- 浏览: 2117359 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 杭州
private static final Log log = ...
log4j Category.callAppenders Block -
博主好: http://www.java.net/down ...
jdk debug -
大神,请接收我的膜拜吧,纠结了两天的问题,就这么让你给解决了 ...
java.lang.reflect.MalformedParameterizedTypeException -
java.lang.reflect.MalformedParameterizedTypeException -
jvmstat hsperfdata java.io.tmpdir
上一篇讲javaone 2012,这次找了下2011的资料。
javaone 2011的content catalog 都说在 https://oracleus.wingateweb.com/scheduler/eventcatalog/eventCatalogJavaOne.do
javaone2011 的资料汇总在 http://www.parleys.com/#st=4&id=102979
javaone2011 基本内容目录见 http://marxsoftware.blogspot.com/2011/07/javaone-2011-content-catalog-is.html (为防止以后丢失,故保留一份)
The JavaOne 2011 Content Catalog is now available. Currently, the catalog indicates that there are 434 sessions. I will likely focus on some of the abstracts that interest me most in future posts, but here is a short list of titles that look interesting to me. A couple of notes are in order. First, this is only a subset of the titles and abstracts that are appealing. Second, I don't list the JavaFX presentations because the search in the catalog for "JavaFX" returns 60 matching sessions.
Core Java
- Do You Really Get Class Loaders? (19220)
- Do You Really Get Memory? (19200)
- From Java Code to Java Heap: Understanding the Memory Usage of Your Application (24001)
- JVM Bytecode for Dummies (and the Rest of Us Too) (25124)
JVM Languages Other than Java
- DSLs with Groovy (24143)
- Pro Groovy (24341)
- Extending Java's Reach with Groovy: Seven Scenarios (21080)
- JVM Language Mashup Using NetBeans RCP (23923)
- Polyglot Persistence in the Cloud with Grails and Java EE (24280)
- Real-World JRuby (23600)
- Rocking the Gradle (21881)
- The Not-Java That's Not Scala: Alternatives for Java EE Development (25182)
- The Scala Language Tour (17300)
- Using Griffon to Build Groovy-Based, GUI-Based Desktop Applications Like a Wizard (25212)
- What Functional Purists Don't Want You to Know About Scala (23702)
- What's New in Groovy 1.8 (23940)
Java EE
- Beginning Java EE 6 (23421)
- Rethinking Best Practices with Java EE 6 (21622)
- Java EE 6: The Cool Parts (21641)
- Refactoring Java EE 5 Code to Take Advantage of Java EE 6 Features (25293)
- Enterprise JavaBeans Technology 3.2 (23180)
- Apache TomEE Java EE 6 Web Profile (23680)
- Is Java EE Relevant to the Cloud? (23941)
- (The Art of ) (Java) Benchmarking (21682)
- Are Your Garbage Collection Logs Speaking to You? (24466)
- Coroutines for HotSpot (24321)
- Diagnosing Performance Issues in Cloud-Based Java Applications (25006)
- Java Unleashed "2": More JVM Tuning from the Pros (23828)
- The Essence of Caching (24241)
- Troubleshooting Slow or Hung Java Applications (18246)
Serialization and Persistence
- Cloud-Enabled Java Persistence (24445)
- Best Practices for XML/Schema Data Binding with JAXB (25364)
- Java Persistence API 2.1: What's New and What's Coming (24981)
- Java API for JSON (24742)
- Serialization: Tips, Traps, and Techniques (24606)
- JAX-RS 2.0: What's in JSR 339? (22800)
- REST and Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State with Standard Java APIs (24609)
- RESTing Hard: Enterprise-Strength REST for Java (22320)
- Test-Driven Development of RESTful Web Services with the Jersey Test Framework (25180)
- What's New in Jersey? Production-Ready RESTful Framework That Implements JAX-RS (24607)
