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Time Management

Time Management
Time Management is all about breaking the work down into activities, so you can put them in order and come up with estimates for each of them.

1. Activity Definition process
divide the work package(from WBS) into activities that can be estimated.
tools and techniques: Decomposiiton,Templates(previous project),Expert Judgment, Planning Component(placeholder for unknow)
output: Activity List, Activity Attributes(order,predeccessor,successor,resource,time constraints), Milestone List(checkpoints) Requested Changes

2. Activity Sequencing:
tools&techniques:Precedence Diagramming Method(PDM), also called Activity on Node(AON), follow finish-to-start predecessorArrow Diagramming Method(ADM)
predecessor method includes:
Finish to Start(FS),
Start to Start(SS): activity begins at the same time
Finish to Finish(FF): activity finishs at the same time output: network diagram

3. Activity Resource Estimation process
input: a. Resource Availabilityb. Activity Listc. Activity Attributesd. Enterprise Environment Factors/Organizational Process Assets/Project Management Plan
tools&techniques:a. expert judgmentb. alternatives analysisc. published estimating datad. project management software(e.g. Microsoft Project)e. bottom-up estimating
output: resource requirements resource calendar

4. Activity Duration Estimating
a. resource requirements
b. resource calendar
c. activity list
d. activity attributes
e. project scope statement
f. organizational process assets/enterprise environmental factors/project management plan

tools&techniques:a. expert judgementb. analogous estimatingc. parametric estimatingd. three-point estimatesf. reserve analysis

output: activity duration estimates


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