Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
24: invokevirtual #10; //Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
27: return
public static int getValue();
0: iconst_1
1: istore_0
2: iload_0
3: istore_1
4: iinc 0, 1
7: iload_1
8: ireturn
9: astore_2
10: iinc 0, 1
13: aload_2
14: athrow
Exception table:
from to target type
2 4 9 any
9 10 9 any
对于 Test()构造方法与 main()方法,在这里,我们不做过多解释。让我们来分析一下 getValue()方法的执行。在这之前,先让我把 getValue()中用到的虚拟机指令解释一下,以便读者能够正确的理解该函数的执行。
1. iconst_
Description: Push the int constant (-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) onto the operand stack.
Forms: iconst_m1 = 2 (0x2) iconst_0 = 3 (0x3) iconst_1 = 4 (0x4)
iconst_2 = 5 (0x5) iconst_3 = 6 (0x6) iconst_4 = 7 (0x7) iconst_5 = 8 (0x8)
2. istore_
Description: Store int into local variable. The must be an index into the
local variable array of the current frame.
Forms: istore_0 = 59 (0x3b) istore_1 = 60 (0x3c) istore_2 = 61 (0x3d)
istore_3 = 62 (0x3e)
3. iload_
Description: Load int from local variable. The must be an index into the
local variable array of the current frame.
Forms: iload_0 = 26 (0x1a) iload_1 = 27 (0x1b) iload_2 = 28 (0x1c) iload_3 = 29 (0x1d)
4. iinc index, const
Description: Increment local variable by constant. The index is an unsigned byte that
must be an index into the local variable array of the current frame. The const is an
immediate signed byte. The local variable at index must contain an int. The value
const is first sign-extended to an int, and then the local variable at index is
incremented by that amount.
Forms: iinc = 132 (0x84)
5. ireturn
Description: Return int from method.
Forms: ireturn = 172 (0xac)
6. astore_
Description: Store reference into local variable. The must be an index into the
local variable array of the current frame.
Forms: astore_0 = 75 (0x4b) astore_1 = 76 (0x4c) astore_2 =77 (0x4d) astore_3 =78 (0x4e)
7. aload_
Description: Load reference from local variable. The must be an index into the
local variable array of the current frame.
Forms: aload_0 = 42 (0x2a) aload_1 = 43 (0x2b) aload_2 = 44 (0x2c) aload_3 = 45 (0x2d)
8. athrow
Description: Throw exception or error.
Forms: athrow = 191 (0xbf)
有了以上的 Java 虚拟机指令,我们来分析一下其执行顺序:分为正常执行(没有 exception)和异常执行(有 exception)两种情况。我们先来看一下正常执行的情况,如图 1 所示:
由上图,我们可以清晰的看出,在 finally 语句块(iinc 0, 1)执行之前,getValue()方法保存了其返回值(1)到本地表量表中 1 的位置,完成这个任务的指令是 istore_1;然后执行 finally 语句块(iinc 0, 1),finally 语句块把位于 0 这个位置的本地变量表中的值加 1,变成 2;待 finally 语句块执行完毕之后,把本地表量表中 1 的位置上值恢复到操作数栈(iload_1),最后执行 ireturn 指令把当前操作数栈中的值(1)返回给其调用者(main)。这就是为什么清单 6 的执行结果是 1,而不是 2 的原因。
再让我们来看看异常执行的情况。是不是有人会问,你的清单 6 中都没有 catch 语句,哪来的异常处理呢?我觉得这是一个好问题,其实,即使没有 catch 语句,Java 编译器编译出的字节码中还是有默认的异常处理的,别忘了,除了需要捕获的异常,还可能有不需捕获的异常(如:RunTimeException 和 Error)。
从 getValue()方法的字节码中,我们可以看到它的异常处理表(exception table), 如下:
Exception table:
from to target type
2 4 9 any
它的意思是说:如果从 2 到 4 这段指令出现异常,则由从 9 开始的指令来处理。
先说明一点,上图中的 exception 其实应该是 exception 对象的引用,为了方便说明,我直接把它写成 exception 了。
由上图(图 2)可知,当从 2 到 4 这段指令出现异常时,将会产生一个 exception 对象,并且把它压入当前操作数栈的栈顶。接下来是 astore_2 这条指令,它负责把 exception 对象保存到本地变量表中 2 的位置,然后执行 finally 语句块,待 finally 语句块执行完毕后,再由 aload_2 这条指令把预先存储的 exception 对象恢复到操作数栈中,最后由 athrow 指令将其返回给该方法的调用者(main)。
通过以上的分析,大家应该已经清楚 try-catch-finally 语句块的执行流程了吧!
为了更具说服力,我们还是来引经据典吧!大家可以不相信我,难道还不相信“高司令”(Gosling)吗?下面这段仍然摘自 Java 语言规范第四版 《 The Java™ Programming Language, Fourth Edition 》 ,请读者自己体会吧!
a finally clause is always entered with a reason. That reason may be that the try code finished normally, that it executed a control flow statement such as return, or that an exception was thrown in code executed in the Try block. The reason is remembered when the finally clause exits by falling out the bottom. However, if the finally block creates its own reason to leave by executing a control flow statement (such as break or return) or by throwing an exception, that reason supersedes the original one, and the original reason is forgotten. For example, consider the following code:
try {
// … do something …
return 1;
} finally {
return 2;
When the Try block executes its return, the finally block is entered with the “reason” of returning the value 1. However, inside the finally block the value 2 is returned, so the initial intention is forgotten. In fact, if any of the other code in the try block had thrown an exception, the result would still be to return 2. If the finally block did not return a value but simply fell out the bottom, the “return the value 1 ″ reason would be remembered and carried out.
好了,有了以上的知识,让我们再来看以下 3 个例子。
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