
Mobile Web


The viewport metatag (Mobile web part 1)



<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>  





    <title>Hello world!</title>  
<p>Hello world!</p>  






      Hello World on the iPhone










我们需要做告诉浏览器这个网页移动优化是viewport meta进入视野
现在,我们调整我们的Hello World只是有点...



<!doctype html>  
    <title>Hello world!</title>  
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>  
<p>Hello world!</p>  




好多了!通过设置视口的宽度等于“设备宽度我们基本上告诉设备宽度320px,而不是默认980px,它猜中如果我们设置宽度= 320iPhone和其他一些智能手机实现相同的结果,但并不是所有的手机都有这个确切的宽度,所以最好简单地设置设备的宽度手机浏览器弄清楚


很多只智能手机都支持viewport metatag ,  iPhone , Android , webOS (Palm) ,Internet Explorer Mobile, Opera Mini , Opera Mobile.


More fun with the viewport tag



In addition to solving our biggest concern with the width of the content, the viewport tag has more options to play with:

Property Description
width Width of the viewport in pixels (or device-width). If width isn’t set, it defaults to a desktop size (980px on mobile Safari).
height Height of the viewport in pixels (or device-height). Generally you don’t need to worry about setting this property.
initial-scale (0 to 10.0) Multiplier that sets the scale of the page after its initial display. Safe bet: if you need to set it, set it to 1.0. Larger values = zoomed in, smaller values = zoomed out
minimum-scale (0 to 10.0) The minimum multiplier the user can “zoom out” to. Defaults to 0.25 on mobile Safari.
maximum-scale (0 to 10.0) The minimum multiplier the user can “zoom in” to. Defaults to 1.6 on mobile Safari.
user-scalable (yes/no) Whether to allow a user from scaling in/out (zooming in/out). Default to “yes” on mobile Safari.







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