package com.doll.decodegif;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.UiApplication;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.XYRect;
import net.rim.device.api.system.GIFEncodedImage;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.Graphics;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.component.BitmapField;
//A field that displays an animated GIF.
public class AnimatedGIFField extends BitmapField
private GIFEncodedImage _image; //The image to draw.
private int _currentFrame; //The current frame in the animation sequence.
private int _width; //The width of the image (background frame).
private int _height; //The height of the image (background frame).
private AnimatorThread _animatorThread;
public AnimatedGIFField(GIFEncodedImage image)
this(image, 0);
public AnimatedGIFField(GIFEncodedImage image, long style)
//Call super to setup the field with the specified style.
//The image is passed in as well for the field to configure its required size.
super(image.getBitmap(), style);
//Store the image and it's dimensions.
_image = image;
_width = image.getWidth();
_height = image.getHeight();
//Start the animation thread.
_animatorThread = new AnimatorThread(this);
protected void paint(Graphics graphics)
//Call super.paint. This will draw the first background frame and handle any required focus drawing.
//Don't redraw the background if this is the first frame.
if (true)
//Draw the animation frame.
graphics.drawImage(_image.getFrameLeft(_currentFrame), _image.getFrameTop(_currentFrame),
_image.getFrameWidth(_currentFrame), _image.getFrameHeight(_currentFrame), _image, _currentFrame, 0, 0);
//Stop the animation thread when the screen the field is on is
//popped off of the display stack.
protected void onUndisplay()
//A thread to handle the animation.
private class AnimatorThread extends Thread
private AnimatedGIFField _theField;
private boolean _keepGoing = true;
private int _totalFrames; //The total number of frames in the image.
private int _loopCount; //The number of times the animation has looped (completed).
private int _totalLoops; //The number of times the animation should loop (set in the image).
public AnimatorThread(AnimatedGIFField theField)
_theField = theField;
_totalFrames = _image.getFrameCount();
_totalLoops = _image.getIterations();
public synchronized void stop()
_keepGoing = false;
public void run()
//Invalidate the field so that it is redrawn.
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeAndWait(new Runnable()
public void run()
//Sleep for the current frame delay before the next frame is drawn.
sleep(_image.getFrameDelay(_currentFrame) * 10);
catch (InterruptedException iex)
{} //Couldn't sleep.
//Increment the frame.
if (_currentFrame == _totalFrames)
//Reset back to frame 0 if we have reached the end.
_currentFrame = 0;
//Check if the animation should continue.
if (_loopCount == _totalLoops)
_keepGoing = false;
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