
Invalid byte x of n-byte UTF-8 sequence.



提示错误原因是:Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.

它解析到了在 1字节UTF-8序列中无效的第一字节

One-byte codes are used only for the ASCII values 0 through 127. In this case the UTF-8 code has the same value as the ASCII code. The high-order bit of these codes is always 0.


至于凭什么它能认定是1-byte UTF-8 sequence,不是很清楚,可能存在什么预认定机制,或者这个byte对于任意字节的UTF-8的首字节来说都是非法的,它只是表达成这样(但造成歧义了)




要认定是1-byte UTF-8 sequence还是比较容易认的,只要该字节后就出现了UTF-8 sequence的任意字节首字节,就可以辨识这是一个n-byte UTF-8 sequence.

first byte pattern of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence: 0xxxxxxx
first byte pattern of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence: 110xxxxx
first byte pattern of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence: 1110xxxx
first byte pattern of 4-byte UTF-8 sequence: 11110xxx

Invalid byte 2 of 2-byte UTF-8 sequence.
Invalid byte 2 of 3-byte UTF-8 sequence.
Invalid byte 2 of 4-byte UTF-8 sequence.








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