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<dl id="faq">
<dd>Never use oils or lotions which contain oils on your bird. They gunk up the feathers,
and ruin their insulating properties. This means a chilled bird. Never wait out a cat bite--those
require immediate veterinary attention--a bird can die within two days because a cat's mouth is so
filthy and full of bacteria. Don't bother with over-the-counter medication. It really doesn't work,
and in some cases, may upset the delicate bacterial balance in the bird's body, or even worsen the
situation. Never try to treat a fracture at home.</dd>
<dd>Schedule a "well-bird" checkup. Prevention is the best medicine. Even though the bird might appear outwardly healthy, it may have a low-grade infection or something not so readily apparent. Your bird's health and your peace of mind will be worth it.</dd>
<dd>No. Don't attempt this, especially if the leg is broken or swollen. The vet will be able
to remove the band, and deal with whatever injury maybe lurking under the banded area.</dd>
<dd>This is probably the most common mishap. The remedy is simple--yank! It's most easily done
with two people. One to restrain the bird and the other to pull the feather. Use pliers, or a
hemostat. Tweezers won't work on primaries. Make certain that the wing bones are firmly supported
or you can break the wing. Clamp onto the feather and give a sharp tug in the direction of the
feather. The feather will come out. Next, apply gentle, direct pressure to the follicle where the
feather was to stop the bleeding. Dab some styptic powder on it, as it will help stop the bleeding
as well. Let the bird rest. Ask your vet or breeder to demonstrate exactly how to pull a blood
feather if you're apprehensive about doing it.</dd>
【jQuery 实现的通讯录 Demo】是一个基于 JavaScript 库 jQuery 的简单应用实例,主要用于展示如何利用 jQuery 技术来构建一个基本的通讯录功能。在这个 Demo 中,虽然通讯录数据并未进行持久化存储,但我们可以从中...
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在初试 Jquery EasyUI 的 Demo 中,你可以通过阅读 `初试JqueryEasyUI.docx` 和 `初试JqueryEasyUI.mht` 文件了解详细步骤和示例代码。`EasyUIDemo` 文件可能是包含实际演示的 HTML 和 JavaScript 代码,可以运行...
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本系列的多个Demo将深入展示jQuery如何实现各种常见和复杂的效果,帮助开发者快速掌握jQuery的核心技能。** 1. **DOM操作**: - `$(selector)`:jQuery的选择器用于选取HTML元素,例如`$("#myID")`选择ID为"myID...
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