# ==========================================================================
'spam_leech_dos': ('Anti-Spam/Leech/DOS',
'These settings help limiting ressource usage and avoiding abuse.',
('hosts_deny', [], "List of denied IPs; if an IP ends with a dot, it denies a whole subnet (class A, B or C)"),
{# allow max. <count> <action> requests per <dt> secs
# action: (count, dt)
'all': (30, 30), # all requests (except cache/AttachFile action) count for this limit
'default': (30, 60), # default limit for actions without a specific limit
'show': (30, 60),
'recall': (10, 120),
'raw': (20, 40), # some people use this for css
'diff': (30, 60),
'fullsearch': (10, 120),
'edit': (30, 300), # can be lowered after making preview different from edit
'rss_rc': (1, 60),
# The following actions are often used for images - to avoid pages with lots of images
# (like photo galleries) triggering surge protection, we assign rather high limits:
'AttachFile': (90, 60),
'cache': (600, 30), # cache action is very cheap/efficient
"Surge protection tries to deny clients causing too much load/traffic, see /SurgeProtection."),
('surge_lockout_time', 3600, "time [s] someone gets locked out when ignoring the warnings"),
('textchas', None,
"Spam protection setup using site-specific questions/answers, see HelpOnTextChas."),
('textchas_disabled_group', None,
"Name of a group of trusted users who do not get asked TextCha questions."),
('antispam_master_url', "http://master.moinmo.in/?action=xmlrpc2",
"where antispam security policy fetches spam pattern updates (if it is enabled)"),
# a regex of HTTP_USER_AGENTS that should be excluded from logging
# and receive a FORBIDDEN for anything except viewing a page
# list must not contain 'java' because of twikidraw wanting to save drawing uses this useragent
'microsoft.url.control|mirror| mj12bot|msnbot|msrbot|neomo|nutbot|omniexplorer|puf|robot|scooter|seekbot|'
"A regex of HTTP_USER_AGENTs that should be excluded from logging and are not allowed to use actions."),
('unzip_single_file_size', 2.0 * 1000 ** 2,
"max. size of a single file in the archive which will be extracted [bytes]"),
('unzip_attachments_space', 200.0 * 1000 ** 2,
"max. total amount of bytes can be used to unzip files [bytes]"),
('unzip_attachments_count', 101,
"max. number of files which are extracted from the zip file"),
# ==========================================================================
'style': ('Style / Theme / UI related',
'These settings control how the wiki user interface will look like.',
('sitename', u'Untitled Wiki',
"Short description of your wiki site, displayed below the logo on each page, and used in RSS documents as the channel title [Unicode]"),
('interwikiname', None, "unique and stable InterWiki name (prefix, moniker) of the site [Unicode], or None"),
('logo_string', None, "The wiki logo top of page, HTML is allowed (`<img>` is possible as well) [Unicode]"),
('html_pagetitle', None, "Allows you to set a specific HTML page title (if None, it defaults to the value of `sitename`)"),
('navi_bar', [u'RecentChanges', u'FindPage', u'HelpContents', ],
'Most important page names. Users can add more names in their quick links in user preferences. To link to URL, use `u"[[url|link title]]"`, to use a shortened name for long page name, use `u"[[LongLongPageName|title]]"`. [list of Unicode strings]'),
('theme_default', 'modern',
"the name of the theme that is used by default (see HelpOnThemes)"),
('theme_force', False,
"if True, do not allow to change the theme"),
('stylesheets', [],
"List of tuples (media, csshref) to insert after theme css, before user css, see HelpOnThemes."),
《SpringBoot2.0+Vue3.0前后端分离wiki文件管理系统源码解析》 在当前的互联网开发环境中,前后端分离已经成为了一种常见的架构模式,它可以提高开发效率,优化用户体验,同时也使得前后端职责更加明确。本系统采用...
