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java文档注释 编写格式
How to Write Doc Comments for the Javadoc Tool
@author dfeixtay
@version 0.10 2010-10-04
1 注释文档的格式注释文档将用来生成HTML格式的代码报告,所以注释文档必须书写在类、域、构造函数、方法、定义之前。注释文档由两部分组成——描述、块标记。
* The doGet method of the servlet.
* This method is called when a form has its tag value method equals to get.
* @param request
* the request send by the client to the server
* @param response
* the response send by the server to the client
* @throws ServletException
* if an error occurred
* @throws IOException
* if an error occurred
public void doGet (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
doPost(request, response);
2 注释的种类
2.1 文件头注释
文件头注释以 /*开始,以*/结束,需要注明该文件创建时间,文件名,命名空间信息。
* Created on 2005-7-2
* /
2.2 类、接口注释
类、接口的注释采用 /** … */,描述部分用来书写该类的作用或者相关信息,块标记部分必须注明作者和版本。
/**Title: XXXX DRIVER 3.0
*Description: XXXX DRIVER 3.0
*Copyright: Copyright (c) 2003
* @author Java Development Group
* @version 3.0
* A class representing a window on the screen.
* For example:
* Window win = new Window(parent);
* win.show();
* @author Sami Shaio
* @version %I%, %G%
* @see java.awt.BaseWindow
* @see java.awt.Button
class Window extends BaseWindow {
2.3 构造函数注释
构造函数注释采用 /** … */,描述部分注明构造函数的作用,不一定有块标记部分。
* 默认构造函数
* 带参数构造函数,初始化模式名,名称和数据源类型
* @param schema
* Ref 模式名
* @param name
* Ref 名称
* @param type
* byVal 数据源类型
2.4 域注释
域注释可以出现在注释文档里面,也可以不出现在注释文档里面。用/** … */的域注释将会被认为是注释文档而出现在最终生成的HTML报告里面,而使用/* … */的注释会被忽略。
/* 由于triger和表用一个DMSource,所以要区分和表的迁移成功标记 */
boolean isTrigerSuccess = false;
/** 由于triger和表用一个DMSource,所以要区分和表的迁移成功标记 */
boolean isTrigerSuccess = false;
* The X-coordinate of the component.
* @see #getLocation()
int x = 1263732;
2.5 方法注释
方法注释采用 /** … */,描述部分注明方法的功能,块标记部分注明方法的参数,返回值,异常等信息。例如:
* 设置是否有外码约束
* @param conn
* Connection 与数据库的连接
2.6 定义注释
3 注释块标记
3.1 标记的顺序
* @param (classes, interfaces, methods and constructors only)
* @return (methods only)
* @exception (@throws is a synonym added in Javadoc 1.2)
* @author (classes and interfaces only, required)
* @version (classes and interfaces only, required. See footnote 1)
* @see
* @since
* @serial (or @serialField or @serialData)
* @deprecated (see How and When To Deprecate APIs)
* …
@author 按照时间先后顺序(chronological)
@param 按照参数定义顺序(declaration)
@throws 按照异常名字的字母顺序(alphabetically)
@see 按照如下顺序:
@see #field
@see #Constructor(Type, Type...)
@see #Constructor(Type id, Type id...)
@see #method(Type, Type,...)
@see #method(Type id, Type, id...)
@see Class
@see Class#field
@see Class#Constructor(Type, Type...)
@see Class#Constructor(Type id, Type id)
@see Class#method(Type, Type,...)
@see Class#method(Type id, Type id,...)
@see package.Class
@see package.Class#field
@see package.Class#Constructor(Type, Type...)
@see package.Class#Constructor(Type id, Type id)
@see package.Class#method(Type, Type,...)
