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可以运行!一开始还以为要用本身就是透明背景的png呢,原来不是 ...
在CodeBlocks中用wxWidgets创建不规则窗口 -
可以的。感谢。但是还有个问题,工程建立的时候有Configur ...
在CodeBlocks中用wxWidgets创建不规则窗口 -
麻烦请问一下怎么在wxwidgets中加载msword.olb ...
利用wxwidgets操纵word -
Rat_boy 写道我现在也在做wxWidgets操作Word ...
利用wxwidgets操纵word -
我现在也在做wxWidgets操作Word的功能 但是搞了好久 ...
A literal is a string written in code with "quotes around it". A literal is not a wxString, and (in wxWidgets 2.8) will not be implicitly converted to one. This means that you can never pass in a raw literal into a wxWidget function or method (unless you don't care about your app not building with Unicode-enabled wxWidgets builds)
MessageBox("I'm a mistake!") // WRONG in WxWidgets 2.8 (OK in 2.9)
Instead, wxWidgets (prior to wxWidgets 2.9) requires you to use one of these macros to turn literals into wxString-compatible characters:
_("text that can be translated") wxT("text that won't be translated") _T("same as wxT") char* c = "sometext"; wxT(c) // WRONG, not a literal
Rather than being a nuisance, the _(), wxT(), and _T() macros take care of some unicode issues and help with internationalization.
char* to wxString
Note that in wxWidgets 2.9, it just works to pass a char array where a wxString parameter is expected, the conversion will be automatic and implicit, using the current locale encoding. So even in wx 2.9, the snippets presented below still make sense when you don't want to be at the mercy of the current locale encoding.
const char* chars = "Hello world"; // if your string is UTF-8 encoded, this is the shortest path : wxString mystring = wxString::FromUTF8(chars); // You can also convert from many encodings by passing the // appropriate wxConv... parameter to the constructor wxString mystring2(chars, wxConvUTF8);
wxString to char*
void my_function(const char* foo) { } ... wxString mystring(wxT("HelloWorld")); // you could give the encoding you want as a parameter to mb_str(), e.g. mb_str(wxConvUTF8) my_function( mystring.mb_str() );
mb_str() returns a temporary pointer; if you need the output for more than one function call (as is the case above), you can store the char buffer for a little while :
wxString s( wxT("some string") ); wxCharBuffer buffer=s.ToUTF8(); foo( buffer.data() ); // data() returns const char * bar( buffer.data(), strlen(buffer.data()) ); // in case you need the length of the data
And if you really need to copy it in to char* (but why would you? ;) :
wxString mystring(wxT("HelloWorld")); char cstring[1024]; // assuming you want UTF-8, change the wxConv* parameter as needed strncpy(cstring, (const char*)mystring.mb_str(wxConvUTF8), 1023);
You can also use ToUTF8(), since which encoding you get is clearer than with mb_str()
From const char* to char*:
Variadic functions (like printf) won't work with mb_str(), but this will work:
Alternatively, use the method recommended in Potential Unicode Pitfalls:
printf("%s", (const char*)mystring.mb_str())
wchar_t* to wxString
const wchar_t* chars = L"Hello world"; wxString mystring(chars);
wxString to wchar_t*
See the following methods in the docs :
wxString to TCHAR
TCHAR tCharString[255]; wxString myString(_T("Hello World")); const wxChar* myStringChars = myString.c_str(); for (int i = 0; i < myString.Len(); i++) { tCharString[i] = myStringChars [i]; } tCharString[myString.Len()] = _T('\0');
int to wxString
wxString mystring; mystring << myint;
float to wxString
wxString mystring; mystring << myfloat;
wxString to integer number
wxString to floating-point number
std::string to wxString
std::string stlstring = "Hello world"; // assuming your string is encoded as UTF-8, change the wxConv* parameter as needed wxString mystring(stlstring.c_str(), wxConvUTF8);
Starting from wxWidgets 2.9, you may also use the appropriate constructor
std::string stlstring = "Hello world"; // assuming your string is encoded as the current locale encoding (wxConvLibc) wxString mystring(stlstring);
wxString to std::string
wxWidgets 2.8 :
Under wxWidgets 2.9, you may use
std::wstring to wxString
Starting from wxWidgets 2.9, you may use the appropriate constructor
std::sstring stlstring = L"Hello world"; // assuming your string is encoded as the current locale encoding (wxConvLibc) wxString mystring(stlstring);
wxString to std::wstring
Under wxWidgets 2.9, you may use
2018-03-20 12:07 683/**************************** ... -
2016-04-09 15:23 907#include <wx/base64.h> ... -
wxWidgets中 wxButton实现自动点击
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2015-03-15 12:27 10431 void PopTextCtrl::OnChar(wxK ... -
2014-03-09 16:51 709#include <wx/stdpaths.h> ... -
2014-02-28 18:28 978wxWidgets提供了一个用来检测是否只有一个实例(ins ... -
2014-02-27 13:44 2483wxWidget中这块是写死的,这让我感到非常 ... -
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2014-02-26 09:08 1259自从2.5.0开始,wxWidgets既可以编译成单一的代 ... -
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2012-10-20 23:44 16451、利用Bin2C将图片转换成“*.c”文件; 2、包含“* ... -
2012-10-15 14:14 1225使用CodeBlocks+wxWidgets2.9.4编写的静 ... -
2012-10-09 20:35 1653#include <wx/regex.h>#inc ... -
2012-09-26 15:51 22851、包含头文件: #include <wx/ti ... -
2012-08-30 21:51 2417//wxStringTokenizer::wxStringTo ... -
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2012-08-17 13:32 1003=====文件名:DrawShape.h=== ... -
2012-08-17 09:39 1288wxMathPlot wxMathPlot ... -
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这个“Converting integer up to 16 to bit pattern”主题涉及了将16位整数转换为位模式的概念,这是在编程AB PLC时常见的操作。 在AB PLC编程中,我们经常需要处理二进制数据,因为PLC内部是以二进制形式存储和...
t have a class to serialize or deserialize to, or the JSON is radically different from your class and you need to manually read and write from your objects.">Json.NET is a popular high-performance ...
Json.NET Json.NET is a popular ... you don't have a class to serialize or deserialize to, or the JSON is radically different from your class and you need to manually read and write from your objects.
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D3D to opengl converting library
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-Convert JSON to and from XML -Supports .NET 2, .NET 3.5, .NET 4, .NET 4.5, Silverlight, Windows Phone and Windows 8 Store Documentation: http://james.newtonking.com/projects/json/help/
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