[+] New feature added
[-] Bug fixed
1.0.7 2013-01-31
It is observed that when a connection is established, and very little data are
transfered, the CPU usage by the proxy instances is high. This version fixed this
issue by putting a 10 milliseconds sleep time between each connection key selection.
This should not affect the performance, because when the proxy is busy, the frequence
of connection key is significantly reduced.
1.0.6 2009-09-30
[-] Fixed the bug that in rare cases when the server is down, the client can only
connect to the proxy, but not the server.
1.0.5 2009-09-24
[-] Fixed the bug that resources may not be released when the proxy instance failed.
Proxy instance now tries to restart itself when failed.
Now each connection within a proxy instance has its own buffer pool, and default
instance buffer size changed from 812kb to 8kb.
1.0.4 2009-03-09
Default instance buffer size enlarged from 8kb to 512kb.
1.0.3 2008-08-10
Performance improved according to some test result(as described below).
The first column is the wait time in millisecond between each socket
selection loop, column 2 - 6 is the time in second the test case
returns, and the last column is the average time for column 2 - 6.
10 35.72 35.05 35.02 35 34.84 35.126
20 35.19 35.13 35.81 35.84 35.2 35.434
30 35.61 36.5 35.06 35.95 35.52 35.728
40 35.45 34.86 36.14 35.75 35.44 35.528
50 34.66 35.13 35.92 34.89 34.69 35.058
100 35.11 35.47 36.25 35.95 36.16 35.788
[+] Added buffer size usage monitor in debug mode.
1.02 2008-08-10
[+] User could decide if acl(Access Control List) should be used by setting
the acl property. This is a trade-off between functionalities and
Performance improved.
1.0.1 2008-08-08
Compiled against JDK 1.6.0, but compatible with JDK 1.5.0.
Initial version.
UPnP PortMapper UPnP PortMapper是易于使用的程序,用于管理本地网络中启用UPnP的Internet网关设备(路由器)的端口映射(端口转发)。 您可以轻松查看,添加和删除端口映射。 使用端口转发,可以从Internet访问在...
这是用java nio无阻塞套接字模型编写的开源端口映射器。 Open Port Mapper允许多个端口映射,并且提供指定允许列表和拒绝列表的功能。
UPnP PortMapper可用于轻松管理本地网络中启用UPnP的Internet网关/路由器的端口映射/端口转发。
反正跟端口映射有关 你们下载来看看吧
Serial Port Mapper allows to map a hardware COM port to any new port name. In other words it allows to rename serial ports or assign aliases to them.
Port Mapper项目是一个Java库,可让您转发启用NAT的路由器上的端口。 Port Mapper最初是作为项目的一部分开发的,与提供端口转发功能的现有Java库相比,具有一些明显的优势。 在所有主要平台上进行了测试:Android...
EPMD 通常侦听4369 TCP 端口,这可以使用环境变量ERL_EPMD_PORT进行调整。 分布式 Erlang 节点连接到 EPMD 并将其节点名称与随机侦听器端口一起注册,该端口用于接受来自集群中其他节点的连接 ( A
FPort v2.0 - TCP/IP Process to Port Mapper Copyright 2000 by Foundstone, Inc. Pid Process Port Proto Path 392 svchost -> 135 TCP C:\WINNT\system32\svchost.exe 8 System -> 139...
PortMapper-Server 是一个程序,它侦听计算机的一个(或多个)端口并将所有传入请求传输到其他计算机的某个其他端口。 PortMapper-Client 是用于管理服务器的图形工具。
runPortMapper 使用PortMapper的测试。
使用方法: 1.下载Global Mapper 11英文版,安装以默认目录; 2.将汉化补丁覆盖Global Mapper 11根目录文件,即可 请务必下载正宗标准Global Mapper 11英文版!
mybatis修改了mapper xml不用重启tomcat,热发布热更新.zip
FC的ROM独有的mapper使得制作卡带比较麻烦, 通常mapper4时最常用的mapper, 此教程讲解如何将mapper0, mapper1, mapper2, mapper3,mapper23(VRC2)转换为mapper4
社区和开发者经常发布补丁来支持新的或罕见的Mapper,确保模拟器可以运行更多游戏。 【Mapper_src文件的用途】 "mapper_src" 文件可能包含了VirtualNES模拟器中Mapper模块的源代码。如果你是开发者或对模拟器编程...
《全球地图神器:GlobalMapper17补丁详解与汉化探讨》 GlobalMapper是一款功能强大的全球地理信息系统(GIS)软件,被广泛应用于地理信息数据处理、地图制作、数据分析等领域。这款软件以其丰富的功能和易用性深受...
《全球地图神器:GlobalMapper14安装指南及详解》 GlobalMapper是一款强大的地理信息系统(GIS)软件,由Blue Marble Geographics公司开发。该软件以其易用性和全面的功能集深受全球用户的喜爱,尤其在地理信息处理...