** Many people are failing to set -DNDEBUG=1 when compiling SQLite.
** Setting NDEBUG makes the code smaller and run faster. So the following
** lines are added to automatically set NDEBUG unless the -DSQLITE_DEBUG=1
** option is set. Thus NDEBUG becomes an opt-in rather than an opt-out
** feature.
// NDEBUG设置能使代码更小,且运行地更快
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
# define NDEBUG 1
** The testcase() macro is used to aid in coverage testing. When
** doing coverage testing, the condition inside the argument to
** testcase() must be evaluated both true and false in order to
** get full branch coverage. The testcase() macro is inserted
** to help ensure adequate test coverage in places where simple
** condition/decision coverage is inadequate. For example, testcase()
** can be used to make sure boundary values are tested. For
** bitmask tests, testcase() can be used to make sure each bit
** is significant and used at least once. On switch statements
** where multiple cases go to the same block of code, testcase()
** can insure that all cases are evaluated.
SQLITE_PRIVATE void sqlite3Coverage(int);
# define testcase(X) if( X ){ sqlite3Coverage(__LINE__); }
# define testcase(X)
** The TESTONLY macro is used to enclose variable declarations or
** other bits of code that are needed to support the arguments
** within testcase() and assert() macros.
// TESTONLY将变量声明或需要使用testcase()和assert()宏
#if !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(SQLITE_COVERAGE_TEST)
# define TESTONLY(X) X
# define TESTONLY(X)
** Sometimes we need a small amount of code such as a variable initialization
** to setup for a later assert() statement. We do not want this code to
** appear when assert() is disabled. The following macro is therefore
** used to contain that setup code. The "VVA" acronym stands for
** "Verification, Validation, and Accreditation". In other words, the
** code within VVA_ONLY() will only run during verification processes.
// 包括VVA_ONLY()的代码仅在验证后才运行
#ifndef NDEBUG
# define VVA_ONLY(X) X
# define VVA_ONLY(X)
** ALWAYS和NEVER宏环绕boolean表达式,分别为true或false,
** The ALWAYS and NEVER macros surround boolean expressions which
** are intended to always be true or false, respectively. Such
** expressions could be omitted from the code completely. But they
** are included in a few cases in order to enhance the resilience
** of SQLite to unexpected behavior - to make the code "self-healing"
** or "ductile" rather than being "brittle" and crashing at the first
** hint of unplanned behavior.
** ALWAYS和NEVER可被用于防御代。当做覆盖测试时,
** In other words, ALWAYS and NEVER are added for defensive code.
** When doing coverage testing ALWAYS and NEVER are hard-coded to
** be true and false so that the unreachable code then specify will
** not be counted as untested code.
# define ALWAYS(X) (1)
# define NEVER(X) (0)
#elif !defined(NDEBUG)
# define ALWAYS(X) ((X)?1:(assert(0),0))
# define NEVER(X) ((X)?(assert(0),1):0)
# define ALWAYS(X) (X)
# define NEVER(X) (X)
** The macro unlikely() is a hint that surrounds a boolean
** expression that is usually false. Macro likely() surrounds
** a boolean expression that is usually true. GCC is able to
** use these hints to generate better code, sometimes.
// 对于包围的boolean表达式,unlikely()为false,likely()为true
// GCC有时可使用这些暗示产生更好的代码。
#if defined(__GNUC__) && 0
# define likely(X) __builtin_expect((X),1)
# define unlikely(X) __builtin_expect((X),0)
# define likely(X) !!(X)
# define unlikely(X) !!(X)
本文将对Android SqliteManager的源码进行深入剖析,以揭示其核心机制。 首先,SQLiteManager主要负责创建、打开、关闭数据库,以及执行SQL语句等操作。源码中,我们可以看到SQLiteOpenHelper子类的实现,这是...
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本文将对Android SqliteManager的源码进行深度剖析,帮助开发者理解其内部机制,提升数据库管理能力。 首先,SqliteManager的核心功能是与SQLite数据库进行交互。在源码中,我们能看到它使用了`SQLiteDatabase`类...
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