620AA3997A6973D7F1E8E4B67546E0F6 => cw2k ... you may also get an offline MD5 Cracker and paste the hash there like DECRYPT.V2 Brute-Force MD5 Cracker ...
<For more details see the online help> Status ====== This is a shareware program. This means that you need to buy it if you would like to continue using it after the evaluation period. Installation...
if test -n "$PID" && kill -0 "$PID" &>/dev/null; then # If the status is SUCCESS then don't need to start again. log_failure_msg "$NAME process is running" exit 0 fi fi log_success_msg ...
C:\Documents and Settings\bingle>D:\FindPass.exe TEST-2KSERVER administrator 188 To Find Password in the Winlogon process Usage: D:\FindPass.exe DomainName UserName PID-of-WinLogon The debug ...
<c:if test="${menu.parent == null}"> d.add(${menu.id}, -1, '${menu.name}', '${menu.url}', '', 'frame'); </c:if> <c:if test="${menu.parent != null}"> d.add(${menu.id}, ${menu.parent.id}, '${menu....
if((i+1) > buf_len) return 0; *((char*)cmd + n*lenght + j++) = buf[i++]; if(j > lenght) { hv_err("sub cmd over long\n"); *cmd_num = n + 1; return -1; } } *((char*)cmd + n*lenght + j++) = '\0'...
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/ceph ``` ##### 4. 编译与安装 执行 `make` 和 `make install` 来编译和安装 Ceph: ```sh make && make install ``` ##### 5. 解决 Python 模块问题 在编译安装过程中可能会...
linux系统命令start-stop-daemon的源码及二进制,其中也提供了一个服务启动脚本模板。...Exit status: 0 = done 1 = nothing done (=> 0 if --oknodo) 3 = trouble 2 = with --retry, processes wouldn't die
if (pid < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Fork failed."); return 1; } else if (pid == 0) { // 子进程 printf("Child process, PID: %d\n", getpid()); } else { // 父进程 printf("Parent process, PID: %d\n",...
cat > /etc/my.cnf <<EOF [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock user=mysql symbolic-links=0 innodb_rollback_on_timeout=1 innodb_lock_wait_timeout=600 innodb_buffer_pool_size=...
例如,`rm -rf /test`可以彻底删除`/test`及其所有子目录,相当于DOS下的`deltree`命令。 #### 18. 列出除了某些类型文件的当前目录所有文件 在包含多种类型文件的目录中,可以使用通配符排除特定类型的文件。例如...
`23s/test/tset/g` 表示在第23行将所有的 `test` 替换为 `tset`。 ### 2. 查看文件特定行和列的内容 - **知识点**: - `sed` 可以通过 `-n` 和 `p` 命令组合来打印文件中的指定行。 - `cut` 命令用于分割文件中...
} else if (pid > 0) { // 父进程向管道写入 close(pipefd[0]); // 关闭读端 strcpy(sendBuf, "Pipe test!"); if ((sendBytes = write(pipefd[1], sendBuf, strlen(sendBuf))) == -1) { perror("write"); exit...
620AA3997A6973D7F1E8E4B67546E0F6 => cw2k ... you may also get an offline MD5 Cracker and paste the hash there like DECRYPT.V2 Brute-Force MD5 Cracker ...
y_offset<=4,是项目帮助的显示行数; color 默认 “color helptext"; --u 恢复菜单原始状态。 --timeout=[x]=[y]=[color] 倒计时位置、颜色。单位:列,行,24位色彩。 2015-05-14(yaya) 改进 NTFS 文件...
<For more details see the online help> Status ====== This is a shareware program. This means that you need to buy it if you would like to continue using it after the evaluation period. Installation...
" <if test=\"item.exportCount !=null and item.exportCount != ''\">\n" + " when t.id=#{item.id} then #{item.exportCount}\n" + " </if>\n" + " </foreach>\n" + " </trim>\n" + " </trim>\n" + ...
if test -n "$PID" && kill -0 "$PID" &>/dev/null; then # If the status is SUCCESS then don't need to start again. log_failure_msg "$NAME process is running" exit 0 fi fi log_success_msg ...
C:\Documents and Settings\bingle>D:\FindPass.exe TEST-2KSERVER administrator 188 To Find Password in the Winlogon process Usage: D:\FindPass.exe DomainName UserName PID-of-WinLogon The debug ...
if [ "$1" = "hello" ]; then echo "Hello there!" else echo "I don't know you." fi ``` 这段脚本根据第一个参数是否为`hello`来输出不同的消息。 ##### 2. 循环控制 Shell支持多种循环结构,如`for`循环和`...
JAVA_CMD="nohup $JAVA_HOME/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -classpath $CLASSPATH $APP_MAINCLASS > /dev/null 2>&1 &" su - $RUNNING_USER -c "$JAVA_CMD" checkpid if [ "$psid" -ne 0 ]; then echo "(pid=$psid) [OK...
} else if (pid > 0) { /* 父进程关闭读描述符,并通过使父进程暂停 1 秒等待子进程已关闭相应的写描述符 */ close(pipe_fd[0]); sleep(DELAY_TIME); /* 父进程向管道中写入字符串 */ if((real_write = write...