本篇文章探讨了一种将Markdown文件自动实时同步到DokuWiki的方法,旨在结合两种工具的优势,提高文档管理的效率和便利性。 Markdown是一种轻量级的标记语言,因其简洁易读的格式而受到广泛欢迎,特别是在编写技术...
dokuwiki安装与配置 dokuwiki是一个功能强大且灵活的Wiki软件,能够帮助用户快速创建和管理知识库。下面是关于dokuwiki的安装和配置的知识点: 1. 安装dokuwiki 在Ubuntu系统上安装dokuwiki,首先需要下载doku...
**DokuWiki知识库管理** DokuWiki是一款开源的、专为团队协作设计的轻量级wiki系统。它不需要数据库,可以直接在纯文本文件中存储内容,这使得它易于备份、恢复和版本控制。这款软件特别适合小型团队用于文档共享、...
- “wiki安装文档.doc”提供了详细的安装流程,对于首次部署Wiki系统的用户非常有用,涵盖了服务器配置、数据库连接等关键步骤。 - “upgrade21utf8.zip”是针对某个旧版本(可能是2.1)的升级包,通常包含升级...
它的强大功能和灵活性使得用户可以创建和管理复杂的知识库。Mediawiki 支持多语言,包括中文,这使得中文用户能够轻松地搭建自己的Wiki站点。 ### Mediawiki的优势 1. **易用性**:Mediawiki 提供直观的用户界面,...
【Windows下Wiki安装配置详解】 在Windows环境下搭建Wiki平台,特别是对初学者而言,可能会遇到不少挑战。本文将详细介绍如何在Windows 2003服务器上安装和配置MediaWiki(MW),一个基于PHP开发的开源Wiki软件。MW...
wiki 部署文档是关于在 CentOS 操作系统上安装和配置 Docker 环境的文档。该文档涵盖了从升级内核版本到安装 Docker 的整个过程。下面是该文档中所涉及到的知识点: 1. 查看内核版本:使用 uname -r 命令可以查看...
对于那些希望避免复杂数据库配置的用户来说,DokuWiki是一个理想的选择。 在安全性方面,DokuWiki表现出色,具备良好的权限管理系统,可以精细控制不同用户对内容的访问和编辑权限。这对于企业内部知识库的构建尤其...
`Wiki.js` 是一个基于 `JavaScript` 开发的开源 Wiki 系统,专为个人和小企业设计,用于知识管理和信息共享。"windows版" 表明这个项目不仅支持常见的跨平台环境,还特别优化了在 Windows 操作系统上的部署和运行。 ...
基于Spring Boot的WIKI知识库管理系统 项目概述 本项目是一个基于Spring Boot框架开发的WIKI知识库管理系统,旨在提供一个高效、易用的平台来管理和分享知识。系统集成了多种功能,包括用户管理、文档管理、分类...
### TRIRIGA Wiki 设施管理软件:关键知识点解析 #### 一、设施管理与TRIRIGA Wiki - **设施管理(Facilities Management, FM)**:这是一门涉及建筑及其环境的综合管理学科,旨在确保组织的核心业务能够顺利进行...
10. **部署与维护**: 部署wiki建站系统需要考虑服务器环境配置、数据库安装、域名绑定等步骤,而后期维护则包括软件更新、数据备份、性能优化等。 综上所述,"wiki建站系统"是一个采用PHP开发的、仿照互动百科的...
2. **配置文件**:修改conf/dokuwiki.ini配置文件,根据实际需求调整各项参数,如语言、主题、权限等。 3. **初始化**:运行install.php脚本,按照提示完成初始化设置,包括创建管理员账号、设置站点信息等。 4. *...
### Puppet开源自动化配置管理平台详解 #### 一、Puppet简介与实现原理 Puppet是一款由Puppet Labs公司开发的开源自动化配置管理平台,旨在帮助系统管理员自动化IT基础设施的配置和管理过程。Puppet的核心设计理念...