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RubyKaigi 2008:标准化与Ruby 1.9 路线图

逆向翻译   原文地址:http://www.infoq.com/cn/news/2008/07/rubykaigi

This is the second part news about RubyKaigi 2008 from InfoQ, to see the first part in http://www.infoq.com/news/2008/07/rubykaigi-interview-with-matz

Ruby standardization

Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto put his mind of standardization of Ruby.Standardization'target is enhancing compatibility between different Ruby versions, to make it become opener stardard. Matz intend to submit it to ISO, but specific date don't fix — just mentioned "at least require years to carry the stardardization through.

Ruby 1.9x roadmap

On the second day of convention, Koichi Sasada -- YARV's developer -- droped the veil of  Ruby 1.9x's roadmap, and mentioned  Ruby 1.9.1 release version would be released on 2008 Christmas. Current Ruby 1.9.0 always is development release version, however, 1.91 will become the first stable version. Accordingly you can use it in products. Currently some new version of 1.9.0-2, 1.8.7-p22, 1.8.6-p230, and 1.8.5-p231 also be out on the same day.

Following is Ruby 1.9x roadmap

7.25 1.9.0-3
8.25 1.9.0-4
9.25 1.9.0-5 (function freeze)
10.25 1.9.0-6 (1.9.1 RC1)
11.25 1.9.0-7 (1.9.1 RC2)
12.20 1.9.1

new ruby version

Koichi Sasada talked about there may be new characteristic in new Ruby version.

MVM: Ruby supports many virtual machine(MVM), such as mobile phone.

Atomic Ruby: Ruby complier can only produce needed specific module, whose target is used in built-in equirement.

Bytecode serializable: It is a technique that implements Atomic Ruby, bytecode serializable will be very good; Consequently It dosen't need to analyse source code, if including whole serializable bytecode, it won't need complier so that it needn't to be compile. Which is very useful for demestic appliance's micro computerized controller or source code distributing other cluster node.

Converter that translates Bytecode to C: via translating bytecode to source code, which can use existing C complier to optimize, and can operate on the platform that is without Ruby implement.

HPC: optimize on 64bit machines float point number can be assume to be intermediate value. Compare to laying float poing number on heap, this method decreases half of acquirement number, while it makes faster and decreases garbage collection activate number. Study shows that for float point calculating its performance almost double.

Memory assignment and GC: because the import of YARV increases the expense of Memory assignment and GC, so it needs to calculate real-time GC or compress GC.

Valid optimization of separation: to adapt class reload and method redefiniton, JIT code can be resumed and be changed.


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