这是一个非常有用的工具类用于验证credit card, 是apache alidation的工具类。
package org.apache.commons.validator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.apache.commons.validator.util.Flags;
* <p>Perform credit card validations.</p>
* <p>
* By default, all supported card types are allowed. You can specify which
* cards should pass validation by configuring the validation options. For
* example,<br/><code>CreditCardValidator ccv = new CreditCardValidator(CreditCardValidator.AMEX + CreditCardValidator.VISA);</code>
* configures the validator to only pass American Express and Visa cards.
* If a card type is not directly supported by this class, you can implement
* the CreditCardType interface and pass an instance into the
* <code>addAllowedCardType</code> method.
* </p>
* For a similar implementation in Perl, reference Sean M. Burke's
* <a href="http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/~sburke/pub/luhn_lib.html">script</a>.
* More information is also available
* <a href="http://www.merriampark.com/anatomycc.htm">here</a>.
* @since Validator 1.1
public class CreditCardValidator {
* Option specifying that no cards are allowed. This is useful if
* you want only custom card types to validate so you turn off the
* default cards with this option.
* <br/>
* <pre>
* CreditCardValidator v = new CreditCardValidator(CreditCardValidator.NONE);
* v.addAllowedCardType(customType);
* v.isValid(aCardNumber);
* </pre>
* @since Validator 1.1.2
public static final int NONE = 0;
* Option specifying that American Express cards are allowed.
public static final int AMEX = 1 << 0;
* Option specifying that Visa cards are allowed.
public static final int VISA = 1 << 1;
* Option specifying that Mastercard cards are allowed.
public static final int MASTERCARD = 1 << 2;
* Option specifying that Discover cards are allowed.
public static final int DISCOVER = 1 << 3;
* The CreditCardTypes that are allowed to pass validation.
private Collection cardTypes = new ArrayList();
* Create a new CreditCardValidator with default options.
public CreditCardValidator() {
* Create a new CreditCardValidator with the specified options.
* @param options Pass in
* CreditCardValidator.VISA + CreditCardValidator.AMEX to specify that
* those are the only valid card types.
public CreditCardValidator(int options) {
Flags f = new Flags(options);
if (f.isOn(VISA)) {
this.cardTypes.add(new Visa());
if (f.isOn(AMEX)) {
this.cardTypes.add(new Amex());
if (f.isOn(MASTERCARD)) {
this.cardTypes.add(new Mastercard());
if (f.isOn(DISCOVER)) {
this.cardTypes.add(new Discover());
* Checks if the field is a valid credit card number.
* @param card The card number to validate.
public boolean isValid(String card) {
if ((card == null) || (card.length() < 13) || (card.length() > 19)) {
return false;
if (!this.luhnCheck(card)) {
return false;
Iterator types = this.cardTypes.iterator();
while (types.hasNext()) {
CreditCardType type = (CreditCardType) types.next();
if (type.matches(card)) {
return true;
return false;
* Add an allowed CreditCardType that participates in the card
* validation algorithm.
* @param type The type that is now allowed to pass validation.
* @since Validator 1.1.2
public void addAllowedCardType(CreditCardType type){
* Checks for a valid credit card number.
* @param cardNumber Credit Card Number.
protected boolean luhnCheck(String cardNumber) {
// number must be validated as 0..9 numeric first!!
int digits = cardNumber.length();
int oddOrEven = digits & 1;
long sum = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < digits; count++) {
int digit = 0;
try {
digit = Integer.parseInt(cardNumber.charAt(count) + "");
} catch(NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
if (((count & 1) ^ oddOrEven) == 0) { // not
digit *= 2;
if (digit > 9) {
digit -= 9;
sum += digit;
return (sum == 0) ? false : (sum % 10 == 0);
* Checks for a valid credit card number.
* @param card Credit Card Number.
* @deprecated This will be removed in a future release.
protected boolean isValidPrefix(String card) {
if (card.length() < 13) {
return false;
return new Visa().matches(card)
|| new Amex().matches(card)
|| new Mastercard().matches(card)
|| new Discover().matches(card);
* CreditCardType implementations define how validation is performed
* for one type/brand of credit card.
* @since Validator 1.1.2
public interface CreditCardType {
* Returns true if the card number matches this type of credit
* card. Note that this method is <strong>not</strong> responsible
* for analyzing the general form of the card number because
* <code>CreditCardValidator</code> performs those checks before
* calling this method. It is generally only required to valid the
* length and prefix of the number to determine if it's the correct
* type.
* @param card The card number, never null.
* @return true if the number matches.
boolean matches(String card);
private class Visa implements CreditCardType {
private static final String PREFIX = "4";
public boolean matches(String card) {
return (
card.substring(0, 1).equals(PREFIX)
&& (card.length() == 13 || card.length() == 16));
private class Amex implements CreditCardType {
private static final String PREFIX = "34,37,";
public boolean matches(String card) {
String prefix2 = card.substring(0, 2) + ",";
return ((PREFIX.indexOf(prefix2) != -1) && (card.length() == 15));
private class Discover implements CreditCardType {
private static final String PREFIX = "6011";
public boolean matches(String card) {
return (card.substring(0, 4).equals(PREFIX) && (card.length() == 16));
private class Mastercard implements CreditCardType {
private static final String PREFIX = "51,52,53,54,55,";
public boolean matches(String card) {
String prefix2 = card.substring(0, 2) + ",";
return ((PREFIX.indexOf(prefix2) != -1) && (card.length() == 16));
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`laravel-credit-card-validator`项目就是一个专为此目的而设计的工具,它可以帮助开发者高效且安全地验证用户输入的信用卡信息。下面我们将深入探讨这个项目以及在Laravel中进行信用卡验证的相关知识点。 1. **...
在实现`Credit-Card-Validator-Plus`时,你需要创建一个服务类,该类包含以下方法: - `validateCardNumber($number)`: 使用正则表达式检查信用卡号的格式,确保它符合特定品牌的格式。 - `validateLuhn($number)`:...
- 类设计:`CreditCard`类可能包含私有字段(如`cardNumber`),公开的getter和setter方法,以及验证信用卡号的方法。 - 构造函数:可能有一个构造函数用于初始化`CreditCard`对象,接受信用卡号作为参数。 5. **...
import com.argosz.creditcard.CreditCardChecker; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { String cardNumber = "4111111111111111"; // 一个示例的Visa卡号 if (CreditCardChecker.is...
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总结来说,"creditcard-list-order-web-service"项目是利用Java Web技术实现的一个实用工具,它通过读取CSV文件,对信用卡信息进行排序,提供了一种便捷的方式来管理大量的信用卡数据。用户只需要在`web.xml`中配置...
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7. **测试与调试**:了解如何在Java Card模拟器或真实卡片上进行测试,以及如何利用JCIDE等工具进行调试。 通过深入研究这个开源项目,你不仅可以提升Java Card开发技能,还能了解实际的信用卡读取应用案例,这对于...