- Writing REST Applications with RestSimple (25663)
- Developing RESTful Automated Clients with JAX-RS 2.0 (24568)
- HTML5 and Java: The Facts and the Myths (24821)
- HTML5 with Java Now: A Pragmatic Review of Java's Current Support for HTML5 (24181)
Teaching Java
- Teaching Java by Using Alice (24625)
- Teaching Java with Scratch and Greenfoot (24633)
groovy shell 安全
2017-01-18 11:29 1223groovy 可以动态执行代码,但是我们也想他在一定的沙箱中 ... -
eclipse 插件
2016-11-17 12:00 650eclipse remote editor https: ... -
java method signature
2013-08-12 21:07 2733case 'B': _type = T_BYT ... -
2013-06-18 19:32 4372同事说idea的一个比较亮的功能是可以手动去GC,然后机器 ... -
2013-02-22 10:40 13641:Maven Shade Plugin(把所有jar打到一 ... -
查看JVM Flags
2013-01-09 14:22 1352-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal Jav ... -
2013-01-08 09:45 1872TProfiler https://github.com/ ... -
java ocr
2013-01-04 13:06 3067java OCR相关的资料记录 Clara OC ... -
eclipse ast
2012-12-23 22:36 1029Eclipse JDT - Abstract Syntax ... -
2012-12-23 22:24 991能够依据普通文本给出可能的正则组合 http://ww ... -
2012-12-14 23:40 1121Java 开发 2.0: Kilim 简介 h ... -
IO Design Patterns Reactor VS Proactor
2012-11-13 01:34 15231:两种高性能I/O设计模式(Reactor/Proactor ... -
2012-11-13 00:36 12371:使用 Antlr 开发领域语言 http://www.i ... -
java singalException
2012-11-12 21:39 997之前看到毕大师一封关于异常多造成的cpu us很高的分析邮件, ... -
log4j Category.callAppenders Block
2012-11-06 17:01 10200经常在高并发下就遇到log4j用错引起的线程block住的问题 ... -
Troubleshooting JDK
2012-10-26 14:13 1547收集整理下JDK自带的关于 Troubleshooting 的 ... -
JavaOne 2012 Content Catalog
2012-10-13 16:07 1324转载自:http://marxsoftware.blogspo ... -
Memory usage of Java
2012-10-01 17:30 1232用JDK自带的api计算size,每次都会有个多余的12,看了 ... -
GC roots
2012-10-01 17:07 18661:GC roots http://www.yourkit. ... -
Shallow and retained sizes
2012-10-01 16:50 9891:Shallow and retained sizes h ...
根据给定的信息,我们可以提取并总结出以下关于JavaOne 2008的关键知识点: ### JavaOne 2008概述 JavaOne 2008是Sun Microsystems举办的一年一度的技术大会,主要聚焦于Java技术及其应用。该会议通常在旧金山的...
### JavaOne介绍jme的PDF知识点详述 #### 标题与描述概述 根据所提供的标题“JavaOne介绍jme的pdf”以及描述“Creating Games on the Java™ Platform with the jMonkeyEngine”,我们可以了解到该文档主要介绍了...
### METRO ON JAVAONE 2009:深入解析安全使用场景 在2009年的JavaOne大会上,Sun Microsystems的两位专家Harold Carr(Metro架构师)与Jiandong Guo(Metro安全架构师)针对Metro Web Services的安全使用场景进行...
【标题】"Sun2008JavaOne" 指的是2008年由Sun Microsystems主办的全球知名Java开发者大会——JavaOne。这是一场汇聚了全球Java开发者、技术专家和行业领袖的重要盛会,旨在分享Java技术的最新进展、创新应用以及未来...
### SCEA JavaOne认证详解 #### 标题解析:“SCEA JavaOne” - **SCEA**:Sun Certified Enterprise Architect(SUN认证企业架构师),是Sun Microsystems(太阳微系统公司)推出的针对Java技术栈的企业级架构师...
JavaOne大会是由Sun Microsystems(后被Oracle公司收购)主办的一项全球性Java技术盛会,自1996年开始,每年都会吸引众多Java开发者、专家和行业领导者参与。这个压缩包文件"sun公司讲义"显然是JavaOne大会上的一份...
JavaOne 2011 ,Java Mobile,Java ME Platform Evolution,Java Embedded
JavaOne2010_Where Does All the Native Memory Go
【Oracle收购SUN之后的JavaOne大会】 Oracle收购SUN公司之后的首次JavaOne大会具有重大的行业影响,尤其在Java社区中引发了广泛的关注。这次大会揭示了Oracle对Java技术的未来规划和战略方向。Oracle的CEO埃里克森...
JavaOne2009大会是Java开发者的一次盛会,该会议重点关注了Services、SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture,面向服务架构)以及Middleware Services(中间件服务)等关键领域。这些主题涵盖了现代企业级应用开发的...
JavaOne2009大会是Java开发者的一次盛会,聚集了全球顶尖的Java技术专家和开发者,探讨最新的Java技术和行业趋势。本次大会的重点之一是"Services SOA Platform and Middleware Services",即服务导向架构(SOA)、...
JavaOne2009大会是Java开发者的一次盛会,核心主题聚焦在Java EE(Java Platform, Enterprise Edition)技术上。这次大会的资料涵盖了Java EE的多个关键领域,包括全文搜索、Bean验证、Java持久化API(JPA)、Java...
Cool things you can do with Groovy 博文链接:https://agile-boy.iteye.com/blog/80399