org.quartz.SchedulerException: Job threw an unhandled exception. [See nested exception: org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.JobMethodInvocationFailedException: Invocation of method 'autoHistorySuperviseSubmitForwardOrAssignIssueLog' on target class [class com.tianque.job.realization.AutoSuperviseRedCardTask] failed; nested exception is
org.springframework.jdbc.UncategorizedSQLException: SqlMapClient operation; uncategorized SQLException for SQL []; SQL state [null]; error code [0];
--- The error occurred in sqlmaps/issueLogNew.xml.
--- The error occurred while applying a result map.
--- Check the issueLogNew.issueLogResult.
--- The error happened while setting a property on the result object.
--- Cause:
com.ibatis.common.beans.ProbeException: Could not set property 'timeLimit' to value 'null' for com.tianque.domain.IssueLogNew. Cause: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException; nested exception is
--- The error occurred in sqlmaps/issueLogNew.xml.
--- The error occurred while applying a result map.
--- Check the issueLogNew.issueLogResult.
--- The error happened while setting a property on the result object.
解决方案: 我的domain中timeLimit 设定为 private int timeLimit;查询的结果中timeLimit如果是null,则不能赋值给int类型的timeLime,所以把int类型改为integer即可。
oracle 错误一览表 oracle error-code
- **描述**: SQLVAR(SQL变量描述区域)中包含了不符合预期的值。 ##### 17. LOB数据类型错误 - **SQLCODE**: +23801 - **SQLSTATE**: 005 - **描述**: 在处理LOB(大对象)数据类型时出现了错误。 ##### 18. 值...
Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static Connection getconn() { if (conn==null) { try { conn=DriverManager.get...
String hql = "FROM UserInfo u LEFT JOIN FETCH u.role r WHERE r.description = :roleDesc AND IS NOT NULL"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setString("roleDesc", "role15"); List...
Byte 0: Flag – 0x00 Byte 1: Resource Type – 0x07 (Key) Byte 2-3: DBID – 0x0005 Byte 4-7: ObjectID – 0x 75D7831F (1977058079) Byte 8-9: IndexID – 0x0001 Byte 10-16: Hash Key value – 0x 02014F0...
If there is no clustered index, there is a sysindexes row for the table with an indid value of 0, and that row will keep track of the address of the first IAM for the table. The IAM is a giant bitmap...
SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, dbc, 1, state, &native, msg, sizeof(msg), NULL); sprintf(err, "Error: %s", msg); std::cerr << err << std::endl; } SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, env); return 0; } `...
Error setting null for parameter #1 with JdbcType OTHER. Try setting a different JdbcType for this parameter or a different jdbcTypeForNull configuration property. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: 无效的...
你可以通过SQL*Plus命令行工具查询`V$PARAMETER`视图获取SID: ``` sqlplus / as sysdba SELECT value FROM v$parameter WHERE name='instance_name'; ``` 下面是使用这种格式连接Oracle的Java代码示例: ```...
int get_error_code(); Cda_Def cda; connection *conn; enum cursor_state { not_opened, opened }; cursor_state state; }; ``` - **成员函数说明**: - `IsOpened`函数用于检查游标是否已打开。 - **...
Theoretically a b+tree is O(N log k N) or log base k of N, now for the typical values of k which are above 200 for example the b+tree should outperform any binary tree because it will use less ...
* TDataSetProvider generates incorrect SQL in response to a RefreshRecord request in some cases and fails to update all fields properly (Quality Central 4014). * When TDataSetProvider obtains the DB ...
SQL>select * from dictionary where instr(comments,'index')>0; 如果我们想知道user_indexes表各字段名称的详细含义,可以用下面这条SQL语句: SQL>select column_name,comments from dict_columns where ...
10. `string str = null`与`string str = ""`的区别:前者表示空引用,后者表示空字符串,长度为0。 11. 类与结构的异同:类是引用类型,结构是值类型;类支持继承和多态,结构不支持;类默认为public,结构默认为...
可以使用NULL关键字来选择那些在指定字段中值为NULL的要素和记录。通常,NULL关键字的前面总有IS或IS NOT。 29.Select by location小结 按位置查找要素的方法 使用按位置选择(Select By Location) 对话框,...
HashMap是Hashtable的轻量级实现(非线程安全的实现),他们都完成了Map接口,主要区别在于HashMap允许空(null)键值(key),由于非线程安全,效率上可能高于Hashtable。 HashMap允许将null作为一个entry的key或者...
9.6. Constants for General Date Functions 9.6.1. Using Constants 9.6.2. List of All Constants 9.6.3. Self-Defined OUTPUT Formats with ISO 9.6.4. Self-defined OUTPUT formats using PHP's date() ...
for(int i=0;i;i++){ Thread t=new Thread(inc); t.start(); t=new Thread(dec); t.start(); } } private synchronized void inc(){ j++; System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+"-inc:"+j); } ...