
Code Pieces

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) {
            return true;
        if (obj == null) {
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
            return false;
        Url other = (Url) obj;
        if (link == null) {
            if (other.link != null) {
                return false;
        } else if (!link.equals(other.link)) {
            return false;
        return true;



    在Python开发过程中,高效地查找和使用`command options`(命令行选项)和`code pieces`(代码片段)是提高生产力的关键。这篇文章将深入探讨如何快速有效地获取这些资源,特别是针对命令行工具的使用。 首先,理解...

    Source Code Library version1

    The Kermit Image ToolkiT (KITT) is a collection of code pieces in Matlab aimed at easing Image Processing tasks. The KITT is (as of today) distributed in four different packages, each of them ...

    Building Serverless Architectures-Packt Publishing(2017).pdf

    Lambda designed to run code pieces responding to external or internal cloud events, without needing to set up any infrastructure upfront, and it brought a real, managed, and pay-per-go infrastructure...


    "Algorithm-Useful_Pieces_of_Code.zip"这个压缩包,正如其名,汇聚了众多算法的实用代码片段,旨在帮助开发者提升编程效率,实现更优化的解决方案。 算法的定义广泛且深入,它是一系列精确的指令,指导计算机进行...


    【标题】"code-pieces: 我经常使用的代码段" 提供的是一个代码片段集合,这些片段可能是作者在日常编程工作中频繁使用的、高效解决问题的小型代码块。这通常包括各种编程语言中的算法实现、数据结构操作、计算机科学...


    在名为"small-pieces-of-laravel-code"的仓库中,作者收集了一系列小型但实用的Laravel代码片段,旨在展示可复用的功能组件。本文将对这些代码进行深入分析,帮助读者更好地理解和运用Laravel框架。 首先,让我们...

    Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces v1.10

    Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces 最新V1.10版本,包括67个各章pdf和合并后的全书pdf 代码: https://github.com/remzi-arpacidusseau/ostep-code

    lisp in small pieces pdf

    The second part focuses more on implementation techniques and discusses precompilation for fast interpretation: threaded code or bytecode; compilation towards C. Some extensions are also described ...

    Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model(2nd) & CDROM(Source Code)

    The author presents a solid overview of the WDM architecture and breaks down the process of read.freeduan.com writing custom device drivers into manageable pieces, from the basics of loading device ...

    Programming Distributed Applications with COM and Visual Basic 6.0

    Any developer who wants ... It enables programmers and companies to distribute and reuse their code efficiently. The more you know about COM, the easier it will be for you to put these systems together.

    cw 5 2 missing pieces v3.zip

    codewarrior 5.2安装包附件 包括CW5.1和Service Pack中缺少的xml,c,h文件 更新的P&E编文件-日期为2018年4月10日(比CW5.2随附的文件新) 衍生头文件的一些较新版本

    Coding Games in Python

    The book teaches how to use freely available resources, such as PyGame Zero and Blender, to add animations, music, scrolling backgrounds, 3-D scenery, and other pieces of professional wizardry to ...

    Similar to the classic Tetris game. Full VB source code is p

    描述中提到“Full VB source code is provided”,这给开发者提供了一个极好的机会来研究和学习游戏开发的基础,特别是对于初学者或希望提高VB编程技能的人来说。通过阅读和分析源代码,我们可以了解游戏逻辑、用户...

    An add-in that helps you hide ’inactive’ pieces of your co

    标题中的“An add-in that helps you hide ’inactive’ pieces of your code in include files”指的是一个插件,它的主要功能是帮助用户在包含文件(include files)中隐藏不活跃的代码段。这种工具对于大型项目...

    Source Insight 3(源代码查看)

    You may be one of the cleverest developers in the world, but if you can’t find all the myriad pieces of your program, or can’t get your head wrapped around the code, then you will not be very ...

    bt-source-code.rar_BT_visual c

    标题中的“bt-source-code.rar_BT_visual c”表明这是一个与BitTorrent协议相关的源代码库,它使用Visual C++作为开发环境。BitTorrent是一种流行的点对点(P2P)文件分享协议,而Visual C++是微软提供的一个强大的...

    T3DevKit TTCN-3的开发工具

    T3DevKit is a helper for developing the necessary (test suite dependant) pieces of software needed to ... The resulting CoDec is highly customisable by writing small pieces of code we named “codets”.


    But learning how to put all the pieces together is hard. How do you validate a form? Or implement a complex multistep user action without writing messy code? How do you test your code? Make it ...

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