1. Download springside3.3.4 source
2. Extract the source package to file system. e.g. /home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4
3. Under the spring side source folder, execute
view sourceprint?
1 mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
3 mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse
4. Go into the mini-web folder. e.g. /home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/examples/mini-web
5. Update “pom.xml”
comment out the “h2″ related section in “properties”, enable “mysql” section
6. Update “” under /home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/examples/mini-web/src/main/resources
comment out “h2″ related section, enable “mysql” section.
Note: originally the database name in mysql jdbc.url is “mini-web”, but “-” is not supported in mysql database name convention. So we should remove the “-” from the database name just like “miniweb”
7. Update “default-data.xml”. It’s used to init data for mini-web
go to /home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/examples/mini-web/src/test/resources/data, open “default-data.xml“, change the fields name to lower case. e.g. change “ACCT_AUTHORITY” to “acct_authority“
Originally the fields name in “default-data.xml” is upper case. But the table name in mysql schema file is lower case. So we need to keep them consistent. Otherwise database initialize will be failed
8. Ensure that the installed mysql support utf8
check “default-character-set = utf8” is under [client], [mysqld-safe] and [mysqld]. Also make sure “init_connect=’SET NAMES utf8‘” is under [mysqld-safe] if there is
9. Update “build.xml” of mini-web, go to /home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/examples/mini-web/bin, update “build.xml”
comment out “h2″ related section, enable “mysql” section
10. Create database “miniweb” into mysql.
login into to mysql : mysql -u root -p
create database miniweb;
11. Init database, under /home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/examples, execut
ensure “maven-ant-task.jar” is in ant/lib folder
ant -f bin/build.xml init-db
the tables and init data for mini-web should be created into “miniweb” in mysql database
12. Add tomcat maven plugin into mini-web “pom.xml”
view sourceprint?
1 <!-- tomcat plugin -->
3 <plugin>
5 <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>
7 <artifactId>tomcat-maven-plugin</artifactId>
9 </plugin>
13. Start tomcat for test:
mvn tomcat:run
14. Generate project file for eclipse. Go into “/home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/examples/mini-web“. Execute “mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse” if there is no “.project” file over there.
15. Start eclipse.
“File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace“
Browse to folder “/home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/modules“, click “OK”. There are 3 projects will be shown in the “Projects:” list box. Select all of them and then press “Finish” to import them into eclipse
Again browse to folder “/home/bacon/works/spring-side-3.3.4/examples/mini-web“. Import mini-web into eclipse
16. Install maven plugin for eclipse
“Help->Install New Software“, enter “” and then click “Add”. Select the plugin and follow the instruction to install maven plugin for eclipse
17. Enable maven dependency support for “mini-web”. Right-click on “mini-web” project, select “Maven->Enable Dependency Management“
18. Run Configuration for “mini-web”. Right-click on “mini-web” project. Select “Maven Build”, then click “New” button on left-top. Enter the name e.g. “miniweb-maven“, specify “Base directory” by click “Browse Workspace…” then select “mini-web”, specify the goals “tomcat:run”
19. Run “mini-web” on tomcat. Select “mini-web” then click “Run” drop down list, select “miniweb-maven” which has been configured at step 18.
20. Debug “mini-web” on tomcat. Select “mini-web” then click “Debug” drop down list, select “miniweb-maven” which has been configured at step 18.
在 SpringSide3.3.4 安装部署的过程中,我们需要生成 mini-web 项目模板。这个模板将作为我们后续开发的基础。我们可以使用 Maven 的 archetype 机制来生成这个模板。首先,我们需要在命令行中执行以下命令: mvn ...
本文将深入探讨SpringSide-core-4.1.0的核心特性,以及其在实际项目中的应用。 一、SpringSide概述 SpringSide是一款为Java开发者设计的开源工具集,它提供了大量的最佳实践和示例代码,帮助开发者快速上手Spring...
标题中的 "springside-3.3.4-src" 表明我们关注的是该项目的源代码版本,版本号为 3.3.4。描述中的 "挺好用的" 提示我们 SpringSide 在实际开发中表现出良好的实用性与易用性。 SpringSide 3.3.4 主要涵盖了以下几...
这个jar包不仅包含了springside-core-4.1.0.GA的主要功能,还兼容了springside-core-3.3.4.jar的某些特性,确保了向后兼容性,这对于维护旧项目的开发者来说是极为有益的。 Springside是一个轻量级的Java开发工具集...
pom.xml配置 ...mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.springside -DartifactId=springside-core -Dversion=4.2.2.GA -Dfile=./springside-core-4.2.2.GA.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true
springside-core-4.3.0.jar 最新版springside-core的jar包
- 解压 ``,获取到 Springside 的源代码和示例项目。 - 使用 Eclipse 或者其他 IDE 打开 Springside 的示例项目,如 `mini-web`,进行开发和测试。 #### 示例项目配置 - 将 `examples/...
springside-core-4.2.3-GA.jar,如果jar包不完整,可能会导致异常:LifecycleProcessor not initialized - call 'refresh' before invoking lifecycle methods via the context
《SpringSide3-core-3.3.4:深入解析核心模块与扩展功能》 SpringSide3-core-3.3.4是SpringSide项目的一个重要版本,它是一个基于Java的轻量级开发框架,旨在简化Spring的使用,提高开发效率。这个压缩包包含了两个...
springside-core-4.2.2.GA.pom springside-core-4.2.2.GA.pomspringside-core-4.2.2.GA.pomspringside-core-4.2.2.GA.pomspringside-core-4.2.2.GA.pom
SpringSide3开发环境mini-web项目_3 一共三个压缩包:
mini-web_3_MyEclipse开发环境mini-web_MySQL_无初始化sql 一共三个压缩包:
- 下载并解压``。 - Sprinside 3.3.4源码包中包含了项目的示例代码、文档以及构建脚本。 5. **安装Maven Ant Tasks**: - 将`maven-ant-tasks-2.1.1.jar`复制到`%ANT_HOME%\lib`目录下...
3. **Module**:模块化设计,SpringSide提供了多个可复用的子模块,如Hibernate模块、MyBatis模块、Web模块等,便于开发者根据项目需求选择合适的组件。 4. **Bootstrap**:快速启动模板,提供了一个标准的Maven...
springside-core-4.2.2.GA.jar 包,需要的可以自行下载,