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C#使用OleDb读取Excel,生成SQL语句 -
博主,你好,一直都有个问题没有搞明白,就是 2.x的版本是通过 ...
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一个 X 值域为{x1, ..., xn}的随机变量的熵值 H 定义为:,即熵的公式可以表示为:
![p_x(i) = \frac{n_i}{n}, i\in {0,..., L - 1}](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/zh/math/1/f/4/1f4dc118da909b84580ca1c96c32b26d.png)
//BMPReader.java, from Mark Wutka //Revised by Xie-Hua Sun import java.awt.*; import java.io.*; import java.awt.image.*; /** *This class provides a public static method that takes an InputStream to a Windows * .bmp file and converts it into an ImageProducer via a MemoryImageSource. *You can fetch a .bmp throough a URL with the following code: *URL url = new URL(<wherever your URL is>) *Image img= createImage(BMPReader.getBMPImage(url.openStream())); */ public class BMPReader extends Object { //Constants indication how the data is stored public static final int BI_RGB = 0; public static final int BI_RLE8 = 1; public static final int BI_RLE4 = 2; public static MemoryImageSource getBMPImage(FileInputStream stream) throws IOException { //DataInputStream allows you to read in 16 and 32 bit numbers DataInputStream in=new DataInputStream(stream); //Verify that the header starts with 'BM' if(in.read() != 'B') throw new IOException("Not a .BMP file!"); if(in.read() != 'M') throw new IOException("Not a .BMP file!"); //Get the total file size int fileSize = intelInt(in.readInt()); //Skip the 2 16-bit reserved words in.readUnsignedShort(); in.readUnsignedShort(); int bitmapOffset = intelInt(in.readInt()); int bitmapInfoSize = intelInt(in.readInt()); int width = intelInt(in.readInt()); int height = intelInt(in.readInt()); //Skip the 16-bit bitplane size in.readUnsignedShort(); int bitCount = intelShort(in.readUnsignedShort()); int compressionType = intelInt(in.readInt()); int imageSize = intelInt(in.readInt()); //Skip pixels per meter in.readInt(); in.readInt(); int colorsUsed = intelInt(in.readInt()); int colorsImportant = intelInt(in.readInt()); if(colorsUsed == 0) colorsUsed = 1<<bitCount; int colorTable[] = new int[colorsUsed]; //Read the bitmap's color table for(int i = 0; i < colorsUsed; i++) colorTable[i] = (intelInt(in.readInt())&0xffffff)+0xff000000; //Create space for the pixels int pixels[] = new int[width*height]; //Read the pixels from the stream based on the compression type if(compressionType == BI_RGB) if(bitCount == 24) readRGB24(width,height,pixels,in); else readRGB(width,height,colorTable,bitCount,pixels,in); else if(compressionType == BI_RLE8) readRLE(width,height,colorTable,bitCount,pixels,in,imageSize,8); else if(compressionType == BI_RLE4) readRLE(width,height,colorTable,bitCount,pixels,in,imageSize,4); //Create a memory image source from the pixels System.out.println(pixels[0]+" "+pixels[1]+" "+pixels[pixels.length-2]); return new MemoryImageSource(width,height,pixels,0,width); } /* *Reads in pixels in 24-bit format. There is no color table, and the pixels are *stored in 3-byte pairs. Oddly, all windows bitmaps are stored upside - the *bottom line is stored first. **/ protected static void readRGB24(int width,int height,int pixels[], DataInputStream in) throws IOException { //start storing at the bottom of the array for(int h = height-1; h >= 0; h--) { int pos = h*width; for(int w = 0; w < width; w++) { //Read in the red, green and blue components int red = in.read(); int green = in.read(); int blue = in.read(); //Turn the red,green and blue values into an RGB color with an alpha value //of 255 (fully opaque) pixels[pos++] = 0xff000000+(red<<16)+(green<<8)+blue; } } } //readRGB reads in pixels values that are stored uncompressed. The bits represent //indices into the color table protected static void readRGB(int width,int height,int colorTable[], int bitCount, int pixels[], DataInputStream in) throws IOException { //How many pixels can be stored in a byte? int pixelsPerByte = 8/bitCount; //A bit mask containing the number of bits in a pixel int bitMask = (1<<bitCount)-1; //The shift values that will move each pixel to the far right int bitShifts[] = new int[pixelsPerByte]; for(int i = 0; i < pixelsPerByte; i++) bitShifts[i] = 8-((i+1)*bitCount); int whichBit = 0; //Read in the first byte int currByte = in.read(); //Start at the bottom of the pixel array and work up for(int h = height-1;h >= 0; h--) { int pos = h*width; for(int w = 0; w < width; w++) { //Get the next pixel from the current byte pixels[pos] = colorTable[(currByte>>bitShifts[whichBit])&bitMask]; pos++; whichBit++; //If the current bit position is past the number of pixels in //a byte, you advance to the next byte if(whichBit >= pixelsPerByte) { whichBit = 0; currByte = in.read(); } } } } //readRLE reads run-length encoded data in either RLE4 or RLE8 format protected static void readRLE(int width,int height,int colorTable[], int bitCount,int pixels[],DataInputStream in, int imageSize,int pixelSize) throws IOException { int x = 0; int y = height-1; //You already know how many bytes are in the image, so only go through that many for(int i = 0; i < imageSize; i++) { //RLE encoding is defined by two bytes int byte1 = in.read(); int byte2 = in.read(); i += 2; //If byte0==0, this is an escape code if(byte1 == 0) { //If escaped, byte2==0 means you are at end of line if(byte2 == 0) { x = 0; y--; //If escaped, byte2==1 means end of bitmap } else if(byte2 == 1) { return; //if escaped, byte2==2 adjusts the current x and y by //an offset stored in the next two words } else if(byte2 == 2) { int xoff = (char)intelShort(in.readUnsignedShort()); i += 2; int yoff = (char)intelShort(in.readUnsignedShort()); i += 2; x += xoff; y -= yoff; //If escaped, any other value for byte 2 is the number of bytes //that you should read as pixel values (these pixels are not //run-length encoded) } else { int whichBit = 0; //Read in the next byte int currByte = in.read(); i++; for(int j = 0; j < byte2; j++) { if(pixelSize == 4) { //The pixels are 4-bits,so half the time you shift the current byte //to the right as the pixel value if(whichBit == 0){ pixels[y*width+x] = colorTable[(currByte>>4)&0xf]; } else { //The rest of the time, you mask out the upper 4 bits, save the //pixel value, then read in the next byte pixels[y*width+x] = colorTable[currByte&0xf]; currByte = in.read(); i++; } } else { pixels[y*width+x] = colorTable[currByte]; currByte = in.read(); i++; } x++; if(x >= width) { x = 0; y--; } } //The pixels must be word-aligned, so if you read an unevel number of // bytes, read and ignore a byte to get aligned again if((byte2&1) == 1) { in.read(); i++; } } //If the first byte was not 0, it is the number of pixels that //are encoded by byte 2 } else { for(int j = 0;j < byte1; j++) { if(pixelSize == 4) { //If j is odd, use the upper 4 bits if((j&1) == 0) pixels[y*width+x] = colorTable[(byte2>>4)&0xf]; else pixels[y*width+x+1] = colorTable[byte2&0xf]; } else pixels[y*width+x+1] = colorTable[byte2]; x++; if(x >= width) { x = 0; y--; } } } } } //intelShort converts a 16-bit number stored in intel byte order into //the local host format protected static int intelShort(int i) { return((i>>8)&0xff)+((i<<8)&0xff00); } //intelInt converts a 32-bit number stored in intel byte order into //the local host format 转换成小端存储的机器整数 protected static int intelInt(int i) { return((i&0xff)<<24)+((i&0xff00)<<8)+((i&0xff0000)>>8)+((i>>24)&0xff); } }
public int[] grabber(Image im, int iw, int ih) { int [] pix = new int[iw * ih]; try { PixelGrabber pg = new PixelGrabber(im, 0, 0, iw, ih, pix, 0, iw); pg.grabPixels(); System.out.println(pix[0]+" "+pix[1]); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return pix; }
public int[] getHist(int[] pix, int iw, int ih) { int[] hist = new int[256]; for(int i = 0; i < iw*ih; i++) { int grey = pix[i]&0xff; hist[grey]++; } return hist; }
//显示直方图 public void draw(Graphics g, int[] h, int max) { g.clearRect(270, 0, 530, 350); g.drawLine(270, 306, 525, 306); //x轴 g.drawLine(270, 50, 270, 306); //y轴 for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) g.drawLine(270+i, 306, 270+i, 306-h[i]); g.drawString(""+max, 275, 60); g.drawString("直方图", 370, 320); }
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"基于灰度直方图的图像检索"是一个使用VC++编程语言实现的小型软件,专门针对.bmp格式的图像进行操作。这个软件的核心在于利用灰度直方图作为图像特征,进行相似性比较,从而实现图像的检索。 首先,我们来理解灰度...
