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冲突导致散列性能降低。不存在冲突的散列表叫做完美散列(perfect hash)。整词散列不适合分词的最长匹配查找方式。

数字搜索树采用了逐字散列的方法,可以看成是一种逐字的完美散列。一个数字搜索Trie树(retrieve树)的一个节点只保留一个字符。如果一个单词比一个字符长,则包含第一个字符的节点有指针指向下一个字符的节点,以此类推。这样组成一个层次结构的树,树的第一层包括所有单词的第一个字符,树的第二层包括所有单词的第二个字符,以此类推,数字搜索树的最大高度是词典中最长单词的长度。例如,如下单词序列组成的词典(as  at  be  by  he  in  is  it  of  on  or  to)会生成如图4-4所示的数字搜索树:


这是一个Trie结构的例子: Trie example.svg


增加单词到搜索树,方法原型是:addWord(String word)。
从文本的指定位置开始匹配单词,方法原型是:matchLong(String text,int offset)。



可以使用数字搜索树算法快速查找电话号码前缀。例如:0 3 7 1 这个区号有四个节点对应,也就是说有4个TrieNode对象。第一个对象中的splitChar属性是0;第二个对象中的splitChar属性是3;第三个对象中的splitChar属性是7;第四个对象中的splitChar属性是1。每个TrieNode对象有10个孩子节点,分别对应孩子节点的splitChar为0到9。
public static final class TrieNode {  
            protected TrieNode[] children; //孩子节点  
            protected char splitChar;   //分隔字符  
            protected String area;   //电话所属地区信息  
             * 构造方法  
             * @param splitchar分隔字符  
            protected TrieNode(char splitchar) {  
                children = new TrieNode[10];  
                area = null;  
                this.splitChar = splitchar;  


    private void addWord(String string, TSTNode root, String area) {  
            TSTNode tstNode = root;  
            for (int i = 1; i < string.length(); i++) {  
                char c0 = string.charAt(i);  
                int ind = Integer.parseInt(string.substring(i, i + 1));  
                TSTNode tmpNode = tstNode.children[ind];  
                if (null == tmpNode) {  
                    tmpNode = new TSTNode(c0);  
                if (i == string.length() - 1) {  
                    tmpNode.area = area;  
                tstNode.children[ind] = tmpNode;  
                tstNode = tmpNode;  

public String search(String tel) {  
        TrieNode tstNode = root;  
        for (int i = 1; i < tel.length(); i++) 
                tstNodetstNode = tstNode.children[(tel.charAt(i)-'0')];  
            if (null != tstNode.area) {  
                return tstNode.area;  
        return null;//没找到  

 public class TrieNode<T> {  
        private Character splitChar;  //分隔字符  
        private T nodeValue;  //值信息  
        private Map<Character, TrieNode<T>> children =   
                                new HashMap
    <Character, TrieNode<T>>();  

Java 实现

 * Description: This program implements a trie that allows to search words. It 
 *          reads words from a file specified by the user in the command line 
 *          and constructs the dictionary. It allows user to find, print, add, 
 *          and delete words from the trie. It folds all inpput into lower-case 
 *          before storing them or looking them up. It also ignores characters 
 *          that are not letters and only stores words that are three letters
 *          long. A reference pointer is used, when finding a word, the reference 
 *          pointer will point to this word, when printing it will point to the
 *          last printed word, and when deleting it will be reset to the trie root.
 *          This class implements a dictionary tree in a structure called trie. 
 *          We use a representation called "Leftmost-Child-Right-Sibling" 
 *          representation. A node points to a list of its children and it points 
 *          to the leftmost child in the list, and each child in the list points 
 *          to the sibling to the right of it. We add one extra node at the end 
 *          of the list to implement a pointer back to the parent, using the child 
 *          pointer in that extra node. The root does not represent any letter, and 
 *          the last sibling on each list (that points to the parent) has a right 
 *          sibling pointer set to null.      
 *          There is a pointer to the current position in the trie, this position 
 *          is updated when we search a word to point to the start of the found 
 *          word, when printing it points to the starting position of last printed 
 *          word, and when deleting it resets position reference to the root. Finding 
 *          and adding work in the same way, checking first if child node match letter 
 *          if not then checking with siblings, until a match is found. Printing starts 
 *          from the starting node position of the word, it goes to the end of the sibling 
 *          list and then up to the parent node, gets its letter and continues until it 
 *          get to the root. Deleting starts also from the node starting position of the 
 *          word and continuous up the tree in the same as printing, but checking on its 
 *          way if the nodes are still useful, if not it removes reference to these nodes. 
 *          The basic structure of the trie is a node that contains a specific letter of a 
 *          word, a child pointer, a sibling pointer and a boolean vallue indicating if 
 *          this is the starting position of a word. The construction of the trie is done 
 *          by reading the input file one line at a time and using the add word method. 
 * Input:   It receives as input in the command line the name of the filename to 
 *          be used as input in constructing the trie.
 *          Later it receives input telling what operation to perform: add, delete 
 *          or find a word, or print n number of words
 * Output:  It prints out wether the operation requested by the user was succesful 
 *          or not, and the output requested by each command. 
 * Status:  This class works according to program specifications       

