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the letter from CNN

May 6, 2008

Dear Mr. Hai,

As you may know, Jack Cafferty recently gave an interview to Bill Press, a nationally syndicated political commentator in the United States. During that interview he was asked about his recent remarks that have been the subject of controversy in China and the United States. Mr. Cafferty responded :”And the one thing I regret was that some Chinese citizens in China and Chinese-Americans in this country felt like maybe I was insulting them. And that was never my intention. And I am sorry for that…”

I hope this clarifies matters for you.


David C. Vigilante

Vice President-Legal
1 楼 judytang 2008-06-04  
很多时候不是一句SORRY就能挽回的,有头脑的人说出的话是会负责任的,所以说的时候也会特别慎重 。。。


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