在图像处理领域,灰度直方图是一种统计图像亮度分布的方法,它可以帮助我们理解图像的亮暗区域。在这个实验中,“灰度直方图寻找波峰”是利用Visual Studio 2010进行的一种实践,它引入了OpenCV库来辅助分析。OpenCV...
本文将深入探讨如何使用C#语言通过灰度直方图的方法来实现图片相似度的判别。 首先,我们需要理解灰度直方图的概念。灰度直方图是表示图像亮度分布的一种统计图形,它将图像中的每个像素点按其灰度值(0到255之间)...
该资源主要参考我的博客【数字图像处理】四.MFC对话框绘制灰度直方图,博客地址http://blog.csdn.net/eastmount/article/details/46237463 讲述VC++ 6.0关于数字图像处理的灰度直方图(中值灰度、平均灰度)、灰度、...
内容概要:本文详细介绍了使用ENVI软件进行图像灰度直方图观测的方法,涉及Statistics工具栏的操作步骤、图像增强前后的直方图变化及其数据解读。 适用人群:适用于从事遥感影像数据分析的研究人员和技术人员。 使用...
### MATLAB灰度直方图详解 #### 一、引言 在图像处理领域,灰度直方图是一种非常重要的工具,它能够帮助我们了解图像中不同灰度级的分布情况,进而进行各种图像处理操作,如增强对比度、图像分割等。MATLAB作为一...
在图像处理领域,灰度直方图是一种非常重要的概念,它可以帮助我们理解图像的亮度分布情况。在C#中,我们可以利用.NET Framework或第三方库如AForge.NET来实现灰度直方图的计算和可视化。下面我们将深入探讨灰度直方...
在图像处理领域,灰度化图像和灰度直方图是两个重要的概念,它们对于理解和分析图像特性至关重要。本文将详细探讨这两个知识点及其在实际应用中的实现过程。 首先,我们来了解一下什么是“灰度化图像”。灰度图像,...
本教程将深入探讨如何使用MATLAB打开灰度图像,并展示其灰度直方图以及计算图像的均值和方差。这两个参数是衡量图像特性的重要指标,对理解和分析图像质量非常有帮助。 首先,让我们了解灰度图像。在彩色图像中,每...
在实现灰度直方图时,我们需要先用QImage加载图像文件。QImage提供了`load()`函数,可以方便地从指定路径加载图像。例如: ```cpp QImage image("path_to_image.jpg"); if (image.isNull()) { // 处理加载失败的...
在图像处理领域,灰度直方图是一种非常重要的概念,它用于描述图像中各个灰度级的分布情况。本文将详细讲解灰度直方图的原理、C++实现及其在图像处理中的应用。 首先,我们要理解什么是灰度直方图。在黑白图像或...
在本主题中,我们将深入探讨“RGB空间直方图”、“灰度直方图”和“颜色直方图”这三种关键概念。 首先,让我们来看看“灰度直方图”。灰度直方图是针对单通道图像(如灰度图像)的统计表示,它将图像中的每个像素...