public abstract class RequestContextUtils {
* Look for the WebApplicationContext associated with the DispatcherServlet
* that has initiated request processing.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the request-specific web application context
* @throws IllegalStateException if no servlet-specific context has been found
public static WebApplicationContext getWebApplicationContext(ServletRequest request)
throws IllegalStateException {
return getWebApplicationContext(request, null);
* Look for the WebApplicationContext associated with the DispatcherServlet
* that has initiated request processing, and for the global context if none
* was found associated with the current request. This method is useful to
* allow components outside the framework, such as JSP tag handlers,
* to access the most specific application context available.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @param servletContext current servlet context
* @return the request-specific WebApplicationContext, or the global one
* if no request-specific context has been found
* @throws IllegalStateException if neither a servlet-specific nor a
* global context has been found
public static WebApplicationContext getWebApplicationContext(
ServletRequest request, ServletContext servletContext) throws IllegalStateException {
WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext = (WebApplicationContext) request.getAttribute(
if (webApplicationContext == null) {
if (servletContext == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No WebApplicationContext found: not in a DispatcherServlet request?");
webApplicationContext = WebApplicationContextUtils.getRequiredWebApplicationContext(servletContext);
return webApplicationContext;
* Return the LocaleResolver that has been bound to the request by the
* DispatcherServlet.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the current LocaleResolver, or {@code null} if not found
public static LocaleResolver getLocaleResolver(HttpServletRequest request) {
return (LocaleResolver) request.getAttribute(DispatcherServlet.LOCALE_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE);
* Retrieve the current locale from the given request, using the
* LocaleResolver bound to the request by the DispatcherServlet
* (if available), falling back to the request's accept-header Locale.
* <p>This method serves as a straightforward alternative to the standard
* Servlet {@link javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest#getLocale()} method,
* falling back to the latter if no more specific locale has been found.
* <p>Consider using {@link org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder#getLocale()}
* which will normally be populated with the same Locale.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the current locale for the given request, either from the
* LocaleResolver or from the plain request itself
* @see #getLocaleResolver
* @see org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder#getLocale()
public static Locale getLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {
LocaleResolver localeResolver = getLocaleResolver(request);
return (localeResolver != null ? localeResolver.resolveLocale(request) : request.getLocale());
* Retrieve the current time zone from the given request, using the
* TimeZoneAwareLocaleResolver bound to the request by the DispatcherServlet
* (if available), falling back to the system's default time zone.
* <p>Note: This method returns {@code null} if no specific time zone can be
* resolved for the given request. This is in contrast to {@link #getLocale}
* where there is always the request's accept-header locale to fall back to.
* <p>Consider using {@link org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder#getTimeZone()}
* which will normally be populated with the same TimeZone: That method only
* differs in terms of its fallback to the system time zone if the LocaleResolver
* hasn't provided provided a specific time zone (instead of this method's {@code null}).
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the current time zone for the given request, either from the
* TimeZoneAwareLocaleResolver or {@code null} if none associated
* @see #getLocaleResolver
* @see org.springframework.context.i18n.LocaleContextHolder#getTimeZone()
public static TimeZone getTimeZone(HttpServletRequest request) {
LocaleResolver localeResolver = getLocaleResolver(request);
if (localeResolver instanceof LocaleContextResolver) {
LocaleContext localeContext = ((LocaleContextResolver) localeResolver).resolveLocaleContext(request);
if (localeContext instanceof TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext) {
return ((TimeZoneAwareLocaleContext) localeContext).getTimeZone();
return null;
* Return the ThemeResolver that has been bound to the request by the
* DispatcherServlet.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the current ThemeResolver, or {@code null} if not found
public static ThemeResolver getThemeResolver(HttpServletRequest request) {
return (ThemeResolver) request.getAttribute(DispatcherServlet.THEME_RESOLVER_ATTRIBUTE);
* Return the ThemeSource that has been bound to the request by the
* DispatcherServlet.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the current ThemeSource
public static ThemeSource getThemeSource(HttpServletRequest request) {
return (ThemeSource) request.getAttribute(DispatcherServlet.THEME_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE);
* Retrieves the current theme from the given request, using the ThemeResolver
* and ThemeSource bound to the request by the DispatcherServlet.
* @param request current HTTP request
* @return the current theme, or {@code null} if not found
* @see #getThemeResolver
public static Theme getTheme(HttpServletRequest request) {
ThemeResolver themeResolver = getThemeResolver(request);
ThemeSource themeSource = getThemeSource(request);
if (themeResolver != null && themeSource != null) {
String themeName = themeResolver.resolveThemeName(request);
return themeSource.getTheme(themeName);
else {
return null;
* Return a read-only {@link Map} with "input" flash attributes saved on a
* previous request.
* @param request the current request
* @return a read-only Map, or {@code null} if not found
* @see FlashMap
public static Map<String, ?> getInputFlashMap(HttpServletRequest request) {
return (Map<String, ?>) request.getAttribute(DispatcherServlet.INPUT_FLASH_MAP_ATTRIBUTE);
* Return the "output" FlashMap with attributes to save for a subsequent request.
