In a typical Spring MVC application, @Controller
classes are responsible for preparing a model map with data and selecting a view to be rendered. This model map allows for the complete abstraction of the view technology and, in the case of Thymeleaf, it is transformed into a VariablesMap
object (part of the Thymeleaf template execution context) that makes all the defined variables available to expressions executed in templates.
Spring model attributes
Spring MVC calls the pieces of data that can be accessed during the execution of views model attributes. The equivalent term in Thymeleaf language is context variables.
There are several ways of adding model attributes to a view in Spring MVC. Below you will find some common cases:
Add attribute to Model
via its addAttribute
@RequestMapping(value = "message", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String messages(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("messages", messageRepository.findAll());
return "message/list";
Return ModelAndView
with model attributes included:
@RequestMapping(value = "message", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView messages() {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("message/list");
mav.addObject("messages", messageRepository.findAll());
return mav;
Expose common attributes via methods annotated with @ModelAttribute
public List<Message> messages() {
return messageRepository.findAll();
As you may have noticed, in all the above cases the messages
attribute is added to the model and it will be available in Thymeleaf views.
In Thymeleaf, these model attributes (or context variables in Thymeleaf jargon) can be accessed with the following syntax: ${attributeName}
, whereattributeName
in our case is messages
. This is a Spring EL expression. In short, Spring EL (Spring Expression Language) is a language that supports querying and manipulating an object graph at runtime.
You can access model attributes in views with Thymeleaf as follows:
<tr th:each="message : ${messages}">
<td th:text="${}">1</td>
<td><a href="#" th:text="${message.title}">Title ...</a></td>
<td th:text="${message.text}">Text ...</td>
Request parameters
Request parameters can be easily accessed in Thymeleaf views. Request parameters are passed from the client to server like:!
Let’s assume we have a @Controller
that sends a redirect with a request parameter:
public class SomeController {
public String redirect() {
return "redirect:/query?q=Thymeleaf Is Great!";
In order to access the q
parameter you can use the param.
<p th:text="${param.q[0]}" th:unless="${param.q == null}">Test</p>
Two things are important to notice in the above example:
${param.q != null}
checks if the parameterq
is set - Parameters are always string arrays, as they can be multivalued (e.g.!&q=Really%3F
Another way to access request parameters is by using the special object #httpServletRequest
that gives you direct access to thejavax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
<p th:text="${#httpServletRequest.getParameter('q')}" th:unless="${#httpServletRequest.getParameter('q') == null}">Test</p>
Session attributes
In the below example we add mySessionAttribute
to session:
String index(HttpSession session) {
session.setAttribute("mySessionAttribute", "someValue");
return "index";
Similarly to the request parameters, session attributes can be access by using the session.
<div th:text="${session.mySessionAttribute}">[...]</div>
Or by using #httpSession
, that gives you direct access to the javax.servlet.http.HttpSession
ServletContext attributes
The ServletContext attributes are shared between requests and sessions. In order to access ServletContext attributes in Thymeleaf you can use theapplication.
<td>My context attribute</td>
<!-- Retrieves the ServletContext attribute 'myContextAttribute' -->
<td th:text="${application.myContextAttribute}">42</td>
<td>Number of attributes</td>
<!-- Returns the number of attributes -->
<td th:text="${application.size()}">42</td>
<tr th:each="attr : ${application.keySet()}">
<td th:text="${attr}">javax.servlet.context.tempdir</td>
<td th:text="${application.get(attr)}">/tmp</td>
Spring beans
Thymeleaf allows accessing beans registered at the Spring Application Context with the @beanName
syntax, for example:
<div th:text="${@urlService.getApplicationUrl()}">...</div>
In the above example, @urlService
refers to a Spring Bean registered at your context, e.g.
public class MyConfiguration {
@Bean(name = "urlService")
public UrlService urlService() {
return new FixedUrlService("; // some implementation
public interface UrlService {
String getApplicationUrl();
This is fairly easy and useful in some scenarios.
thymeleaf,我个人认为是个比较好的模板,性能也比一般的,比如freemaker的要高,而且把将美工和程序员能够结合起来,美工能够在浏览器中查看静态效果,程序员可以在应用服务器查看带数据的效果。 thymeleaf是一个...
这是一个基于Spring MVC、Spring Data、Thymeleaf和MySQL数据库构建的简单Web应用程序工程。这个项目的核心在于利用这些技术栈来实现数据的CRUD(创建、读取、更新和删除)操作,并通过Web界面进行交互。 **Spring ...
model.addAttribute("message", "Hello, Spring MVC and Thymeleaf!"); return "hello"; } } ``` 这里的`hello`方法将处理所有`/hello`路径的GET请求,将消息添加到Model中,然后返回视图名称。Thymeleaf会寻找...
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Spring MVC、Spring Security、Thymeleaf 和 Bootstrap 是构建现代Web应用程序的重要技术栈。下面将分别详细介绍这些技术及其在后台管理中的应用。 1. Spring MVC: Spring MVC是Spring框架的一个模块,专门用于...
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Maven坐标:org.thymeleaf:thymeleaf-spring5:3.0.14.RELEASE; 标签:thymeleaf、spring5、jar包、java、中英对照文档; 使用方法:解压翻译后的API文档,用浏览器打开“index.html”文件,即可纵览文档内容。 人性...
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在实际开发中,Spring MVC常常与Spring Data JPA或MyBatis等持久层框架结合使用,以方便数据库操作。此外,Spring MVC还能够与其他Spring模块(如Spring Security、Spring WebSocket等)无缝集成,提供完整的解决...
在本项目实战中,我们将深入探讨Spring Boot与Thymeleaf的集成应用,这是一个流行的Java Web开发框架组合,用于快速构建高效、现代化的Web应用程序。Spring Boot简化了Spring的配置,而Thymeleaf则是一个功能强大的...
标题“Spring+Thymeleaf小示例”指的是一个关于如何在Java web开发中整合Spring框架与Thymeleaf模板引擎的教程或项目实例。在这个示例中,开发者可能将学习如何利用这两者来创建动态网页应用。Thymeleaf是一种现代的...
thymeleaf-3.0.5中文文档,清晰无广告,官方中文翻译 1.Thymeleaf简介 2.示例项⽬:Good Thymes Virtual Grocery 3.使⽤⽂本 4.标准表达式语法 5.设置属性值 6.循环迭代 7.条件判断 8.模板布局 9.局部变量 10.属性...
在本示例中,`mvn tomcat:run`命令是使用Maven插件启动一个内嵌的Tomcat服务器,这样我们就可以直接在本地运行和测试Spring MVC与Thymeleaf集成的应用。 在"SpringThymeleafExample-master"这个压缩包中,我们可以...
标题 "Spring3+ThymeLeaf" 指的是在Spring框架的第三个主要版本(Spring 3)中结合Thymeleaf模板引擎来处理视图层的项目开发。Thymeleaf是一个现代、类型安全的模板引擎,常用于构建Web应用程序的前端。在描述中提到...
Spring Boot的核心理念是“约定优于配置”,它集成了大量的常用库,如Spring MVC、Data JPA等,使得开发者可以快速构建可运行的独立应用。在"SpringBoot+SpringSecurity+thymeleaf基础代码"项目中,我们可以看到这三...
这个项目作为一个基础教程,可以帮助初学者了解如何将 Spring Boot、Spring MVC 和 Thymeleaf 结合起来构建 Web 应用。然而,对于实际生产环境,通常需要一个真正的数据库来存储和管理数据,并实现完整的 CRUD 功能...