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解决data too long for column '' at row 1 的方法

向数据库中插入中文数据时,出现了data too long for column 'columnname' at row 1 的错误
(1)修改 mysql安装根目录下的my.ini(MySQL Server Instance Configuration 文件),设置default-character-set=gbk(注意,有2处)


    ERROR 1406 : Data too long for column 解决办法

    在MySQL数据库操作中,当你尝试插入或更新一行数据时,如果某个字段的值超过了该字段定义的最大长度,系统会抛出“ERROR 1406 : Data too long for column”的错误。这个错误提示非常直接,意味着你试图输入的数据在...


    ### MySQL数据库乱码问题解析及解决方案 #### 一、乱码问题分析 在处理数据库时,乱码问题是非常常见的一个问题,特别是在使用MySQL这样的关系型数据库管理系统时。本篇文章旨在全面解析MySQL数据库乱码的原因,并...


    通过以上解决方案,我们可以正确地导入中文字符到 MySQL 中,无需再担心“Data too long for column XX at row n”的错误。同时,我们也需要了解 MySQL 的默认编码为 gb2312,并且需要在不同的场景下选择正确的编码...

    大牛总结 MySql常见错误集锦

    10. 错误1406: Data too long for column 'column_name' at row 1 插入的数据长度超过了列的最大允许长度。调整数据的大小,或者增大列的长度限制。 这些错误只是MySQL使用过程中可能遇到的一部分,理解和解决这些...


    Each index row in node pages contains an index key (or set of keys for a composite index) and a ...at the next level for which the first key value is the same as the key value in the current index row....


    In our example, if one transaction (T1) holds an exclusive lock at the table level, and another transaction (T2) holds an exclusive lock at the row level, each of the transactions believe they have ...

    MySQL text插入长文本时报错Incorrect string value xE5x8FxAC.pdf

    在本例中,报错信息为“Incorrect string value :'\xE5\x8F\xAC' for column 'XXX' at row 1”,这通常意味着尝试插入的文本包含了MySQL无法识别的字符编码,或者字段类型不能容纳特定的字符序列。 首先,我们需要...

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    Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly ...

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    Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly ...

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    Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly ...

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    Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly ...

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    Q440760 - Export to PDF - The File Save dialog is not shown if the default file name for a report is too long B218629 - In the Page Number Format dialog, the "Start At" field value is incorrectly ...


    在上面的例子中,当尝试向`VARCHAR(10)`列插入`12345678901`时,由于超过了10个字节(10个英文数字字符共10字节),MySQL返回了`ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'name' at row 1`错误。同样,当尝试...

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