import java.io.*;               // For console input 

public class Trie
    public Node root;          // Trie root
    public Node current;       // Current Position Inside the Trie
    /** Array of letters that are used in comparison operations in order to 
     *  know which letter is currently being stored into the trie */
    private String[] letters = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", 
                                "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", 
                                "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"};
    /** Stores the ocurrence of each letter read into the trie, the counter 
     * stored at each index corresponds to the letter stored at the same index
     * in array letters */
    private double[] letterCount = new double[26];
    /** Stores the percentage of ocurrence of each letter in the trie, the
     * precentage stored at each  index corresponds to the letter stored at the
     * same index in array letters */
    private double[] percentageOfLetter = new double[26];
    // Total number of letters read into the trie
    private double totalLetterCount;
    // Numbers used in calculating a random number to find a random letter
    private final double max = 100.0;
    private final double min = 0.0;    
     * Declares an empty trie
    public Trie()
        Node root = new Node();

     * Build the dictionary trie reading the input from a given filename
     * @param   An array of strings with the command line arguments
     * @return  None
    public Trie(String[] commandLine) throws IOException { 
        root = new Node();              // Declare a new trie
        BufferedReader reader;          // To read from a file
        String input;                   // Store line of input
        // Check if filename was declared and if it exists
        checkIfValidFilename( commandLine );  
        // Declare in which file the input is in
        reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader ( commandLine[0] ) );    
        // Declare in which file the input is in
        //reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader ( "words" ) );    

        // Read each line of the input file
        while ( (input = reader.readLine() ) != null) {  
            // Add word to trie
        // current position in trie is the root
        current = root;
        // Calculate percentage of ocurrence of letters 
     *  Description: Node
     *               This class implement a node structure which is used as the
     *               structural components of the trie
    public class Node{
        private String letter;  // Letter hold in the node    
        boolean isAWord;        // Indicates wether this node represents starting positionof a word
        private Node next;      // Leftmost child pointer
        private Node sibling;   // Right sibling pointer
         * Creates a new node
         * @param   None
         * @return  None
        Node () {                    
            letter = null; 
            isAWord = false;
            next = sibling = null;

