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关于Spring的思考和项目的去Spring尝试 -
用配置方式进行解耦,确实很灵活,但是增加了复杂性,学习成本就高 ...
摘要: 只有神之主宰才能拯救乃们的人生
Today, I brought a boy home for the first time, only to have my dad ask him what his mother's maiden name was. When he answered, my dad exclaimed, "Oh yeah! I think I dated her in high school. I could be your father!" FML
无敌的脑残老爸 -- 带我男朋友回家,中间聊天聊到我男朋友的妈妈,我老爸突然一拍脑门,“奥,那是你妈啊,高中的时候是我女朋友来着,要不是。。。我就是该你爸爸了”, FML
Today, I found out my request to have off on Thanksgiving for the first time in 6 years was denied, because I work the evening shift every year on Thanksgiving and that's convenient for everyone else. FML
Today, while I was waiting at a red light, another car slammed into me. By the time I got out to assess the damage, the other car was empty and there was nobody in sight. Either Moby Dickwad was abducted by aliens mid-crash, or he was behind on his insurance payments. FML
Today, I reached into my fridge to grab a strawberry soda. I noticed the can had started to leak from the top so I slurped up the spilt red liquid on the top of the can. I realized it wasn't soda, but blood from a defrosting steak on the shelf above it. FML
Today, my heating broke. It's 22 degrees outside, and my father won't let us call someone to fix it because apparently the cold helps the soul grow. FML
家里暖气坏了,但是我爸认为冻冻有助于健康,所以不打算修了,我们这边现在22华氏度(零下五度)。特么的 FML
Today, I was driving home with my dad after buying a new truck. We were on the freeway and the engine wasn't revving up very much. My dad thought that something was wrong with my transmission, so he reached over to change gears. Most cars won't go into reverse at high speeds. Mine does. FML
今天在高速上经历了生死时刻,新买的卡车,在高速上跑着呢,突然踩油门没有反应了,我老爸以为是变速器出问题了,然后就去拉档位,老子一时没看到,一脚油门下去,车子在高速上直接倒出去了。 FML
Today, I woke up with a pounding headache. My wife tells me that last night I woke up from a nightmare, screaming, tried to run away and knocked myself out running headfirst into the bedroom wall. So she put me back to bed and went back to sleep. FML
Today, I brought a boy home for the first time, only to have my dad ask him what his mother's maiden name was. When he answered, my dad exclaimed, "Oh yeah! I think I dated her in high school. I could be your father!" FML
无敌的脑残老爸 -- 带我男朋友回家,中间聊天聊到我男朋友的妈妈,我老爸突然一拍脑门,“奥,那是你妈啊,高中的时候是我女朋友来着,要不是。。。我就是该你爸爸了”, FML
Today, I found out my request to have off on Thanksgiving for the first time in 6 years was denied, because I work the evening shift every year on Thanksgiving and that's convenient for everyone else. FML
Today, while I was waiting at a red light, another car slammed into me. By the time I got out to assess the damage, the other car was empty and there was nobody in sight. Either Moby Dickwad was abducted by aliens mid-crash, or he was behind on his insurance payments. FML
Today, I reached into my fridge to grab a strawberry soda. I noticed the can had started to leak from the top so I slurped up the spilt red liquid on the top of the can. I realized it wasn't soda, but blood from a defrosting steak on the shelf above it. FML
