1. jpg, png, gif --> jpg (并支持压缩)
2. jpg, png, gif --> 支持原图格式压缩
3. 支持水印添加,并且可以动态的调整位置显示在右下角
4. 本人是在开源代码的基础上,拿过来改一改调一调搞的;最大的好处有6个基础类,1个工具类,不依赖于第三方jar包
package org.summercool.util; import java.awt.AlphaComposite; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.OutputStream; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import org.summercool.image.AnimatedGifEncoder; import org.summercool.image.GifDecoder; import org.summercool.image.Scalr; import org.summercool.image.Scalr.Method; import org.summercool.image.Scalr.Mode; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGEncodeParam; import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageEncoder; public class ImageUtil { static Font FONT = new Font("微软雅黑", Font.BOLD, 18); static final Color COLOR = Color.WHITE; static final Color FONT_COLOR = new Color(255, 255, 255, 150); static final Color FONT_SHADOW_COLOR = new Color(170, 170, 170, 77); public static boolean isJpg(String str) { return isEndWid(str, "jpg"); } public static boolean isPng(String str) { return isEndWid(str, "png"); } public static boolean isGif(String str) { return isEndWid(str, "gif"); } private static boolean isEndWid(String str, String ext) { if (str == null || "".equals(str.trim())) { return false; } int position = str.lastIndexOf("."); if (position == -1 || (position == str.length() - 1)) { return false; } String suffix = str.substring(position + 1); if (ext.equalsIgnoreCase(suffix)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static boolean isJpg(InputStream in) throws IOException { InputStream iis = in; if (!in.markSupported()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input stream must support mark"); } iis.mark(30); // If the first two bytes are a JPEG SOI marker, it's probably // a JPEG file. If they aren't, it definitely isn't a JPEG file. try { int byte1 = iis.read(); int byte2 = iis.read(); if ((byte1 == 0xFF) && (byte2 == 0xD8)) { return true; } } finally { iis.reset(); } return false; } public static boolean isPng(InputStream in) throws IOException { if (!in.markSupported()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input stream must support mark"); } byte[] b = new byte[8]; try { in.mark(30); in.read(b); } finally { in.reset(); } return (b[0] == (byte) 137 && b[1] == (byte) 80 && b[2] == (byte) 78 && b[3] == (byte) 71 && b[4] == (byte) 13 && b[5] == (byte) 10 && b[6] == (byte) 26 && b[7] == (byte) 10); } public static boolean isGif(InputStream in) throws IOException { if (!in.markSupported()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input stream must support mark"); } byte[] b = new byte[6]; try { in.mark(30); in.read(b); } finally { in.reset(); } return b[0] == 'G' && b[1] == 'I' && b[2] == 'F' && b[3] == '8' && (b[4] == '7' || b[4] == '9') && b[5] == 'a'; } /** * 压缩图片 * * @param in * @param out * @param maxWidth * @param maxHeight * @param type * 1: jpg 2: png 4: gif 3: jpg+png 5: jpg+gif 6: png+gif 7: * jpg+png+gif * @throws IOException */ public static void resize(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int type, float quality, String[] watermark, Font font, Color fontColor) throws IOException { if (!(type >= 1 && type <= 7)) { throw new IOException("can not support type: " + type + ", type must be in [1-7] "); } if (type == 1) { if (!isJpg(in)) { throw new IOException("image format is not jpg "); } resizeJpg(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (type == 2) { if (!isPng(in)) { throw new IOException("image format is not png "); } resizePng(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (type == 3) { if (isJpg(in)) { resizeJpg(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (isPng(in)) { resizePng(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } throw new IOException("image format is not jpg or png "); } else if (type == 4) { if (!isGif(in)) { throw new IOException("image format is not gif "); } resizeGif(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (type == 5) { if (isJpg(in)) { resizeJpg(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (isGif(in)) { resizeGif(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } throw new IOException("image format is not jpg or gif "); } else if (type == 6) { if (isPng(in)) { resizePng(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (isGif(in)) { resizeGif(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } throw new IOException("image format is not png or gif "); } else if (type == 7) { if (isJpg(in)) { resizeJpg(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (isPng(in)) { resizePng(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } else if (isGif(in)) { resizeGif(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality, watermark, font, fontColor); return; } throw new IOException("image format is not jpg or png or gif "); } } public static void resizeJpg(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, float quality, String[] watermark, Font font, Color fontColor) throws IOException { checkParams(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality); // BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(in); image = Scalr.resize(image, Method.AUTOMATIC, Mode.AUTOMATIC, maxWidth, maxHeight); // create new image with right size/format BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); // 因为有的图片背景是透明色,所以用白色填充 FIXED g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_ATOP, 1)); g.fillRect(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null); image = bufferedImage; // if (watermark != null && watermark.length > 0) { makeWatermark(watermark, image, font, fontColor); } // JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out); JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.getDefaultJPEGEncodeParam(image); param.setQuality(quality, false); encoder.setJPEGEncodeParam(param); encoder.encode(image); } public static void resizePng(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, float quality, String[] watermark, Font font, Color fontColor) throws IOException { checkParams(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality); // BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(in); image = Scalr.resize(image, Method.AUTOMATIC, Mode.AUTOMATIC, maxWidth, maxHeight); if (watermark != null && watermark.length > 0) { makeWatermark(watermark, image, font, fontColor); } ImageIO.write(image, "png", out); } public static void resizeGif(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, float quality, String[] watermark, Font font, Color fontColor) throws IOException { checkParams(in, out, maxWidth, maxHeight, quality); // GifDecoder gd = new GifDecoder(); int status = gd.read(in); if (status != GifDecoder.STATUS_OK) { return; } // AnimatedGifEncoder ge = new AnimatedGifEncoder(); ge.start(out); ge.setRepeat(0); for (int i = 0; i < gd.getFrameCount(); i++) { BufferedImage frame = gd.getFrame(i); BufferedImage rescaled = Scalr.resize(frame, Method.AUTOMATIC, Mode.AUTOMATIC, maxWidth, maxHeight); if (watermark != null && watermark.length > 0) { makeWatermark(watermark, rescaled, font, fontColor); } // int delay = gd.getDelay(i); ge.setDelay(delay); ge.addFrame(rescaled); } ge.finish(); } private static void makeWatermark(String[] text, BufferedImage image, Font font, Color fontColor) { Graphics2D graphics = image.createGraphics(); graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); if (font != null) { graphics.setFont(font); } else { graphics.setFont(FONT); } if (fontColor == null) { fontColor = COLOR; } // graphics.setColor(fontColor); for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { if ("".equals(text[i].trim())) { continue; } FontRenderContext context = graphics.getFontRenderContext(); Rectangle2D fontRectangle = font.getStringBounds(text[i], context); int sw = (int) fontRectangle.getWidth(); int sh = (int) fontRectangle.getHeight(); if (text.length - i == 1) { graphics.drawString(text[i], image.getWidth() - sw - 6, image.getHeight() - 8); } else { graphics.drawString(text[i], image.getWidth() - sw - 6, image.getHeight() - sh * (text.length - 1) - 8); } } graphics.dispose(); } private static void checkParams(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, float quality) throws IOException { if (in == null) { throw new IOException("InputStream can not be null "); } if (out == null) { throw new IOException("OutputStream can not be null "); } if (maxWidth < 1 || maxHeight < 1) { throw new IOException("maxWidth or maxHeight can not be less than 1 "); } if (quality < 0f || quality > 1f) { throw new IOException("quality must be in [0-1] "); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File("D:/gif/f1.jpg")); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("D:/gif/f1_b.jpg")); try { resizeJpg(in, out, 640, 640, 0.85f, new String[] {"@王少-_-","weibo.com/dragonsoar"}, FONT, FONT_COLOR); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { out.close(); in.close(); } } }
1. jpg、png、gif压缩
1.1.1 jpg原图(320K):
1.1.2 jpg等比压缩(191K,精度设置成0.85f,肉眼看不出精度损失,效率还是不错的):
1.2 png压缩 (同上)
1.3 gif压缩(同上)
2. png to jpg(略)
3. gif to jpg(略)
4. 添加水印
4.1 jpg图片添加水印
4.2 gif图片添加水印
4. **使用`java.util.ServiceLoader`**:对于依赖于服务提供者接口(SPI)的情况,可以利用`ServiceLoader`来加载第三方JAR提供的服务。`ServiceLoader`会遍历指定的META-INF/services/目录下的文件,根据文件内容...
在这个压缩包中,包含了一些用于支持Hadoop 2.2版本开发的第三方jar包,这些jar包对于理解Hadoop的内部工作原理以及进行自定义开发具有重要意义。 1. **hadoop-hdfs-bkjournal-2.1.0-beta.jar**:这是Hadoop HDFS...
本项目就是基于Java利用第三方jar包Sigar(System Information Gatherer and Reporter)来实现服务器系统的实时参数监控,涵盖了CPU、内存、硬盘以及网络流量四大关键指标。 首先,让我们深入理解Sigar库。Sigar是...
本文将详细介绍一种不依赖于Eclipse内置buildpath功能的方法来配置第三方JAR包。 #### 二、Eclipse项目结构简介 在深入讨论如何配置第三方JAR包之前,我们需要先了解Eclipse项目的几个关键概念: 1. **项目路径**...
### 第三方JAR实现邮件发送 #### 概述 在Java Web开发中,邮件发送是一项常见但又必不可少的功能。无论是用户注册验证、找回密码还是通知提醒等场景,邮件服务都扮演着重要的角色。本文将详细介绍如何通过引入第三...
通常,JAR文件用于封装第三方库或自定义模块,以便于在不同的Java项目中重用。 ### 二、执行Java命令引入外部JAR包的方法 #### 方法1:修改系统环境变量 最常见的方式是通过修改系统环境变量`CLASSPATH`来添加...
Android的资源系统依赖于Android的构建工具链(如Gradle)和R类,这些在jar包中是不可用的。 2. **使用AAR格式**:AAR(Android Archive)文件格式是专门为Android库设计的,它允许包含资源文件。但是,如果只需要...
Java访问Access数据库通常需要借助第三方库,因为Java标准库JDBC并不直接支持Microsoft Access。这里提到的"jackcess-1.2.9.jar"是一个专为Java设计的开源库,用于读写Microsoft Access数据库,无需安装任何其他软件...
下面我们将详细介绍如何在Java项目中使用`JSONObject`,包括所需的jar包和依赖。 1. **引入依赖** 要使用`JSONObject`,首先需要将对应的jar包添加到项目的类路径中。在传统的Java项目中,你可以直接下载`org.json...