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Java的Integer与int互转 -
学习了 !Integer i = 100; Integer ...
Java的Integer与int互转 -
Java的Integer与int互转 -
输入年月日格式yyyyMMdd,判断是否是周末 -
你好,是这本书的英文版,名字叫<Inside the J ...
JVM学习笔记-帧数据区(Frame Data)
In addition to the local variables and operand stack, the Java stack frame includes data to support constant pool resolution, normal method return, and exception dispatch. This data is stored in the frame data portion of the Java stack frame.
Many instructions in the Java Virtual Machine’s instruction set refer to entries in the constant pool. Some instructions merely push constant values of type int, long, float, double, or String from the constant pool onto the operand stack. Some instructions use constant pool entries to refer to classes or arrays to instantiate, fields to access, or methods to invoke. Other instructions determine whether a particular object is a descendant of a particular class or interface specified by a constant pool entry.
Whenever the Java Virtual Machine encounters any of the instructions that refer to an entry in the constant pool, it uses the frame dataís pointer to the constant pool to access that information. As mentioned earlier, references to types, fields, and methods in the constant pool are initially symbolic. When the virtual machine looks up a constant pool entry that refers to a class, interface, field, or method, that reference may still be symbolic. If so, the virtual machine must resolve the reference at that time.
Aside from constant pool resolution, the frame data must assist the virtual machine in processing a normal or abrupt method completion. If a method completes normally (by returning), the virtual machine must restore the stack frame of the invoking method. It must set the pc register to point to the instruction in the invoking method that follows the instruction that invoked the completing method. If the completing method returns a value, the virtual machine must push that value onto the operand stack of the invoking method.
The frame data must also contain some kind of reference to the method’s exception table, which the virtual machine uses to process any exceptions thrown during the course of execution of the method. An exception table, which is described in detail in Chapter 17, "Exceptions," defines ranges within the bytecodes of a method that are protected by catch clauses. Each entry in an exception table gives a starting and ending position of the range protected by a catch clause, an index into the constant pool that gives the exception class being caught, and a starting position of the catch clauseís code.
When a method throws an exception, the Java Virtual Machine uses the exception table referred to by the frame data to determine how to handle the exception. If the virtual machine finds a matching catch clause in the method’s exception table, it transfers control to the beginning of that catch clause. If the virtual machine doesnít find a matching catch clause, the method completes abnormally. The virtual machine uses the information in the frame data to restore the invoking methodís frame. It then rethrows the same exception in the context of the invoking method.
In addition to data to support constant pool resolution, normal method return, and exception dispatch, the stack frame may also include other information that is implementation dependent, such as data to support debugging.
2011-12-15 15:31 0线程 Java Concurrency in Pra ... -
JVM学习笔记-本地方法调用(Invoking a Native Method)
2011-11-25 11:56 1209Invoking a Native Method ... -
JVM学习笔记-调用Java方法(Invoking a Java Method)
2011-11-25 11:35 1565Invoking a Java Method As m ... -
JVM学习笔记-分代收集器(Generational Collectors)
2011-11-23 14:41 1968Generational Collectors ... -
JVM学习笔记-拷贝收集器(Copying Collectors)
2011-11-22 16:34 1672Copying Collectors Copy ... -
JVM学习笔记-压缩收集器(Compacting Collectors)
2011-11-22 16:17 1393Compacting Collectors G ... -
JVM学习笔记-跟踪收集器(Tracing Collectors)
2011-11-22 16:04 1980Tracing Collectors Trac ... -
JVM学习笔记-引用计数收集器(Reference Counting Collectors)
2011-11-22 15:46 2562Reference Counting Collect ... -
applet notinited的解决方案
2011-11-13 14:45 4598最近项目当中正好使用到了applet,这个很少接触过的东东。 ... -
JVM学习笔记-动态连接和解析(Dynamic Linking and Resolution)
2011-11-08 11:09 3488When you compile a Java pro ... -
JVM学习笔记-属性格式(Attributes Types)
2011-11-07 12:15 1533Attributes The Java Vir ... -
2011-11-07 12:03 1570Attributes As mentioned ... -
2011-11-07 11:25 2274Methods Each method dec ... -
2011-11-07 11:17 1998Each field (class variable a ... -
JVM学习笔记-特殊字符串(Special Strings)
2011-11-05 14:33 1728Special Strings 特殊字符串 T ... -
JVM学习笔记-Class文件(Class File)
2011-11-05 14:39 1652What is a Java Class Fi ... -
JVM学习笔记-本地方法栈(Native Method Stacks)
2011-11-02 10:16 19284本地方法栈(Native Me ... -
JVM学习笔记-操作数栈(Operand Stack)
2011-10-27 11:12 14171Like the local variables, th ... -
JVM学习笔记-局部变量区(Local Variables)
2011-10-27 10:42 3113The local variables secti ... -
JVM学习笔记-栈帧(The Stack Frame)
2011-10-27 10:35 2577The stack frame has three pa ...
