Eclipse slow responding while refreshing external folders.
For some time i'm observing a very slow eclipse responding on every single SVN-Update. A simple check out takes approximately 10 minutes. It seems that eclipse ist refreshing a specific directory.
.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.jdt.core\.org.eclipse.jdt.co re.external.folders\.link0
Under the path above there was not such a file or directory called .link0. The only file i have found there was a simple xml called .project. A shorter look inside of it, i found the reason, why eclipse is taking so long to refresh this folder. In my eclipse environment, I'm referencing the sources of many jars included in the projects. In this .project file every single source library/archive was listed and i think eclipse is refreshing those sources on every SVN-Update. Removing those source references from the classapth solves the problem for me.
external device not responding(解决方案).md
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