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1. avoid surprise when dealing with the relationship with your manager.





    Essentials of Business Communication.pdf

    ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION, 9TH EDITION presents a streamlined approach to business communication that includes unparalleled resources and author support. ESSENTIALS OF BUSINESS ...

    digital communication over fading channels

    PART 4: MULTIUSER COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. Chapter 10. Optimum Combining:A Diversity Technique for Communication Over Fading Channels in the Presence of Interference. Chapter 11. Direct-Sequence Code-...

    Signal Processing: Image Communication

    In conclusion, the research presented in "Signal Processing: Image Communication" focuses on enhancing the efficiency and reliability of image communication through the use of DASH in a CDN....


    《OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication.dll:连接PC与PDA的桥梁》 在移动设备开发领域,尤其是在Windows CE或Pocket PC等嵌入式系统中,数据通信是一个至关重要的环节。OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication.dll库是专为...

    Communication Systems 4th edition

    作为通信领域的一本经典教材,《Communication Systems 4th edition》(通信系统第四版)由Simon Haykin教授编写,其专业性和权威性备受国际认可。Simon Haykin是加拿大麦克马斯特大学的杰出教授,尤其在信号处理和...

    mysql提示got timeout reading communication packets的解决方法

    user: ‘root’ host: `localhost’ (Got timeout reading communication packets) MYSQL server has gone away 引起这个原因是不可怕的.原因是更改了系统的断开时间. mysql>show gloable variables like “%time...

    FreeMASTER Serial Communication Driver

    NXP半导体公司发布的《FreeMASTER Serial Communication Driver》是一份详细的技术文档,其中介绍了FreeMASTER串行通信驱动程序的功能、用法和API接口等。这份文件为工程师提供了关于如何利用FreeMASTER驱动程序进行...

    Nature Communication 论文模版

    ### Nature Communication 论文模版相关知识点 #### 一、Nature Communications简介 Nature Communications 是一个国际知名的开放获取期刊,由Nature Publishing Group出版。该期刊涵盖了自然科学的所有领域,并且...

    CarPlay Communication Plug-in R14G17_carplay_Carplayplugin

    CarPlay Communication Plug-in R14G17_carplay_Carplayplugin是一款专为苹果CarPlay系统设计的通信插件,其主要功能是增强车辆与iPhone之间的连接性和交互性。这款插件是苹果公司针对车载信息系统的一项重要更新,...

    MATLAB Simulink for Digital Communication 完整源代码

    本资源“MATLAB Simulink for Digital Communication 完整源代码”提供了完整的M文件打包,涵盖了数字通信系统的多个关键模块,旨在帮助用户深入理解和实践数字通信系统的设计过程。 一、MATLAB Simulink基础 ...

    Near Field Communication (NFC) From Theory to Practice

    Near Field Communication (NFC): From Theory to Practice by Vedat Coskun, Kerem Ok and Busra Ozdenizci “This book provides the technical essentials, state-of-the-art knowledge, business ecosystem ...

    西门子300PLC创建用于开放式 TCP/IP 通信的连接数据的向导工具OPEN Communication Wizard

    "OPEN Communication Wizard"就是为实现这一目标而设计的,它是一个辅助工具,帮助用户在西门子300PLC中配置和建立TCP/IP通信连接。 首先,我们需要理解TCP/IP协议栈。TCP(传输控制协议)是一种面向连接的、可靠的...

    On-Chip Communication Architectures.pdf

    ### On-Chip Communication Architectures: Key Insights and Concepts #### Introduction "On-Chip Communication Architectures" is a comprehensive resource that delves into the intricacies of interconnect...

    CarPlay Communication Plug-in R14G17.2.zip

    CarPlay Communication Plug-in R14G17.2 是苹果公司为开发者提供的一个核心组件,用于构建与CarPlay系统交互的应用程序。这个插件是官方发布的,确保了开发者能够遵循苹果的安全标准和用户体验规范,为iOS设备用户...


    本文档的标题为《A Mathematical Theory of Communication》和描述《A Mathematical Theory of Communication, C.E.Shannon》指出了文档的核心主题,即由C.E.Shannon(克劳德·艾尔伍德·香农)撰写的这篇具有划时代...

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