         * Creates a new node with given letter and boolean value
         * @param   A string for the letter hold in node
         *          A boolean value to check if this the start of a word
         * @return  None
        Node (String s) {                    
            letter = s;
            isAWord = false;
            next = sibling = null;
    // Check if the given letter is in the next level of the trie from the given node pointer
    // Returns boolean if it finds it, else returns null
    public Node findLetter(Node crtPosition, String letter) {        
        Node pointer = crtPosition;                // Initialize pointer for position refernce in trie
        // Word is not in tree if still looking for word letters and there aren't any more
        if (pointer.next == null) { 
            return null;
        else {  // There is a child from the current node
            // Check if next node contains the current letter we're looking for
            if ( pointer.next.letter.equals(letter) ) {   
                pointer = pointer.next;                 // go to next child
            else {  // Check if a sibling contains the same letter
                pointer = pointer.next;                 // go to start of node sibling list
                // Loop until a node with the same letter is found or sibling list ends  
                while ( pointer.sibling.sibling != null && !pointer.sibling.letter.equals(letter) ) {
                    pointer = pointer.sibling;
                // If no sibling with same letter is found, word isn't in trie
                if ( pointer.sibling.sibling == null ) {
                    return null;        // String is not in tree
                else {  // A sibling has the letter we're looking for, continue
                    pointer = pointer.sibling;  // One sibling has same letter
        return pointer;
     * Find a given word in the given trie 
     * @param   A string to look up in the trie
     *          The root of the trie in where to look up the word
     * @return  A pointer to the node with the starting position (letter) of the word found
     *          If word is not found, it returns a null pointer
    public Node findStr(String word) {        
        Node pointer = root;                // Initialize pointer for position refernce in trie
        String input = word;                // Word to look up
        // Start a while lopp searching the chars of the word in trie starting backwards
        while (input.length() >= 1) {
            // Get the last letter in the word
            String firstChar = input.substring( 0, 1 );
            input = input.substring( 1, input.length() );     // Update string minus last letter
            if ( !Character.isLetter(firstChar.charAt(0)) ) {    // If char is not a letter skip it
            // Word is not in tree if still looking for word letters and there aren't any more
            if (pointer.next == null) { 
                return null;
            else {  // There is a child from the current node
                // Check if next node contains the current letter we're looking for
                if ( pointer.next.letter.equals(firstChar) ) {   
                    pointer = pointer.next;                 // go to next child
                else {  // Check if a sibling contains the same letter
                    pointer = pointer.next;                 // go to start of node sibling list
                    // Loop until a node with the same letter is found or sibling list ends  
                    while ( pointer.sibling.sibling != null && !pointer.sibling.letter.equals(firstChar) ) {
                        pointer = pointer.sibling;
                    // If no sibling with same letter is found, word isn't in trie
                    if ( pointer.sibling.sibling == null ) {
                        return null;        // String is not in tree
                    else {  // A sibling has the letter we're looking for, continue
                        pointer = pointer.sibling;  // One sibling has same letter
        // All letters from word match, check if current pointer reference is start of word
        if ( pointer.isAWord == true) {    
            current = pointer;
            return pointer;     // Return pointer to start of found word
        else {  // Letters matched, but it not a word in the tree          
            return null;        // String is not in tree

