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Essential expressions for managing a project


Whether you're a project manager or just a member of a project team, you can't avoid all the project management lingo flying around in offices around the world today. The problem is many of these expressions can't even be found in the dictionary. Just rely on our project management guide to learn today's office talk for tomorrow's projects!

Define the scope

一个项目执行的第一步就是决定其影响及范围,我们可以用project scope来表示。scope这个字应该是对于这个项目提供这项产品最终完成的描述期望。

Define the scope

One of the first steps in project management is to determine the impact and the boundaries of a project, in other words creating the project scope. The scope should provide a description of the end products expected to be produced by the project.

Establish a timeline


Establish a timeline

Next you should decide the time frame that specifies when each step of the project should be completed. By creating a timeline you will be able to know if you are on schedule throughout the life of the project.

Specify target outcomes

你要如何判断你的项目成功性呢?明确的target outcomes是非常重要,或是可测量有益的期望结果来在决定你的成功。

Specify target outcomes

How do you gauge the success of your project? It's important to specify target outcomes, or desired results that have measurable benefits, to use in determining your success

Determine necessary outputs

花一点时间来想想这些产品、服务及企业或管理的执行,其它的方法为outputs,你将需要在适当的达成你的target outcomes。

Determine necessary outputs

Take time to think about the products, services, and business or management practices, otherwise known as outputs, that you will need in place in order to achieve your target outcomes.

Put a project team together

人是想要拥有一个成功项目的关键。选用人才加入这个project team就是一起完成项目的团队人,适当分派职务给每一个人。

Put a project team together

People are the key to the success of your project. Select capable employees to take part in the project team - the team of people working together to accomplish the project - assigning appropriate roles to each.

Record milestones

当project team的成员完成一设定的关键活动或任务时,请确认纪录。Milestones不是完成就是没有完成,它可以被视为是这个项目的进度指针。

Record milestones

When members of the project team complete a scheduled key activity or task, make sure it is recorded. Milestones are either completed or not completed, and they can serve as a progress marker for the project.

Create baseline metrics

进度及绩效应该藉由一个baseline metrics来评估绩效是对比一系列的测量指针。

Create baseline metrics

Progress and performance should be evaluated using baseline metrics, which are a set of indicators that performance should be measured against.

Set a budget cost

预先决定这个项目执行所需花费的成本,在项目开始之初设立一个budget cost。之后,你可以让你的budget更精准并且更详细些。

Set a budget cost

Determine how much you anticipate the project will cost, and set a budget cost at the start of the project. Later, you can refine your budget and make it more detailed.

Produce deliverables


Produce deliverables

In order to ensure satisfaction of contractual requirements, you'll need to produce deliverables, such as reports or products that must be completed and delivered. Make sure they are produced on time!

Execute risk management每个项目,都总有些risks,威胁或隐藏在成功项目的背后。一个好的项目管理人将藉由确认、分析、评估及处理潜在风险的过程来执行risk management。

Execute risk management In every project, there will always be risks, or threats that may hinder the successful completion of the project. A good project manager will execute risk management processes by identifying, analyzing, evaluating and treating potential risks.


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