@see package.Class#method(Type id, Type, id)
@see package
3.2 标记介绍
3.2.1 @param标记
* @param ch the char 用来……
* @param _image the image 用来……
* @param _num 一个数字……
* @param _image the image ByRef 用来……
3.2.2 @return标记
3.2.3 @throws 标记
3.2.4 @author标记
3.2.5 @version
3.2.6 @since
@since JDK1.2
3.2.7 @deprecated
* @deprecated As of JDK 1.1, replaced by
* setBounds
* @see #setBounds(int,int,int,int)
3.2.8 @link标记
语法:{@link package.class#member label}
4 HTML代码的使用
5 注释示例
* Graphics is the abstract base class for all graphics contexts
* which allow an application to draw onto components realized on
* various devices or onto off-screen images.
* A Graphics object encapsulates the state information needed
* for the various rendering operations that Java supports. This
* state information includes:
* (see setXORMode)
* Coordinates are infinitely thin and lie between the pixels of the
* output device.
* Operations which draw the outline of a figure operate by traversing
* along the infinitely thin path with a pixel-sized pen that hangs
* down and to the right of the anchor point on the path.
* Operations which fill a figure operate by filling the interior
* of the infinitely thin path.
* Operations which render horizontal text render the ascending
* portion of the characters entirely above the baseline coordinate.
* Some important points to consider are that drawing a figure that
* covers a given rectangle will occupy one extra row of pixels on
* the right and bottom edges compared to filling a figure that is
* bounded by that same rectangle.
* Also, drawing a horizontal line along the same y coordinate as
* the baseline of a line of text will draw the line entirely below
* the text except for any descenders.
* Both of these properties are due to the pen hanging down and to
* the right from the path that it traverses.
* All coordinates which appear as arguments to the methods of this
* Graphics object are considered relative to the translation origin
* of this Graphics object prior to the invocation of the method.
* All rendering operations modify only pixels which lie within the
* area bounded by both the current clip of the graphics context
* and the extents of the Component used to create the Graphics object.
* @author Sami Shaio
* @author Arthur van Hoff
* @version %I%, %G%
* @since 1.0
public abstract class Graphics {
* Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available
* with its northwest corner at the specified coordinate (x, y).
* This method will return immediately in all cases, even if the
* entire image has not yet been scaled, dithered and converted
* for the current output device.
* If the current output representation is not yet complete then
* the method will return false and the indicated
* {@link ImageObserver} object will be notified as the
* conversion process progresses.
* @param img the image to be drawn
* @param x the x-coordinate of the northwest corner
* of the destination rectangle in pixels
* @param y the y-coordinate of the northwest corner
* of the destination rectangle in pixels
* @param observer the image observer to be notified as more
* of the image is converted. May be
* null
* @return true if the image is completely
* loaded and was painted successfully;
* false otherwise.
* @see Image
* @see ImageObserver
* @since 1.0
public abstract boolean drawImage(Image img, int x, int y,
ImageObserver observer);
* Dispose of the system resources used by this graphics context.
* The Graphics context cannot be used after being disposed of.
* While the finalization process of the garbage collector will
* also dispose of the same system resources, due to the number
* of Graphics objects that can be created in short time frames
* it is preferable to manually free the associated resources
* using this method rather than to rely on a finalization
* process which may not happen for a long period of time.
* Graphics objects which are provided as arguments to the paint
* and update methods of Components are automatically disposed
* by the system when those methods return. Programmers should,
* for efficiency, call the dispose method when finished using
* a Graphics object only if it was created directly from a
* Component or another Graphics object.
* @see #create(int, int, int, int)
* @see #finalize()
* @see Component#getGraphics()
* @see Component#paint(Graphics)
* @see Component#update(Graphics)
* @since 1.0
public abstract void dispose();
* Disposes of this graphics context once it is no longer
* referenced.
