需要dwr loader
引入js 类
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" src="${base}ext/ext-all.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript"
* @class Ext.ux.DWRTreeLoader
* @extends Ext.tree.TreeLoader
* @author Carina Stumpf
* DWRTreeloader loads tree nodes by calling a DWR service.
* Version 2.1
* @constructor
* @param cfg {Object} config A config object
* @cfg dwrCall the DWR function to call when loading the nodes
Ext.ux.DWRTreeLoader = function(config) {
Ext.ux.DWRTreeLoader.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
Ext.extend(Ext.ux.DWRTreeLoader, Ext.tree.TreeLoader, {
* Load an {@link Ext.tree.TreeNode} from the DWR service.
* This function is called automatically when a node is expanded, but may be used to reload
* a node (or append new children if the {@link #clearOnLoad} option is false.)
* @param {Object} node node for which child elements should be retrieved
* @param {Function} callback function that should be called before executing the DWR call
load : function(node, callback) {
var cs, i;
if (this.clearOnLoad) {
while (node.firstChild) {
if (node.attributes.children && node.attributes.hasChildren) { // preloaded json children
cs = node.attributes.children;
for (i = 0,len = cs.length; i<len; i++) {
if (typeof callback == "function") {
} else if (this.dwrCall) {
this.requestData(node, callback);
* Performs the actual load request
* @param {Object} node node for which child elements should be retrieved
* @param {Function} callback function that should be called before executing the DWR call
requestData : function(node, callback) {
var callParams;
var success, error, rootId, dataContainsRoot;
if (this.fireEvent("beforeload", this, node, callback) !== false) {
callParams = this.getParams(node);
success = this.handleResponse.createDelegate(this, [node, callback], 1);
error = this.handleFailure.createDelegate(this, [node, callback], 1);
callParams.push({callback:success, errorHandler:error});
this.transId = true;
this.dwrCall.apply(this, callParams);
} else {
// if the load is cancelled, make sure we notify
// the node that we are done
if (typeof callback == "function") {
* Override this to add custom request parameters. Default adds the node id as first and only parameter
getParams : function(node) {
return [node.id];
* Handles a successful response.
* @param {Object} childrenData data that was sent back by the server that contains the child nodes
* @param {Object} parent parent node to which the child nodes will be appended
* @param {Function} callback callback that will be performed after appending the nodes
handleResponse : function(childrenData, parent, callback) {
this.transId = false;
this.processResponse(childrenData, parent, callback);
* Handles loading error
* @param {Object} response data that was sent back by the server that contains the child nodes
* @param {Object} parent parent node to which child nodes will be appended
* @param {Function} callback callback that will be performed after appending the nodes
handleFailure : function(response, parent, callback) {
this.transId = false;
this.fireEvent("loadexception", this, parent, response);
if (typeof callback == "function") {
callback(this, parent);
console.log(e)("DwrTreeLoader: error during tree loading. Received response: " + response);
* Process the response that was received from server
* @param {Object} childrenData data that was sent back by the server that contains the attributes for the child nodes to be created
* @param {Object} parent parent node to which child nodes will be appended
* @param {Function} callback callback that will be performed after appending the nodes
processResponse : function(childrenData, parent, callback) {
var i, n, nodeData;
try {
for (var i = 0; i<childrenData.length; i++) {
var n = this.createNode(childrenData[i]);
if (n) {
n.hasChildren = childrenData[i].hasChildren;
if (typeof callback == "function") {
callback(this, parent);
} catch(e) {
Ext.onReady(function() {
tree = new Ext.tree.TreePanel({
selModel: new Ext.tree.MultiSelectionModel(),
title: '${login_user.localName}的文件',
loader: new Ext.ux.DWRTreeLoader({
root: new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode({
text: '我的上传目录',
id: 'myroot' //you could use a constant here or whatever fits best for your application
loader: new Ext.ux.DWRTreeLoader({
public class FileManager extends EntityManager {
public List<Folder> getMyFolderById(String parentid) {
WebContext ctx = WebContextFactory.get();
User owner = (User) ctx.getSession().getAttribute(
if(owner==null)return null;
List<Folder> folders = null;
DetachedCriteria criteria = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Folder.class);
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("owner", owner.getName()));
criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("parent", parentid));
folders = hibernate.findByCriteria(criteria);
return folders;
Folder 简单代码
public class Folder implements Serializable {
private String id;
private String text;
private boolean leaf;
private Timestamp createTime;
private String parent;
private String owner;
dwr 相关配置我就不配置了,懂dwr的都明白
4. **事件处理**:当EXT组件需要从服务器获取数据或者提交数据时,`dwrproxy.js`可能会定义对应的事件监听器和处理函数,触发DWR调用。 5. **错误处理**:为了增强用户体验,`dwrproxy.js`可能还包括了错误处理代码...
