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您能说一下"局部变量不受文本顺序限制" 是 ...
The startup process is a concern that any application must address. It is the first concern
that we will examine in this chapter. The separation of concerns
is one of the oldest
and most important design techniques in our craft
Unfortunately, most applications don’t separate this concern. The code for the startup
process is ad hoc and it is mixed in with the runtime logic
. Here is a typical example:
public Service getService() { if (service == null) service = new MyServiceImpl(...); // Good enough default for most cases? return service; }
We don’t incur the overhead of construction
unless we actually use the object, and our startup
times can be faster as a result
. We also ensure that
null is never returned.
However, we now have a hard-coded dependency on
MyServiceImpl and everything its
constructor requires (which I have elided). We can’t compile without resolving these
dependencies, even if we never actually use an object of this type at runtime!
isn’t a serious problem, of course. However,
there are normally many instances of little setup idioms like this in applications
. Hence,
the global setup strategy (if there is one) is scattered across
the application, with little
modularity and often significant duplication.
Perhaps worst of all, we do not know whether MyServiceImpl is the right object in all
cases. I implied as much in the comment
. Why does the class with this method have to
know the global context? Can we ever really know the right object to use here? Is it even
possible for one type to be right for all possible contexts?
If we are diligent about building
well-formed and robust systems, we should never let
little, convenient idioms lead to modularity breakdown
. The startup process of object construction
and wiring is no exception
. We should modularize this process separately from
the normal runtime logic
and we should make sure
that we have a global, consistent strategy
for resolving our major dependencies
our major dependecies may be this implementation class, may be that implementation class, it should not be wired in the program.
Again notice that all the dependencies point from
main toward the OrderProcessing
application. This means that the application is decoupled from
the details of how to
build a LineItem. That capability is held in
the LineItemFactoryImplementation, which
is on the main side of the line. And yet the application is in complete control of
the LineItem instances get built and can even provide application-specific constructor
In the context of dependency management, an object should not take responsibility for instantiating dependencies itself .
JNDI lookups are a “partial
” implementation of DI, where an object asks a directory
server to provide a “service” matching a particular name.
MyService myService = (MyService)(jndiContext.lookup(“NameOfMyService”));
The invoking object doesn’t control what kind of object is actually returned (as long it
implements the appropriate interface, of course), but the invoking object
still actively
resolves the dependency
True Dependency Injection goes one step further
. The class takes no direct steps to
resolve its dependencies
; it is completely passive. Instead, it provides setter methods or
constructor arguments (or both) that are used to inject the dependencies. During the construction
process, the DI container instantiates the required objects (usually on demand)
and uses the constructor arguments or setter methods provided to wire together the dependencies
Which dependent objects are actually used is specified through
a configuration
file or programmatically in a special-purpose construction module.
The Spring Framework provides the best known DI container for Java. You define
which objects to wire together
in an XML configuration file, then you ask for particular
objects by name in Java code.
But what about the virtues of
LAZY-INITIALIZATION? This idiom is still sometimes
useful with DI
The ephemeral nature
of software systems makes this possible, as we will see. Let us first
consider a counterexample of an architecture that doesn’t separate concerns adequately
The original EJB1 and EJB2 architectures did not separate concerns appropriately and
thereby imposed unnecessary barriers to organic growth
. Consider an Entity Bean for a
persistent Bank class. An entity bean is an in-memory representation of relational data
, in
other words, a table row.
EJB3 largely follows
the Spring model of declaratively supporting cross-cutting concerns
XML configuration files and/or Java 5 annotations.
If the persistence mapping details won’t change frequently , many teams may choose to keep the annotations , but with far fewer harmful drawbacks compared to the EJB2 invasiveness .
What if there were four simple rules that you could follow that would help you create good
designs as you worked? What if by following these rules you gained insights into the structure
and design of your code
, making it easier to apply principles such as SRP and DIP?
What if these four rules facilitated the emergence of good designs?
According to Kent, a design is “simple” if it follows these rules:
• Runs all the tests
• Contains no duplication
• Expresses the intent of the programmer
• Minimizes the number of classes and methods
The rules are given in order of importance.
Tight coupling makes it difficult to write tests. So, similarly, the more tests we write,
the more we use principles like DIP and tools like dependency injection, interfaces, and
abstraction to minimize coupling. Our designs improve even more
Remarkably, following a simple and obvious rule that says we need to have tests and
run them continuously impacts our system’s adherence to the primary OO goals
of low
coupling and high cohesion
. Writing tests leads to better designs.
The majority of the cost of a software project is in long-term maintenance
. In order to
minimize the potential for defects
as we introduce change, it’s critical for us to be able to
understand what a system does.
Therefore, code should clearly express the intent of its author
. The clearer
the author can make the code
, the less time others will have to spend understanding it. This
will reduce defects
and shrink the cost of maintenance
You can express yourself by choosing good names
. We want to be able to hear a class
or function name and not be surprised when we discover its responsibilities.
You can also express yourself by keeping your functions and classes small
. Small
classes and functions are usually easy to name, easy to write, and easy to understand.
You can also express yourself by using standard nomenclature
. Design patterns, for
example, are largely about communication and expressiveness. By using the standard
pattern names, such as COMMAND or VISITOR, in the names of the classes that implement
those patterns, you can succinctly describe your design to other developers.
Well-written unit tests
are also expressive. A primary goal of tests is to act as documentation
by example. Someone reading our tests should be able to get a quick understanding
of what a class is all about.
But the most important way to be expressive
is to try
. All too often
we get our code
and then move on to
the next problem without giving sufficient thought to making
that code easy for the next person to read
. Remember, the most likely next person to read
the code will be you
So take a little pride in your workmanship
. Spend a little time with each of your functions
and classes. Choose better names, split large functions into smaller functions, and
generally just take care of what you’ve created
. Care is a precious resource.
Our goal is to keep our overall system small
while we are also keeping our functions
and classes small. Remember, however, that this rule is the lowest priority of the four rules
of Simple Design.
So, although it’s important to keep class and function count low, it’s
more important to have tests
, eliminate duplication
, and express yourself
Is there a set of simple practices
that can replace experience? Clearly not
. On the other
hand, the practices described in
this chapter and in this book are a crystallized form
of the
many decades of experience enjoyed by
the authors. Following the practice of simple
design can and does encourage and enable developers to adhere to good principles and
that otherwise take years to learn
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