Today, my heating broke. It's 22 degrees outside, and my father won't let us call someone to fix it because apparently the cold helps the soul grow. FML
家里暖气坏了,但是我爸认为冻冻有助于健康,所以不打算修了,我们这边现在22华氏度(零下五度)。特么的 FML
Today, I was driving home with my dad after buying a new truck. We were on the freeway and the engine wasn't revving up very much. My dad thought that something was wrong with my transmission, so he reached over to change gears. Most cars won't go into reverse at high speeds. Mine does. FML
今天在高速上经历了生死时刻,新买的卡车,在高速上跑着呢,突然踩油门没有反应了,我老爸以为是变速器出问题了,然后就去拉档位,老子一时没看到,一脚油门下去,车子在高速上直接倒出去了。 FML
Today, I woke up with a pounding headache. My wife tells me that last night I woke up from a nightmare, screaming, tried to run away and knocked myself out running headfirst into the bedroom wall. So she put me back to bed and went back to sleep. FML
2017-04-28 10:12 370摘要: 万不要小瞧流血 7 ... -
2017-04-24 21:15 365摘要: 谁的人生没有几 ... -
2017-04-19 23:30 356摘要: 每个熊孩子的心中都住着一只熊妈妈 Today, I h ... -
2017-04-17 22:35 433摘要: 宝宝心里苦,可是宝宝不说 Today, I went ... -
2017-04-14 22:28 446摘要: 七岁的小男孩是 ... -
2017-04-11 21:44 378摘要: 嗯,如果你跟一个人有仇就送他一直哈士奇 Today, ... -
2017-04-10 21:33 435摘要: 如果发生争吵,一定至少有一方有错;而女人从不认错,所以 ... -
2017-04-06 21:26 652Today, a man reminded me five t ... -
2017-04-05 20:50 495Today, my husband told my 5-yea ... -
2017-03-30 21:47 442Today, I bought the girl I like ... -
2017-03-29 21:31 349Today, I woke up feeling awesom ... -
2017-03-28 21:26 334摘要: 狗急了会跳墙, ... -
2017-03-27 21:40 372Today, I saw a beautiful girl o ... -
2017-03-25 22:33 453Today, I attended a Buddhist pr ... -
2017-03-23 21:43 325Today, a few of my friends arra ... -
2017-03-22 21:38 365Today, my manager said I could ... -
2017-03-21 21:53 307Today, I kissed the guy I like. ... -
Need a rest, please do not bother me 我想静静,别问我静静
2017-03-17 21:44 430Today, I got stopped at the ban ... -
2017-03-12 09:13 0摘要: 当智商不足以支撑一个人的生活的时候是什么样的场景 To ... -
2017-03-12 09:16 404Today, our cat died. My husband ...
这篇名为《救救我吧!》的作文,虽然主要讲述的是一个小学生对环境污染的观察和感受,但其中蕴含了许多与环保、水资源保护和可持续发展相关的知识点。 1. **环境污染**:文中提到的小溪被严重污染,散发出恶臭,这...
2. 更新控制文件,记录当前的检查点信息,以便在系统故障后能够快速定位到恢复的起点。 3. 通知DBWR进程写入数据文件,确保数据的持久化。 事务是数据库操作的基本单元,遵循ACID原则,即原子性(Atomicity)、一致...
【标题】"MyCode:救救我安卓应用"是一个旨在帮助旅行者在遇到问题时寻求援助的Android应用程序。由Aditi Panday开发,这个项目很可能使用了Java编程语言,因为标签明确指出了"Java"。 【Java编程基础】 Java是...
二、濒危野生动物的分类 根据濒危野生动物的生存状态,可以将其分为以下几个类别: 1. 极危wild(critically endangered):数量极少,濒临灭绝的野生动物。 2. 濒危wild(endangered):数量少,濒临灭绝的野生动物...
2. **串口通信**:串口通信(Serial Communication)是设备间常用的数据传输方式,尤其在短距离、低速率的通信中。常见的串口包括RS-232、RS-485等。在单片机和PC之间,通常是通过虚拟COM口(VCP)来实现串口通信的...
这篇文档标题为“救救我们的家园作文”,是一篇描述环境问题和呼吁保护家园的范文,适合教育孩子们环保意识。以下是从标题、描述、标签以及内容中提炼出的相关知识点: 1. **环境保护意识**:文章通过描述四季中...
这篇资料主要围绕的是濒危野生动物的现状及其保护问题。这些动物包括东北虎、大熊猫、藏羚羊、金丝猴、朱鹮、扬子鳄、白鳍豚、褐马鸡、黑颈鹤以及麋鹿,它们都是中国乃至全球的珍贵生物资源。 首先,濒危野生动物指...
救救孩子 2007高考零分作文的思考.doc
第2课-变成穷人的18种方法.mp4 第3课-负债1万元,快来救救我!.mp4 第4课-买买买VS赚赚赚?.mp4 第5课-1元钱也能理财么?.mp4 第6课-初入职场,公司应该给我多少钱?.mp4 第7课-是时候 dajie 银行了.mp4 第8课-从月...
2. **中国濒危野生动物的种类和分布**:中国有很多特有的濒危野生动物,如大熊猫、金丝猴、东北虎、藏羚羊、中华鲟等,它们分布在中国各地,特别是偏远的山区和森林。 3. **野生动物濒危的主要原因**:人类活动是...