List of procedures
sp__depends Better version of sp_depends
sp__help Better sp_help
sp__helpdb Database Information
sp__helpdevice Break down database devices into a nice report
sp__helpgroup List groups in database by access level
sp__helpindex Shows indexes by table
sp__helpsegment Segment Information
sp__helprotect Simple Protection Info for the database
sp__helptext Show comments with line splits ok
sp__helpuser Lists users in current database by group (includes aliases)
sp__lock Lock information
sp__syntax Works on any procedure to give you syntax
sp__who sp_who that fits on a page
sp__block Blocking processes.
sp__dbspace Summary of current database space information.
sp__dumpdevice Listing of Dump devices
sp__diskdevice Listing of Disk devices
sp__helpdbdev Show how Databases use Devices
sp__helplogin Show logins and remote logins to server
sp__helpmirror Shows mirror information, discover broken mirrors
sp__segment Segment Information
sp__server Server summary report (very useful)
sp__stat Give basic server performance information (loops)
sp__vdevno Who's who in the device world
sp__badindex list badly formed indexes (allow nulls) or those needing statistics
sp__collist list all columns in database
sp__find_missing_index Finds keys that do not have associated index
sp__flowchart Makes a flowchart of procedure nesting
sp__groupprotect Permission info by group
sp__indexspace Space used by indexes in database
sp__id Gives information on who you are and which db you are in
sp__noindex list of tables without indexes.
sp__helpcolumn show columns for given table
sp__helpdefault list defaults (part of objectlist)
sp__helpobject list objects
sp__helpproc list procs (part of objectlist)
sp__helprule list rules (part of objectlist)
sp__helptable list tables (part of objectlist)
sp__helptrigger list triggers (part of objectlist)
sp__helpview list views (part of objectlist)
sp__objprotect Permission info by object
sp__read_write list tables by # procs that read, # that write, # that do both
sp__trigger Useful synopsis report of current database trigger schema
sp__whodo sp__who - filtered for only active processes
sp__auditsecurity Security Audit On Server
sp__auditdb Audit Current Database For Potential Problems
sp__checkkey Generate script for referential integrity problems (uses key info from sp_foreignkey)
sp__revalias get alias generation script for current database
sp__revdb get database generation script for server
sp__revdevice get device generation script for server
sp__revgroup get group generation script for current database
sp__revindex get index generation script for current database
sp__revlogin get login generation script for server
sp__revmirror get mirror generation script for current database
sp__revsegment get segment generation script for current database
sp__revtable get table generation script for current database
sp__revuser get user generation script for current database
sp__bcp Create unix script to bcp in/out database
sp__date Who can remember all the date styles?
sp__iostat Loops n times showing active processes only
sp__grep Search for patern
sp__isactive Shows info about a single active process
sp__ls Lists specific objects
sp__quickstats Quick dump of server summary information
sp__whoactive Show info about who is active
4. **Procedures**:Sybase ASE支持的存储过程列表及相关语法说明。 - []...
#### 存储过程 (Procedures) 存储过程是一种预编译的 SQL 脚本,它可以被多次调用来执行特定任务,如数据处理、事务处理等。在 Sybase IQ 中,存储过程具有以下特点: - **参数化**: 存储过程可以接受输入参数,并...
- **Stored Procedures**:存储过程是预先编译好的SQL代码块,可以提高执行效率并简化应用程序中的复杂逻辑。 - **Triggers**:触发器是一种特殊类型的存储过程,当特定事件(如插入、更新或删除记录)发生时自动...
在 Sybase 中,存储过程分为两种类型:用户定义的存储过程(User-Defined Stored Procedures)和系统存储过程(System Stored Procedures)。用户定义的存储过程是由开发者创建的,可以根据业务需求进行定制。系统...
4. **XP Server**:扩展存储过程(Extended Procedures,ESP)服务器,用于执行在Adaptive Server中注册的自定义C或Java代码,增强了数据库的功能和灵活性。 5. **Job Scheduler**:负责Adaptive Server的作业调度...
8. **`sp_stored_procedures`**:列出一个或多个存储过程的信息,包括它们的名称、所有者和创建者。这有助于快速定位和管理存储过程。 9. **`sp_statistics`**:此函数提供关于表及其索引的信息,包括索引的列、...
4. **Procedure Cache**:存储预编译对象的缓存,如存储过程(stored procedures)、触发器(triggers)、规则(rules)等,同时也处理查询(query)和游标(cursor)等操作。 5. **Data Cache**:用于缓存从数据库读取的数据...
`sp_stored_procedures`和`sp_helptext`用于查看和检索存储过程和函数的源代码,而加密存储过程则使用`WITH ENCRYPTION`参数。 10. **监控用户和进程**:`sp_who`、`sp_who 'active'`、`sp_lock`以及`dbcc ...
- 表(Table)、存储过程(Stored Procedures)等。 - **2.4 SQL Server的用户及权限** - 创建和管理SQL Server的用户账号。 - 设置用户的权限。 #### 五、T-SQL语言 - **5.1 数据定义语句(DDL)** - 创建(create)、...
《Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise参考手册第三卷:过程-580》是针对Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise数据库管理系统的一份详尽的技术文档,旨在为用户和管理员提供关于过程(Procedures)的详细指南。...
例如,特许系统过程(Privileged System Procedures)的变更等。 - **基于角色的安全性变化**:升级后,原有的授权、权限和组的概念将发生变化。例如,授权可能会变成兼容性角色,权限则可能转变为特权,组也可能会...
CHAPTER 1 File Locations and Installation Settings CHAPTER 2 Database Options CHAPTER 3 SQL Language Elements CHAPTER 4 SQL Data Types ...CHAPTER 10 System Procedures CHAPTER 11 System Views
**2.3 存储过程 (Stored Procedures)** 存储过程是一种预先编译好的SQL代码集合,存储在数据库中。它们可以在需要时被调用,以执行复杂的业务逻辑。在Sybase IQ 15.3中,存储过程的使用可以显著提高应用程序的性能...
It provides support for multiple types of relational databases, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle, DB2, Apache Cassandra, Derby and Hive, Informix, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite and ...
Cache, DB2, Derby, Firebird, FrontBase, H2, HSQLDB, Informix, Ingres, JDatastore, MaxDB, Mckoi, Mimer, MySQL, Oracle, PointBase, PostgresSQL, Solid, SQLite, SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, Sybase (ASE) ...
Cache, DB2, Derby, Firebird, FrontBase, H2, HSQLDB, Informix, Ingres, JDatastore, MaxDB, Mckoi, Mimer, MySQL, Oracle, PointBase, PostgresSQL, Solid, SQLite, SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, Sybase (ASE) ...
Cache, DB2, Derby, Firebird, FrontBase, H2, HSQLDB, Informix, Ingres, JDatastore, MaxDB, Mckoi, Mimer, MySQL, Oracle, PointBase, PostgresSQL, Solid, SQLite, SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, Sybase (ASE) ...
Cache, DB2, Derby, Firebird, FrontBase, H2, HSQLDB, Informix, Ingres, JDatastore, MaxDB, Mckoi, Mimer, MySQL, Oracle, PointBase, PostgresSQL, Solid, SQLite, SQL Server, SQL Anywhere, Sybase (ASE) ...
Oracle, SQLServer, MySQL, Access, SQLAnywhere and Sybase. · Database design Build the database model by BDB, support forward-engineering and reverse-engineering, and the comparison update and double...
* Visual Tools for creating, editing, dropping, and executing stored procedures, functions, and triggers * A robust programming editor that embeds the powerful EditRocket code editor that supports 20 ...