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1)  从程序设计语言的理论上:局部内部类(即:定义在方法中的内部类),由于本身就是在方法内部(可出现在形式参数定义处或者方法体处),因而访问方法中的局部变量(形式参数或局部变量)是天经地义的.是很自然的

2)  为什么JAVA中要加上一条限制:只能访问final型的局部变量?

3)  JAVA语言的编译程序的设计者当然全实现:局部内部类能访问方法中的所有的局部变量(因为:从理论上这是很自然的要求),但是:编译技术是无法实现的或代价极高.

4)  困难在何处?到底难在哪儿?

5)  设方法f被调用,从而在它的调用栈中生成了变量i,此时产生了一个局部内部类对象inner_object,它访问了该局部变量i .当方法f()运行结束后,局部变量i就已死亡了,不存在了.但:局部内部类对象inner_object还可能   一直存在(只能没有人再引用该对象时,它才会死亡),它不会随着方法f()运行结束死亡.这时:出现了一个"荒唐"结果:局部内部类对象inner_object要访问一个已不存在的局部变量i!

6)  如何才能实现?当变量是final时,通过将final局部变量"复制"一份,复制品直接作为局部内部中的数据成员.这样:当局部内部类访问局部变量时,其实真正访问的是这个局部变量的"复制品"(即:这个复制品就代表了那个局部变量).因此:当运行栈中的真正的局部变量死亡时,局部内部类对象仍可以访问局部变量(其实访问的是"复制品"),给人的感觉:好像是局部变量的"生命期"延长了.



一句话:这个规定是一种无可奈何.也说明:程序设计语言的设计是受到实现技术的限制的.这就是一例. 因为:我就看到不少人都持这种观点:设计与想法是最重要的,实现的技术是无关紧要的,只要你作出设计与规定,都能实现.

public static void test(final String s){
     //或final String s = "axman";
  ABSClass c = new ABSClass(){
   public void m(){
      int x = s.hashCode();




  public static void test(final String s){
     //或final String s = "axman";

  class OuterClass$1 extends ABSClass{

   private final String s;
   public OuterClass$1(String s){
      this.s = s;  
   public void m(){
      int x = s.hashCode();
  ABSClass c = new OuterClass$1(s);

public static void test(String s){
     //或String s = "axman";
  ABSClass c = new ABSClass(){
   public void m(){
     s = "other";
  public static void test(String s){
     //或String s = "axman";
  class OuterClass$1 extends ABSClass{

   private String s;
   public OuterClass$1(String s){
      this.s = s;  
   public void m(){
     s = "other";


   ABSClass c = new OuterClass$1 (s);

  public static void test(String s){
     //或String s = "axman";
  ABSClass c = new ABSClass(){
   public void m(){
     s = "other";


Local classes can most definitely reference instance variables. The reason they cannot reference non final local variables is because the local class instance can remain in memory after the method returns. When the method returns the local variables go out of scope, so a copy of them is needed. If the variables weren’t final then the copy of the variable in the method could change, while the copy in the local class didn’t, so they’d be out of synch.

Anonymous inner classes require final variables because of the way they are implemented in Java. An anonymous inner class (AIC) uses local variables by creating a private instance field which holds a copy of the value of the local variable. The inner class isn’t actually using the local variable, but a copy. It should be fairly obvious at this point that a “Bad Thing”™ can happen if either the original value or the copied value changes; there will be some unexpected data synchronization problems. In order to prevent this kind of problem, Java requires you to mark local variables that will be used by the AIC as final (i.e., unchangeable). This guarantees that the inner class’ copies of local variables will always match the actual values.


Why inner classes can access only local final variables?

Local Inner Classes and Anonymous Inner Classes can access the local final variables of the block of code they have been defined into. This block of code is typically a method.

The reason why the access has been restricted only to the local final variables is that if all the local variables would be made accessible then they would first required to be copied to a separate section where inner classes can have access to them and maintaining multiple copies of mutable local variables may lead to inconsistent data. Whereas final variables are immutable and hence any number of copies to them will not have any impact on the consistency of data.

Note: All the inner classes will continue to have access to all the members of the enclosing class. No inner class instance can exist without the corresponding enclosing class instance.




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