4. **数据绑定**:EXTJS的数据绑定机制,如何将数据模型(Model)与视图(View)连接,以及DWR如何在后台处理数据并传递给前端。 5. **事件处理**:EXTJS的事件监听和触发机制,以及如何利用DWR事件在客户端和...
在“DWRExt Tree”中,DWR被用来实现在后台处理数据和逻辑,而Ext Tree负责在前端展示这些数据。当用户操作树形视图时(例如点击节点、添加或删除节点),Ext Tree会通过DWR发送一个JavaScript调用到服务器端。DWR...
在本例中,DWR可能被用来在后台处理数据,然后通过JSON将结果返回给EXT JS的动态树组件,这样用户就能看到实时更新的树状结构,而无需整个页面刷新。 综上所述,这个项目展示了如何利用SSH框架搭建后端服务,EXT JS...
【标题】"dwr+ext的eclipse新工程"是一个基于Eclipse开发的项目,它结合了Direct Web Remoting (DWR) 和Ext JS技术,主要用于构建富客户端Web应用程序。DWR是一种允许JavaScript与服务器端Java代码进行交互的库,而...
在 ExtJS 中,我们可以通过 DWR 获取后台数据并在 Grid 控件中展示。 - **基本步骤**: 1. 在服务器端创建一个可被 DWR 访问的 Java 对象。 2. 在客户端使用 ExtJS 创建 Grid 控件,并设置其数据源为 DWR 服务。 ...
ExtJS Tree + JSON + Struts2 示例源代码是结合了三种技术来实现一个动态的、交互式的树形数据展示的应用。这个示例中,ExtJS用于前端UI的构建,JSON作为数据交换格式,而Struts2则作为后端MVC框架处理请求和返回...
例如,当用户展开树的一个节点时,DWRTreeLoader会自动调用DWR服务获取子节点数据,然后通过DWRProxy将结果返回给客户端,更新树的显示。 总结,ExtJS的DWRProxy和DWRTreeLoader提供了一种强大且高效的方式来利用...
在EXT JS这个强大的JavaScript框架中,Store是一个至关重要的组件,它负责管理数据,与服务器进行交互,并为Grid、Tree等视图提供数据源。本文将深入探讨EXT中Store的应用及其重要性。 首先,Store是EXT JS中数据层...
##### 2.1 在Grid中使用DWR获取后台数据 在ExtJS的Grid控件中,可以利用DWR技术直接从服务器获取数据并填充网格。这涉及到创建一个DWR代理,该代理暴露Java方法供JavaScript调用,然后使用这些方法加载Grid的数据源...
在DWR的帮助下,这个过程变得非常简单且高效,因为DWR能直接调用服务器端的方法来获取数据。 **5. 使用示例** 在实际开发中,假设你有一个服务器端的方法`getTreeData()`,返回一个包含树形结构的JSON对象。你可以...
Extjs的`JsonReader`会解析这个响应,将数据绑定到Grid、Tree或其他组件中。 例如,在给出的部分内容中,我们可以看到一个使用`Ext.data.GroupingStore`的例子,它通过`HttpProxy`与服务器进行通信,配置了`url`...
3. **DWR (Direct Web Remoting)**:这是一个Java框架,使得JavaScript可以直接调用Java方法,从而在客户端和服务器之间进行实时数据交换。在菜单树中,DWR可能被用来在用户选择特定菜单项时,执行服务器端的操作,...