     * Print n number of words starting from a given reference in the trie
     * @param   The root of the trie
     *          The current reference pointer in the trie
     *          The number of words to be printed
     * @return  A pointer reference to the last word printed
    public Node printNextWords( int n) {
        Node pointer = current;
        if (root.next == null) {    // check if Dictinary has no words
            System.out.println(" Trie is Empty");
            return root;
        // Start loop to print n number of words
        while ( n > 0) {
            // Check if we are at the end of the trie or there is no child
            if ( pointer.next == null || pointer.next == root) {
                if ( pointer.next == root) {    // We are at the end of the trie
                    System.out.println(">> End of Trie <<");              
                    pointer = root;             // Reset the position reference
                    break;                      // Stop printing words
                else {  // Pointer has no child
                    pointer = pointer.sibling;      // Goto pointer sibling
                    // If we are at the end of the list, back up to parent node next sibling
                    while ( pointer.sibling == null ) {
                        if ( pointer.next == root ) {   // We are at the end of the trie
                            break;                      // Stop printing words       
                        else {  // Back up to parent node next sibling, list in above level
                            pointer = pointer.next.sibling;
                    if ( pointer.isAWord == true) { // If pointer is start of word, prin it
                        n--;                        // Decrement words to print counter
            else {  // Child of current reference pointer is not null
                pointer = pointer.next;
                if ( pointer.isAWord == true) {     // If pointer is start of word, prin it
                    n--;                            // Decrement words to print counter
        current = pointer;
        return pointer;     // Pointer to last word printed
     * Delete a given word from given trie
     * @param   String to be found and deleted
     *          The root from the given trie
     * @return  A pointer to the next closest parent from the current nodes deleted
     *          If word to be deleted is not found, returns a null pointer
    public Node deleteWord(String lookUpWord) {
        Node pointer = findStr( lookUpWord);      // Check if word is in tree
        Node tempPointer = null;                        // Extra reference pointer
        if (pointer == null) {      // Word is not in tree
            return null;
        else {      // Word is in trie, delete it            
            if ( pointer.next != null ) {            // Word starting position has children nodes
                pointer.isAWord = false;             // No longer represents a word
                return pointer;
            else {                                  // Word starting position has no children nodes
                tempPointer = pointer;
                while (true) {  //  Loop until all parts of the word not used by others are deleted
                    do {    // Go to the parent of the sibling list node of current pointer
                        tempPointer = tempPointer.sibling;
                    }   while ( tempPointer.sibling != null );          // Goto last sibling
                    tempPointer = tempPointer.next;                     // Goto parent
                    // Check if our node is inmmediate child & has no children or siblings
                    if ( tempPointer.next == pointer && pointer.sibling.sibling == null) {       
                        tempPointer.next = null;        // Delete reference to child
                        if ( tempPointer == root) { // We have arrived to root, no more to delete
                        // if parent is not the start of a word, it needs to be deleted
                        if ( tempPointer.isAWord == false ) {
                            pointer = tempPointer;      // Point now to the parent 
                        else {  // parent is a word, can not delete anymore nodes
                    else {  // Current pointer has sibling nodes
                        // check if child is pointer first in sibling list, 
                        if ( tempPointer.next == pointer ) { 
                            // update the child to be the pointer's sibling
                            tempPointer.next = tempPointer.next.sibling;
                        tempPointer = tempPointer.next;     // Pointer is not first sibling
                        // Find node previous to our start of word node
                        while ( tempPointer.sibling != pointer ) {
                            tempPointer = tempPointer.sibling;
                        // Update reference of previous node to pointer sibling
                        tempPointer.sibling = pointer.sibling;
        return tempPointer;
     * Add a word to the trie
     * @param   The root of the trie
     *          The string to be added
     * @return  None
    public Node addWord(String input) {
        Node pointer = root;  
	// Remove characters that are not letters
	input = removeNonLetterChars(input);
        // The words in this trie have to be at least 3 characters long
        if (input.length() < 3 ) {
            return pointer;
        input = input.toLowerCase();        // Convert string to lower case
        while (input.length() >= 1) {            
            // Get the first letter of the word
            String firstChar = input.substring( 0, 1 );
            // Update string minus first letter
            input = input.substring( 1, input.length() ); 
            // If char is not a letter skip it    
            if ( !Character.isLetter(firstChar.charAt(0)) ) {    
            // Keep track of letters read into the trie
            if (pointer.next == null) {     
                // No more child nodes, We need to add a new child
                Node newChild = new Node(firstChar);
                // Set child to be new node
                pointer.next = newChild;          
                // Create the last sibling in list pointing to parent    
                Node lastSibling = new Node();    
                lastSibling.sibling = null;
                lastSibling.next = pointer;
                newChild.sibling = lastSibling;
                pointer = newChild;              // Update pointer
            else {  // There is still children nodes         
                if ( pointer.next.letter.equals(firstChar) ) { 
                    // node has same letter, go to next child
                    pointer = pointer.next;
                else {  // Child has not the same letter we're looking for
                    pointer = pointer.next;
                    // Check if there's a sibling with same letter
                    while ( pointer.sibling.sibling != null && 
                            !pointer.sibling.letter.equals( firstChar ) ) {
                        pointer = pointer.sibling;
                    // Check if we got tothe last sibling, node matching letter was not found    
                    if (pointer.sibling.sibling == null) { 
                        // Add new node at end of sibling list
                        Node newSibling = new Node(firstChar);        
                        newSibling.sibling = pointer.sibling;
                        pointer.sibling = newSibling;
                        pointer = newSibling;
                    else {  
                        //There is a node matching the letter we're looking for
                        // update pointer to this position
                        pointer = pointer.sibling;      
        if ( pointer == root ) {    // All characters in word were not a letter  
            return null;                 // No word will be added
        pointer.isAWord = true;       
        return pointer;