* @see #dispose()
* @since 1.0
public void finalize() {
javadoc MyClass.java
其中MyClass.java是用户创建的类的名称.或者,若想要为几个Java文件创建注释,则用javadoc *.javajavadoc
### Java文档注释要求详解 #### 一、引言 在软件开发领域,编写高质量的代码不仅是技术实力的体现,更是职业素养的重要标志之一。其中,文档注释(JavaDoc Comments)作为源代码的一部分,对于提升项目的可维护性...
### myEclipse/Eclipse 设置 Java 文档注释详解 #### 一、引言 在进行软件开发的过程中,良好的代码注释习惯对于提升代码可读性和维护性至关重要。特别是在团队协作中,规范化的文档注释能够帮助团队成员更快地理解...
本文将深入探讨Java文档注释的重要性和使用方法,以及如何通过命令行工具生成Java文档。 Java注释有三种基本类型:单行注释(//)、多行注释(/*...*/)和文档注释(/**...*/)。其中,文档注释是Java特有的,主要...
本文将深入探讨Java文档注释的概念、语法以及如何使用它来提高代码的可读性和维护性。 一、Java文档注释的作用 1. 提供自动生成API文档:Java的Javadoc工具可以读取源代码中的文档注释,生成HTML格式的文档,方便...
本篇全解文档深入探讨了Java注释的各种类型及其在不同框架中的应用,如Hibernate、Spring以及SSH(Struts、Spring、Hibernate)框架。 首先,Java注释分为三种主要类型:单行注释、多行注释和Javadoc注释。单行注释...
- **类与接口声明**:包括文档注释、类或接口的声明本身、实现注释、成员变量、构造函数以及方法的声明和实现。 #### 三、注释规范 - **文档注释**:用于生成API文档,通常采用Javadoc格式,位于类或方法声明之前...
3. **文档注释(/\*\*...\*/)**:用于生成API文档。 #### 二、注释的重要性 良好的注释习惯能够帮助团队成员更好地理解代码逻辑,便于后续的代码维护和重构。此外,对于个人而言,良好的注释习惯也有助于自身能力...
java 注释规范是 Java 开发过程中不可或缺的一部分,它的目的是让项目中所有的文档都看起来像一个人写的,增加可读性,减少项目组中因为换人而带来的损失。java 注释规范可以分为三种:单行注释、多行注释和分块注释...
Java 文档注释 Java 支持三种注释方式。前两种分别是 // 和 /* */,第三种被称作说明注释,它以 /** 开始,以 */结束。 说明注释允许你在程序中嵌入关于程序的信息。你可以使用 javadoc 工具软件来生成信息,并输出...
* 这是Java文档注释 */ ``` #### Properties 文件注释 Properties文件用于存储配置信息,通常使用键值对的形式。在Properties文件中,可以使用`#`符号来进行注释: ```properties # 这是Properties文件注释 ```...
3. Javadoc注释:以`/**`开始,`*/`结束,主要用于生成API文档,格式严谨,结构清晰: ```java /** * 这是一个Javadoc注释,用于描述类、方法或变量的功能和使用方式。 * @param 参数名 参数描述 * @return ...
3. 文档注释:使用 / 和 */囲み的注释,用于生成 javadoc 文档。 注释规范: 1. 注释要简单明了,避免晦涩难懂的语言。 2. 边写代码边注释,修改代码同时修改相应的注释,以保证注释与代码的一致性。 3. 在必要的...
在Java中,我们常常会见到如Javadoc样式注释,它为API文档提供详细说明。Eclipse IDE允许用户自定义这些模板,例如,你可以创建一个模板用于类注释,其中自动插入创建日期、作者信息等。 接下来,我们讨论代码格式...
Java 语言中有三种类型的注释:单行注释、多行注释和 Java 文档注释。单行注释以 // 开头,多行注释以 /* 和 */括起来,Java 文档注释以 / 和 */括起来,用于生成类和接口的 HTML 格式的帮助文档。 Java 语言中有八...
- **格式**:`/** 文档注释内容 */` - **应用场景**: - 为类、方法、字段等提供详细说明。 - 自动生成API文档。 **示例**: ```java /** * 这是一个示例类,用于演示Javadoc注释。 * * @author 张三 * @...