【标题】"nginx-upstream-jvm-route-1.15" 涉及的核心知识点是Nginx的upstream模块与JVM路由的整合,特别针对Nginx 1.15版本。这个项目旨在解决在配置Nginx时遇到的特定错误提示“nginx: [emerg] invalid parameter ...
Moonbox(月光宝盒)是一个无侵入的线上流量录制 和流量回放平台,沿用了jvm-sandbox-repeater的SPI设计,并提供了大量的常用插件,同时也提供数据统计和存储能力。通过Moonbox可以实现自动化测试、线上问题追踪、和...
赠送jar包:metrics-jvm-3.1.5.jar; 赠送原API文档:metrics-jvm-3.1.5-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:metrics-jvm-3.1.5-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:metrics-jvm-3.1.5.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...
JVM 的最大堆大小受到三个方面的限制:操作系统的数据模型限制、系统的可用虚拟内存限制和系统的可用物理内存限制。在 32 位系统下,一般限制在 1.5G~2G,而 64 位操作系统对内存无限制。 -Xmx 设置 JVM 的最大...
《JVM调优笔记》 Java虚拟机(JVM)是Java编程语言的核心组成部分,它负责执行字节码,管理内存,以及优化程序性能。JVM调优是提高Java应用程序性能的关键步骤,涉及到多个方面,包括堆内存设置、垃圾收集器选择、...
赠送jar包:metrics-jvm-3.1.5.jar; 赠送原API文档:metrics-jvm-3.1.5-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:metrics-jvm-3.1.5-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:metrics-jvm-3.1.5.pom; 包含翻译后的API文档:...
### JVM学习笔记(一) #### 一、JVM概述与工具使用 JVM(Java Virtual Machine)是Java语言的核心组成部分之一,它为Java程序提供了一个跨平台的运行环境。本篇学习笔记主要介绍如何利用一系列工具来查看和监控JVM...
"nginx-upstream-jvm-route-0.1.tar.gz"正是为了解决这个问题而设计的一个解决方案。 首先,让我们了解一下Nginx的Upstream模块。Upstream模块允许Nginx将接收到的请求转发到一组后端服务器,可以根据配置的策略...
代码如下:failed to create jvm error code -4 这一般应是内存不够用所致,解决方法参考如下。 打开 Android Studio 安装目录下的bin目录,查找并打开文件 studio.exe.vmoptions,修改代码: 代码如下:-Xmx512m 为...
项目名为"jvm-rs-main",通过这个项目,我们可以深入学习Rust语言与JVM的交互,以及如何构建一个简化版的JVM。 一、Rust语言的魅力 Rust是一种系统级编程语言,它强调安全、并发和速度。它的内存管理模型避免了空...
本篇JVM学习笔记主要关注对象声明、相关内存分配方法以及虚拟内存的物理和虚拟寻址概念。 首先,我们来看对象声明。在Java中,对象是在堆上创建的。例如,`CHeapObj` 类展示了如何在C++中模拟Java对象在堆上的分配...
nginx_upstream_jvm_route 是一个 Nginx 的扩展模块,用来实现基于 Cookie 的 Session Sticky 的功能。 安装方法(进入Nginx源码目录): #patch -p0 < /path/to/this/directory/jvm_route.patch # ./configure -...
本资料"jvm-full-gc调优-jvm-full-gc.zip"显然是针对如何减少和优化JVM的Full GC进行深入探讨的。以下将详细介绍JVM Full GC的相关知识点。 1. **理解JVM内存结构**:Java内存主要分为堆内存(Heap)和非堆内存...
官方离线安装包,测试可用。使用rpm -ivh [rpm完整包名] 进行安装
### JVM学习笔记 #### JVM内存模型 (JMM) JVM内存模型主要分为以下几个部分: - **Java堆**:这是所有线程共享的一块区域,在虚拟机启动时创建。主要用于存放对象实例,几乎所有的对象实例都在这里分配内存。 - *...
【描述】"Jvm调优练习-jvm-tuning" 暗示了这个压缩包可能包含一系列实验或教程,帮助用户通过实际操作学习如何调整JVM的配置。这可能包括设置不同的JVM参数,分析性能指标,以及理解不同参数对程序运行效率的影响。 ...
第3节: 揭秘JVM运行时数据区-02第3节: 揭秘JVM运行时数据区-02第3节: 揭秘JVM运行时数据区-02第3节: 揭秘JVM运行时数据区-02第3节: 揭秘JVM运行时数据区-02第3节: 揭秘JVM运行时数据区-02第3节: 揭秘JVM运行...