     * Print a word that that starts at the given pointer reference
     * @param   A node referencce pointer
     * @return  None
    public void printWord(Node pointer) {
        String word = "";       // Declaration of string to hold word to print
        do {
            word = pointer.letter + word;       // Store next character of word
            do {    // Go to the end of the sibling list
                pointer = pointer.sibling;
            }   while ( pointer.sibling != null );    
            pointer = pointer.next;             // Go to the parent of the node
        }   while (pointer.sibling != null );   // Stop when we get to the root
        System.out.println(word);               // Print word
     * Get a random letter contained inside the trie based on how often it 
     * occurs in the trie
     * @ param  None
     * @ return A string containing a letter
    public String getRandomLetter() {
        /** The method used to get arandom letter is based on the percentage of
         * how many times it was read into the trie. It gets a random number 
         * between 0.0 and 100.00, it adds the percentages of letters starting
         * from "a" to "z" until a number equal or bigger than the random 
         * number is found, then we take the letter where this occurred as the
         * random letter.
        String randomString = null;
        double temp = 0.0;
        // Get a random number between 0.0 and 100.0
        double randomNumber = Math.floor (Math.random() * ( max - min + 1) ) + min;
        // Add the ocurrence percentages of each letter starting from "a" to "z"
        for (int i = 0; i < percentageOfLetter.length; i++) {
            // Store the percentage sum
            temp = percentageOfLetter[i] + temp;
            // Stop when the sum is equal or bigger than random number
            if ( temp >= randomNumber ) {
                randomString =  letters[i];
        // Return letter where the sum isequal or bigger than random number
        return randomString;

     * Count the number of times aeach letter is read in the trie
     * @ param  A string containing the letter to be counted
     * @ return None
    public void countLetter(String letter) {
         String temp;                   // Temporary string holder
         // Compare letter to array containing alphabet letters
         for (int i = 0; i < letters.length; i++ ) {
            temp = letters[i];
            // If a match is found
            if ( temp.equals( letter ) ) {
                // Increase counter of that particular letter
                // Increase counter of total letters read
     * Calculate the percentage of ocurrance of all letters read into trie
     * @ param  None
     * @ return None
    public void calculatePercentages() {
        // Valculate the percentage of ocurrence of each letter 
        for (int i = 0; i < percentageOfLetter.length; i++) {
            // Math formula: Percentage ox X = times X occurs * 100 / total
            percentageOfLetter[i] = (letterCount[i] * 100) / totalLetterCount;
     * Checks if a file was specified by the user in the inputline to use as input to 
     * build the trie, and if it was declared, it checks it exists.
     * @param   A string array containing the arguments from the command line
     * @return  None
    public static void checkIfValidFilename( String[] commandLine) throws IOException {
        int numberOfArgs = commandLine.length;      // Number of arguments in command line
        // Check if an input file was actually declared
        if ( numberOfArgs < 1 ) {
            System.out.println( " No Input File Declared." );
            System.out.println( " Ending Program . . . \n" );
            System.exit(0);         // End program if no file was declared
        try {   // Check if the file actually exists
            BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader ( commandLine[0] ) );    
        catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println( " Input Filename Not Found" );
            System.out.println( " Ending Program . . . \n" );
            System.exit(0);         // End program if no file was declared
     * Removes the non letter characters from the received String and returns that string
     * @ param  A string
     * @ return A string with the non letter characters removed
    public String removeNonLetterChars(String word) {
    	// Temporary string will hold string with no letter chars
    	String tempWord = "";
	// Traverse the entire string
	while ( word.length() >=1 ) {
	    // Get the first letter of the word
	    String firstChar = word.substring(0, 1);
	    // Update string minus first letter
	    word = word.substring(1, word.length() );
	    //Add character to the new word only if it is a letter
	    if ( Character.isLetter( firstChar.charAt(0) ) ) {
	        tempWord = tempWord + firstChar;
	// Returned string with no letter chars
	return tempWord;
     * Check if number in a given string is really a number and bigger than zero
     * @param   A string containing a numerical value
     * @return  A boolean value, true f string is a number and bigger than zero
     *                           false otherwise
    public boolean isValidNumber(String str) {
        char[]c = str.toCharArray();    // An array of the chrarcter of the string
        // Check that every character is a number
        for ( int i = 0; i < str.length(); i ++ ) {
            if ( !Character.isDigit( c[i] ) ) {
                System.out.println(" Argument Is Not A Number");
                return false;
        int number = Integer.parseInt( str );   
        // Check if the number is bigger than zero
        if ( number < 1 ) {
            System.out.println(" Number not valid: Smaller than zero");
            return false;
        return true;

     * Print a invalid command message
     * @param   None
     * @return  None
    public void printInvalidCommand() {
        System.out.println("Not Valid Command. Please Try Again. ");








    本项目聚焦于利用Java实现的双数组Trie树,这是一种在字符串处理和搜索中广泛使用的数据结构。 Trie树,又称“前缀树”或“字典树”,是一种用于存储键值对的数据结构,特别适用于字符串。它的主要特点是能以O(1)的...


