- 浏览: 885050 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 湖南省
Make sure your data directory path is correct, check permissions, and
that the data/plugin directory has an __init__.py file.
""" % {
'path': pdir,
'err': str(err),
raise error.ConfigurationError(msg)
def _fillDicts(self):
""" fill config dicts
Fills in missing dict keys of derived user config by copying
them from this base class.
# user checkbox defaults
for key, value in DefaultConfig.user_checkbox_defaults.items():
if key not in self.user_checkbox_defaults:
self.user_checkbox_defaults[key] = value
def __getitem__(self, item):
""" Make it possible to access a config object like a dict """
return getattr(self, item)
class DefaultConfig(ConfigFunctionality):
""" Configuration base class with default config values
(added below)
# Do not add anything into this class. Functionality must
# be added above to avoid having the methods show up in
# the WikiConfig macro. Settings must be added below to
# the options dictionary.
def _default_password_checker(cfg, request, username, password):
""" Check if a password is secure enough.
We use a built-in check to get rid of the worst passwords.
We do NOT use cracklib / python-crack here any more because it is
not thread-safe (we experienced segmentation faults when using it).
If you don't want to check passwords, use password_checker = None.
@return: None if there is no problem with the password,
some unicode object with an error msg, if the password is problematic.
_ = request.getText
# in any case, do a very simple built-in check to avoid the worst passwords
if len(password) < 6:
return _("Password is too short.")
if len(set(password)) < 4:
return _("Password has not enough different characters.")
username_lower = username.lower()
password_lower = password.lower()
if username in password or password in username or \
username_lower in password_lower or password_lower in username_lower:
return _("Password is too easy (password contains name or name contains password).")
keyboards = (ur"`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./", # US kbd
ur"^1234567890叽qwertzuiop?asdfghjkl鲣#yxcvbnm,.-", # german kbd
) # add more keyboards!
for kbd in keyboards:
rev_kbd = kbd[::-1]
if password in kbd or password in rev_kbd or \
password_lower in kbd or password_lower in rev_kbd:
return _("Password is too easy (keyboard sequence).")
return None
class DefaultExpression(object):
def __init__(self, exprstr):
self.text = exprstr
self.value = eval(exprstr)
# Options that are not prefixed automatically with their
# group name, see below (at the options dict) for more
# information on the layout of this structure.
that the data/plugin directory has an __init__.py file.
""" % {
'path': pdir,
'err': str(err),
raise error.ConfigurationError(msg)
def _fillDicts(self):
""" fill config dicts
Fills in missing dict keys of derived user config by copying
them from this base class.
# user checkbox defaults
for key, value in DefaultConfig.user_checkbox_defaults.items():
if key not in self.user_checkbox_defaults:
self.user_checkbox_defaults[key] = value
def __getitem__(self, item):
""" Make it possible to access a config object like a dict """
return getattr(self, item)
class DefaultConfig(ConfigFunctionality):
""" Configuration base class with default config values
(added below)
# Do not add anything into this class. Functionality must
# be added above to avoid having the methods show up in
# the WikiConfig macro. Settings must be added below to
# the options dictionary.
def _default_password_checker(cfg, request, username, password):
""" Check if a password is secure enough.
We use a built-in check to get rid of the worst passwords.
We do NOT use cracklib / python-crack here any more because it is
not thread-safe (we experienced segmentation faults when using it).
If you don't want to check passwords, use password_checker = None.
@return: None if there is no problem with the password,
some unicode object with an error msg, if the password is problematic.
_ = request.getText
# in any case, do a very simple built-in check to avoid the worst passwords
if len(password) < 6:
return _("Password is too short.")
if len(set(password)) < 4:
return _("Password has not enough different characters.")
username_lower = username.lower()
password_lower = password.lower()
if username in password or password in username or \
username_lower in password_lower or password_lower in username_lower:
return _("Password is too easy (password contains name or name contains password).")
keyboards = (ur"`1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./", # US kbd
ur"^1234567890叽qwertzuiop?asdfghjkl鲣#yxcvbnm,.-", # german kbd
) # add more keyboards!
for kbd in keyboards:
rev_kbd = kbd[::-1]
if password in kbd or password in rev_kbd or \
password_lower in kbd or password_lower in rev_kbd:
return _("Password is too easy (keyboard sequence).")
return None
class DefaultExpression(object):
def __init__(self, exprstr):
self.text = exprstr
self.value = eval(exprstr)
# Options that are not prefixed automatically with their
# group name, see below (at the options dict) for more
# information on the layout of this structure.
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2009-09-14 13:58 6841, 根据菜单Customer Care- ... -
2009-09-14 13:54 8312.1 首先,导入autopay文件 LoadOut ... -
2009-09-14 13:18 8812009-2-25进入华为工作 BOSS总体介绍: 1, BO ... -
2009-09-11 16:31 6771// add by 2009-9-11 begin as 注 ... -
2009-09-05 14:56 846--查看CUP的占用率 select c.spid spid, ... -
2009-09-04 11:59 951wiki所有配置所存的几个目录 Wiki安装之后需要配置或修 ... -
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2009-09-04 11:55 1325('language_default', 'en', ... -
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2009-09-04 11:53 795# Standard buttons in the i ... -
2009-09-04 11:51 786569('supplementation_page', Fa ... -
2009-09-04 11:46 667options_no_group_name = { # = ... -
2009-09-04 11:35 760for name in decode_name ... -
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2009-09-04 11:33 747# check if python-xapia ... -
2009-09-04 11:32 652def __init__(self, siteid): ... -
2009-09-04 11:31 676def _makeConfig(name): &quo ...
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