* @param request the current request
* @return a {@link FlashMap} instance (never {@code null} within a DispatcherServlet request)
* @see FlashMap
public static FlashMap getOutputFlashMap(HttpServletRequest request) {
return (FlashMap) request.getAttribute(DispatcherServlet.OUTPUT_FLASH_MAP_ATTRIBUTE);
* Return the FlashMapManager instance to save flash attributes with
* before a redirect.
* @param request the current request
* @return a {@link FlashMapManager} instance (never {@code null} within a DispatcherServlet request)
public static FlashMapManager getFlashMapManager(HttpServletRequest request) {
return (FlashMapManager) request.getAttribute(DispatcherServlet.FLASH_MAP_MANAGER_ATTRIBUTE);
在SpringMVC中,工具类(Util Classes)是开发者自定义的辅助类,用于提高代码的可重用性和可维护性。以下是一些SpringMVC中常见的工具类及其作用: 1. **日期时间工具类**:在处理日期和时间时,开发者通常会创建...
实体层自动生成工具则是开发者用来提高效率的重要辅助工具,它可以自动化地将数据库中的表结构映射为Java对象,减少了手动编写实体类的工作量。 SpringMVC实体层自动生成工具的主要功能包括: 1. 数据库表反向工程...
总的来说,通过注解SpringMVC和ExportExcel工具类,我们可以轻松地实现在网页上导出Excel和Word文档的功能。这个过程涉及到SpringMVC的请求处理、响应设置,以及第三方库(如Apache POI)的使用,这些知识对于任何...
本篇将详细讲解如何在SpringMVC中实现动态数据源的DataSource工具类。 首先,我们来看``这个文件。它通常会定义一个`DataSource`的工厂类,用于根据不同的需求动态地返回不同的数据源。在...
在这个案例中,工具能根据MySQL或Oracle数据库中的表定义,自动生成对应的实体类、DAO(数据访问对象)、Service以及Controller层的代码。 3. **MySQL数据库**:MySQL是一款开源的关系型数据库管理系统,广泛应用于...
自动生成单表的html,js,controller,model,service,impl,dao,mapper. 其中提供单表的增删改查页面后端跳转、列表查询、增加、编辑、详情查询sql和方法。生成后壳根据自己需要增减。减少开发人员基础的代码开发,有...
SpringMVC 提供了 MockMVC 工具,可以方便地对 Controller 进行单元测试,无需部署到服务器。 总结,SpringMVC 以其强大的功能和灵活性,成为了 Java Web 开发的主流框架之一。通过理解并熟练掌握上述知识点,...
在这个“SpringMVC之用户管理的源代码”案例中,我们将深入探讨如何使用SpringMVC来实现一个基础的用户管理系统。 首先,我们需要了解SpringMVC的基本组件: 1. **DispatcherServlet**:它是SpringMVC的前端控制器...
1. 使用方法 只需要注意这两个文件 配置文件说明: 配置好后 运行主程序 生成的文件已经分好路径 可直接粘贴到项目里,记得mybatis-config.xml.和 spring-service.xml里 注册下
Excel工具类 Word工具类 Java NIO实现socket工具类 分布式session jdk升级到1.7 嵌入式redis服务(只支持linux) 1.0.13 修改默认的beanName生成策略,controller参数扩展 1.0.14 分布式session使用zookeeper 1.0.15 ...
在这个Demo中,我们将深入探讨SpringMvc如何与JUnit结合进行有效的单元测试,以及如何利用这些工具提升代码质量和可维护性。 首先,SpringMvc是Spring框架的一部分,专门用于构建Web应用程序的MVC(模型-视图-控制...
9. **工具类**:提供了一系列实用的工具类,如字符串操作、日期时间处理、JSON转换等,方便开发者进行日常开发。 10. **源码分析**:由于此jar包包含了源码,开发者可以通过阅读源码学习Jetbrick-SpringMVC的设计...
这个完整的工具包资源包含了所有你需要在Eclipse或MyEclipse环境中开发基于SpringMVC4.0应用的必要组件。 首先,让我们详细了解一下SpringMVC的核心概念: 1. **DispatcherServlet**:它是Spring MVC的前端控制器...
- `spring-core`: 包含Spring的基础工具类和资源处理,如`ClassUtils`和`Resource`接口。 - `spring-beans`: 处理Bean的定义和实例化,实现依赖注入。 - `spring-aop`: 实现面向切面编程,提供声明式事务管理和...
在SpringMVC中,控制器通常由带有`@Controller`注解的Java类实现,方法上使用`@RequestMapping`注解来映射URL。 5. **视图(View)**:视图负责展示数据。SpringMVC支持多种视图技术,如JSP、FreeMarker、Thymeleaf等...
项目提供的`springmvc_redis`压缩包中,包含了完整的集成示例,包括SpringMVC配置、Redis工具类以及测试用例。你可以下载后在Eclipse中直接运行,体验集成效果。 通过上述两种方式,你可以根据实际需求灵活选择集成...
标题中的“SpringMVC”和“Postman工具”是指在Java Web开发中,利用Postman这一强大的API测试工具来辅助SpringMVC框架的应用程序进行接口测试。Postman是一款功能丰富的HTTP客户端,它允许开发者发送HTTP请求,从而...