    而Trie树(也称前缀树)是一种用于高效存储和检索具有公共前缀的字符串的数据结构。 描述中的“一个简单而快速的Go库,用于将输入字符串模糊匹配到目标字符串列表”进一步强调了库的设计目标:简洁性和高性能。这...


    2. **Trie树(前缀树)**:构建一个Trie树,通过前缀匹配的方式快速判断输入字符串是否包含敏感词。Trie树适合处理大量且有公共前缀的敏感词,查找速度快且节省空间。 3. **动态规划**:可以使用动态规划算法,如...




    - **堆**:一种特殊的树形数据结构,满足最大堆或最小堆性质,常用于优先队列和堆排序。 - **哈希表**:通过哈希函数快速查找元素,提供O(1)的平均查找时间,用于构建索引和缓存。 - **树**:包括二叉树、平衡树...


    3. Trie树(字典树):Trie树是一种高效的前缀搜索数据结构,用于存储大量关键词,通过遍历树结构快速找到与输入字符匹配的关键词。 4. 缓存策略:为了提高响应速度,搜索提示系统通常会缓存近期或高频的搜索词,...


    - Trie树(也称为前缀树或字典树)是一种字符串检索数据结构,用于高效地查找具有公共前缀的字符串。 - 在Trie树中,每个节点代表一个字符串前缀,叶子节点代表完整字符串。 - 适用于关键词搜索、自动补全等功能...

    java源码:预输入搜索 Cleo.zip

    1. **Trie树**:Trie树是一种字符串查找的数据结构,每个节点代表一个前缀,通过节点间的连接表示字符串的关联。在Cleo中,Trie树用于存储关键词,当用户输入部分字符时,可以迅速找到所有匹配的完整词汇。Trie树的...


    LPM算法的基本思想是通过构建一种数据结构,如字典树(Trie)、AC自动机(Aho-Corasick Automaton)或者Patricia树,来快速查找给定字符串的最长前缀。在字典树中,每个节点代表一个字符串的前缀,而边则表示字符的...





    百度2012年实习生招聘笔试试题 -技术类

    **数据结构选择**:考虑到空间和时间效率,这里建议采用**Trie树**(前缀树)来存储字典中的所有单词。Trie树能够有效地支持快速查询以及插入操作。 2. **查询流程**: - 将字典中的每个单词插入到Trie树中。 - ...




    最长前缀匹配(Longest Prefix Match, LPM)是路由查找中的核心算法,它在IP网络中用于确定数据包应被转发到哪个下一跳,基于其目的地IP地址的最长匹配前缀。这个存储库,"LPM-Algorithms-Linux-XIA",包含了多种...


    它使用了先进的数据结构和算法,如B树和Trie树,确保了数据操作的高效性和一致性。 Go-MemDB的主要组件包括: 1. 数据表(Table):这是存储数据的基本单元,类似于传统数据库的表格。每个数据表都有自己的索引,...


    5. **性能优化**:为了提高效率,可以考虑使用多线程处理大文本,或者使用并发数据结构如ConcurrentHashMap来存储敏感词库。 6. **异常处理**:在读取文件或处理用户输入时,应添加适当的错误处理机制,以应对可能...

    libzmq-v90-4_3_2-Visual Studio 9 2008.zip

    5. `unittest_mtrie.exe`:这可能是针对M-trie数据结构的单元测试,M-trie是一种优化的前缀树,用于快速查找和匹配前缀相同的元素,例如在网络地址中。 6. `unittest_udp_address.exe`:测试UDP地址处理的单元测试...

    基于Java的实例源码-预输入搜索 Cleo.zip

    这些数据结构能够快速地查找和匹配前缀,以生成实时的搜索建议。 2. **模糊匹配**:为了提供更准确的建议,Cleo可能实现了模糊匹配算法,如Levenshtein距离或Jaccard相似度,允许用户在输入不完全准确的情况下也能...

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