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Associating editors with file types
To associate editors with various file types in the Workbench:
1. Open the command link General > Editors > File Associations preference page.
2. Select the file type from the File types list, or click Add to add a type that is not already on the list.
3. In the Associated editors list, select the editor that you want to associate with that file type. To add an editor to the list:
a. Click Add. The Editor Selection dialog box opens.
b. Select Internal Editors or External Programs, depending on whether the editor that you want was built for the Workbench or runs outside the Workbench.
c. If you select External Programs, you can click the Browse button to browse the file system.
d. Select the editor from the list and click OK.
4. Click OK to finish associating the editor with the selected file type.
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Associating Files with MIME Types Section 2.14. Configuring JSP Pages Section 2.15. Configuring Character Encoding Section 2.16. Designating Application Event Listeners Section 2.17. Developing ...
Associating Files with MIME Types Section 2.14. Configuring JSP Pages Section 2.15. Configuring Character Encoding Section 2.16. Designating Application Event Listeners Section 2.17. Developing ...
Windows Forms - Associating Help with an Application Windows Forms - Create an Explorer Style Application Windows Forms - How-To Automate Office Windows Forms - How-To Common Dialogs Windows Forms - ...
Associating Multiple Values with Each Key in a Dictionary Recipe 4.16. Using a Dictionary to Dispatch Methods or Functions Recipe 4.17. Finding Unions and Intersections of Dictionaries Recipe ...
- **Associating File Types on Windows:** Describes methods for associating `.rb` files with the Ruby interpreter on Windows, allowing double-click execution of Ruby scripts. 2. **Reserved Words** -...
3.When a new client connects, accept the connection and create a new socket for that client, also associating it with the same IOCP. 4.Use `AcceptEx` or `ConnectEx` (for incoming and outgoing ...
Installation Download the binary and execute this jar as java -jar JAXB2_20060607.jar On Windows, you can just double-...This is ideal for associating source code zips with JAXB RI jars in your IDE.
16.3.4 Associating Addresses with Sockets 604 16.4 Connection Establishment 605 16.5 Data Tr ansfer 610 16.6 Socket Options 623 16.7 Out-of-Band Data 626 16.8 Nonblocking and Asynchronous I/O 627 16.9...
- **Associating File Types on Windows:** On Windows systems, the book covers how to associate Ruby scripts with the Ruby interpreter so that they can be executed directly without needing to specify ...
8: ASSOCIATING A VALUE TO A KEY IN A HASH TABLE 9: IMPLEMENTATION OF ALGORITHMS IN REAL LIFE What You Will Learn Know how to use arrays and lists to get better results in complex scenarios Build ...
• Chapter 15 deals with nonlinear optimization with a thorough discussion of the Traveling Salesperson problem. You learn the formulation by Hopfield and the approach of Kohonen. • Chapter 16 ...
@inproceedings{panthaplackel2020associating, author={Sheena Panthaplackel and Milos Gligoric and Raymond J. Mooney and Junyi Jessy Li}, title={Associating Natural Language Comment and Source Code ...
- **Associating Stakeholders with Information Needing Collection:** Identify the key stakeholders involved in the project, such as application owners, network administrators, server administrators, ...
#### Associating Data with Arbitrary Keys: Dictionaries **Dictionaries** are collections that associate keys with values. They are unordered but maintain a mapping from each unique key to its ...
24.6.1 CAN.ini File ..............................................................................................................................................144 24.6.2 DLL Search Sequence ..........
包管理器属性文件(Packagemanager property file)的设置也被提及,以及如何通过简单的命令行接口来使用命令、调用、命令重定向和命令补全。 在图形用户界面部分,介绍了如何启动WEKA软件、如何管理包以及如何使用...
In this paper, we consider the second-order globally nonlinear consensus in a multiagent ... By associating the solution of random switching nonlinear system with the constructed Lyapunov function, a su
SVA bind files are a mechanism for associating SVA properties with RTL code. This association enables the properties to be checked during simulation and formal verification without modifying the RTL ...