最近Windows2003 server + VI4 update1 环境突然工作不正常,
VC4开机后无法连接,经检查是VC的计算机出现故障。由于VC server 启动依赖SQL 2005,而本机的SQL
VMware 官方原文:http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=1007669
照着下面提示将SQLserver与VCserver 建立依赖关系,验证成功。
VMware VirtualCenter service does not start automatically after reboot
VirtualCenter service does not start after reboot
VMware Infrastructure (VI) Client cannot connect to VirtualCenter
You are using Microsoft SQL Server or SQL Express
VirtualCenter Server service can be started manually with no problems
In some cases a race condition can occur and VirtualCenter starts before the SQL database it depends on.
This article provides steps to prevent the race condition from occurring.
issue may occur if the VirtualCenter Server service starts before one
of the services it depends on. The VirtualCenter Server service is
dependent on the following services:
- SQL Services
- ADAM Services (when using linked mode in vCenter Server 4.0)
resolve this issue, add a dependency to the VirtualCenter service so
that it only starts after the necessary services have started.
: This solution assumes that the database server and the SQL server
reside on the same machine. If the SQL server is on a different physical
machine, you must ensure that the SQL server is functioning before
attempting to start the VirtualCenter service.
To create a service dependency:
Click Start
> Run.
Type services.msc
and press Enter.
Locate any services that VirtualCenter requires. For example, SQLEXP_VIM or ADAM_VCMSDS.
Open the service properties and note the Service Name. For example, MSSQL$SQLEXP_VIM
In the Run dialog, type Regedit.exe
and press Enter. Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\vpxd
Double-click the DependOnService
key and add the Service name using the name identified in step 4.
Close Regedit.
- Go back to the Services window and open the service properties for the service identified in step 3.
- On the Dependencies
tab, verify the VMware VirtualCenter service is listed as depending on the service.
- Repeat steps 3 to 9 for any services that VirtualCenter requires.
PS:此文章为转帖。此方法适用于3.5或4.0的vCenter Server服务无法自动问题。
1. 此问题主要原因是数据库相关服务启动较慢,导致VC Server服务无法启动
2. 解决就是建立相关服务依赖,通过注册表建立,注意数据库服务名字别写错了,要看数据库服务属性里的“服务名称”。
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涉及到的服务包括但不限于VMware VirtualCenter Server、VMware vSphere Web Client和VMware Directory Service等。 #### 方法 在VMware vCenter Server 6.0及更高版本中,官方推荐使用vSphere Web Client或...